personal finance

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Here’s our weekly roundup of the best personal finance news. Inside: 2009 work resolutions, job search tips, avoiding Ponzi schemes, achieving financial success, and unusual home threats.

Jim Cramer's Advice Slightly Worse Than A Coin Toss?

Jim Cramer's Advice Slightly Worse Than A Coin Toss?

In a not-so-shocking analysis of one of the most-watched TV investment advisers, author Eric Tyson argues that Jim Cramer’s actual stock-picking performance doesn’t match the strength of his bellowing.

KidsSave Software Helps Your Child Track Investments

KidsSave Software Helps Your Child Track Investments

KidsSave is a kid-centric application (Windows XP only, with an OS X version coming out next year) that lets your child track allowances and other types of “income” and teaches the benefits of saving.

49 Banks That Refund All ATM Fees

49 Banks That Refund All ATM Fees

Why pay people for your own money? Via FatWallet, here’s a big daddy list of all the banks that refund your ATM fees, regardless of who owns the ATM.

Easy Guide To California Unemployment Benefits

Easy Guide To California Unemployment Benefits

In California? Unemployed? The Screen Actors Guild guide to California Unemployment benefits is easier to use than CA’s hard to navigate unemployment site, and the advice is general enough to work even for non-thespians. [SAG]

AMEX Lowers Your Credit Limit If You Shop Where Deadbeats Shop

AMEX Lowers Your Credit Limit If You Shop Where Deadbeats Shop

AMEX is now cutting people’s credit limits for shopping at the wrong store.

Mint Launches iPhone App

Mint Launches iPhone App

The popular personal-finance dashboard site launched a free iPhone app. Now you can enjoy the ease and power of Mint anywhere your $99$197 Walmart phone goes. Screenshots inside…

Pump Up Your Savings With High-Yield Online Savings Accounts

Pump Up Your Savings With High-Yield Online Savings Accounts

Are you earning at least 4% in your savings account? If NO, do yourself a favor: Open a high-yield online savings account and start adding some serious muscle mass to your savings. Here’s the skinny:

New Credit Card Rules Will Force Banks To Reduce Credit Lines, Close Accounts, Supposedly

New Credit Card Rules Will Force Banks To Reduce Credit Lines, Close Accounts, Supposedly

Here’s another reason to wean yourself off of credit cards, and build up a robust emergency fund, in 2009: the credit card party is about to really dry up, says one analyst.

Top 9 Good Habits For A Deep Recession

Top 9 Good Habits For A Deep Recession

For many of us, this is the first recession where we are responsible for our own financial well-being. How should we react? What habits are important during a long, deep recession?

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Our weekly roundup of the best personal finance news. Inside: Good charity-dar, scam detection, snow-removal tactics, rebuild your 401k, and warnings about store credit-cards.

TurboTax Price Hike Reversed After Online Outcry

TurboTax Price Hike Reversed After Online Outcry

Intuit will rescind the controversial new $9.95 fee for each additional printed return, in response to angry customers online who, among other things, slammed TurboTax’s Amazon rating to one star. [Press Release] (Thanks Craig!)

HELOC Cuts, The Hows And Whys

HELOC Cuts, The Hows And Whys

Did your Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) suddenly trail off in the forest recently? Here’s some straight-talk on why, and what, if anything, you can do about it. [] (Photo: Getty)

What's Your FICO?

What's Your FICO?

FICO: I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. Take our poll and see how you measure up.

5 Last-Minute Ways To Reduce Your 2008 Taxes

5 Last-Minute Ways To Reduce Your 2008 Taxes

USAA Mag has 5 good ideas for getting in good shape for tax season before the closing bell rings on 2008:

DIY ID Theft Protection

DIY ID Theft Protection

Do you want to be one of over eight million identity theft victims? No, but most of the services sold by “identity theft protection” companies you can get for free. Here’s how.

The Recession Spares Nothing, Not Even Puppies

The Recession Spares Nothing, Not Even Puppies

Ever feel like the poor state of the economy is impacting every area of life? Well, it is! A few examples popping up in some surprising places, like animal shelters…

10 Money Moves To Make Before The End Of The Year

10 Money Moves To Make Before The End Of The Year

If you’re worried about your end of the year finances, Time has 10 money moves that you’ll want to make before Dec. 31. [Time]