UPDATE: Intuit announced this afternoon that it’s halting all state e-filed tax returns while investigating reports of fraudulent activity. [More]

Early Adopter: Using Google Glass Is A Literal Headache
When Google first opened up the possibility of using its Glass face computers, nerds all over the world were excited about the opportunity. They signed up for the Glass Explorers program, which required them to pay $1,500 and not let anyone else even borrow the device. Almost a year later, many of those early adopters are tired of talking to their face computers. [More]

Home Remedies To Zap Headaches Away
Doctors say headaches are a sign of deeper problems. And as Arnold assures you in Kindergarten Cop, it’s (most likely) not a toomah. Stress, poor nutrition, lack of rest and anxiety can all trigger headaches. And while it’s not easy to eliminate the causes instantly, there are simple things you can do to make the pain go away that don’t involve medication. [More]

Verizon Won't Stop Billing Me For Canceled Service From Three Years Ago
In an ordeal that would tire even Odysseus, a Consumerist reader says that after three years, dozens of phone calls and pages upon pages of emails and faxes, he is still getting a bill for Verizon DSL service on an account he closed in 2007. [More]

Oregon Sues J&J For Secretly Recalling Motrin
Instead of issuing a recall, after Johnson and Johnson discovered its Motrin caplets were defective, they hired a contractor to go around the country buy up all the drugs. It was a “secret recall” that left the bad medicine on shelves for months for consumers to buy. Now the Oregon AG is suing J&J. The story broke when one of the guys hired to do the buying faxed regulators the instructions J&J gave him. [More]

Migraine? Try A Big Old Dose Of Aspirin
Our healthy friends at Consumer Reports Health have an interesting article today about a new study that shows that a single high dose of aspirin (up to 1000 mg) can work as well as a lower-dose prescription drug. [More]

Meet 'The Imaginary Refund Policy' From Hammacher Schlemmer
It turns out Hammacher Schlemmer doesn’t want their goofy products any more than you do. Tanya in Canada has been trying for a month to get a refund on a product she felt didn’t live up to its promise, but the company won’t even acknowledge whether they’ve received it. Update: Hammacher Schlemmer has responded, and issued the refund. [More]

Help Us Choose The Top 10 Shopping Gotchas!
We’re looking for the 10 most hated business practices that everyday consumers run into when they’re shopping. From a misleading door-buster ad to frustrations with gift cards, return policies, and mail-in rebates – We asked, you answered. Now it’s time to vote for the best suggestions.

WaMu/Chase Doesn't Believe Your Card Was Stolen, Despite The Fact That The Thief Was Arrested
Reader Stephen says that a NYC Taxi driver tricked him into using an ATM skimmer-like-device instead of the normal credit card machine and made off with his card and PIN. The NYPD made an arrest, but Stephen says he’s still battling with Chase/WaMu.

Wide Open West Blacks Out NFL Network Games Because It "Can't Afford Them"
These NFL Network vs. Cable shenanigans are starting to really bug us. Reader Andy writes in to let us know that Wide Open West offers the NFL Network, but is blacking out the games because it can’t afford to pay the NFL Network to run them.

Macy’s Issues Worst Coupon Ever
Reader David sends us what might be the worst coupon we’ve ever seen. Not because it’s a bad deal, ($10 bucks off regular, sale and clearance is cool; we’re not complaining) but because we broke our brain in two reading the exclusions and conditions.
Head-On Watch Continues
It’s been a busy week for HeadOn. After making the blog rounds, it was the subject of a Slate feature and it burbled up to national media, appearing on the Nightly News, MSNBC and NPR’s “Day to Day.”
Redux; Head On! Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Last month we posted the commercial for Head On! – a headache relief stick that you rub on your brow. The commercial repeats “Head On! Apply Directly to the Forehead!” over and over again.