Unsurprisingly, it’s because of drug companies. But Consumerist, you ask, why would drug companies try to keep the prices of drugs artificially high? And how would they do it?
Hey Walmart: 4 Dollar Drugs Are No Big Deal
Over at TomPaine.com they’re a little suspicious of Walmart’s PR darling, the $4 generic drug plan. Why?
FDA Approves Over The Counter Plan B
Consumers everywhere can now put down their Siphilum divining rods, the Food and Drug Administration gave thumbs up for a next-day pregnancy prevention pill without prescription.
Head-On Watch Continues
It’s been a busy week for HeadOn. After making the blog rounds, it was the subject of a Slate feature and it burbled up to national media, appearing on the Nightly News, MSNBC and NPR’s “Day to Day.”
UPDATE: Parexel Destroys Immune Systems, Avoids Liability
You may recall the test subjects of drug trial TGN1412 who were left seriously maimed moments after taking the experimental drug.
Redux; Head On! Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Last month we posted the commercial for Head On! – a headache relief stick that you rub on your brow. The commercial repeats “Head On! Apply Directly to the Forehead!” over and over again.
Paxil Unafraid to Demonstrate Bling in ’98 Memo
You may recall Paxil as the inspiration for several Law & Order episodes. In 2004, NY Attorney General began proceedings against Paxil makers GlaxoSmithKline after the company suppressed five internal studies between 1998 and 2002 revealing links between the drug and incidences of suicide among its users, especially children and young adults.
The News; Uniquely Toxic and Loving It
• Apparently, Florida is at a bit of a risk for grapefruit bruising. [CT] “State Farm to hike Florida rates 53%”
All The News That’s Fit To Self-Immolate
• It’s like that children’s game, would you rather have your hip disintegrate, or your jaw? [CT] “Lawyers gear up to attack Fosamax”
Spam Me a River
A new study finds that people are 280 times more likely to click on porn spam than pharma. The analysis by Ciphertrust found click through rates of 5.6% for sex site emails, versus .02% for pharmaceutical spam. In third place were ads for Rolex watches, at 0.0075%,
The News; Impotent Indignation
• The news is not that a data breach at VISA had a data breach that caused consumer’s debit cards to get stolen, it’s that they’re actually finally formally announcing it. “Visa Says ATM Breach May Have Exposed Data” [CT]