Nancy asks, “I’m preparing to send a letter to Nissan’s customer service about a horrific experience I had at my local dealership. Do you have any pointers about tone or what specifically to include so that I know my letter will be taken seriously?” Great question!

TurboTax Price Hike Reversed After Online Outcry
Intuit will rescind the controversial new $9.95 fee for each additional printed return, in response to angry customers online who, among other things, slammed TurboTax’s Amazon rating to one star. [Press Release] (Thanks Craig!)

HELOC Cuts, The Hows And Whys
Did your Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) suddenly trail off in the forest recently? Here’s some straight-talk on why, and what, if anything, you can do about it. [] (Photo: Getty)

Despite Addressing Reader Complaint In Front Of Staff, Circuit City CEO Still Wears Failpants
David wrote a very angry letter to Circuit City’s CEO. The CEO responded, and used the letter as a learning point in his next staff Town Hall meeting, making David angrier than ever.

Fake Repairman Preys On Powerless Worcesterians
After ice storms slammed Boston and left thousands without power, one opportunist saw a chance to make a buck in the dark.

Bottom Falls Out Of Movie Market
Look for next year’s movie release schedule to be full of remakes and easy-bets. I spoke with a Hollywood actor who said that the bottom has completely fallen out of the movie market.

Flagstar Bank: Give Me My Money, My Roof Has A Hole
Hurricane Ike left Mike’s with a hole in his roof. He needs Flagstar Bank’s holding onto his insurance company check like a hole in his head.

Reader Saves $230 On Cable And Phone Bills By Rocking The Cancellation Threat
Here’s how Stephanie saved $230 on her cable and phone bills after following the tips in “3 Ways To Lower Your Out Of Control Cable, Internet And Phone Bills“

Price-Check Your Black Friday "Deals"
I’m really interested to see what happens with “Black Friday,” the hectic shopping day after Thanksgiving where retailers traditionally mark down their products for Christmas deal-seekers, this year. As the shark has been so thoroughly jumped on this shopping spree, the deals have gotten worse and the retail trickery more tricky, so can a consumer still make out?

US National Bank Scammers Still Extorting Hapless Consumers
“US National Bank” is still at it, calling up people and threatening them with jail time unless they pay up for debts they never took out and USNB doesn’t own. Here’s K’s story of how “Harry Wilson” called him up screaming and yelling. But after speaking to a consumer lawyer, K learned what he needed to say to get the extortionist to stop phone-harassing him. You’ll learn too after you read the story inside…

Never Get Locked Out Your Car: Drill Hole Through Key, Screw To License Plate
On Meghann’s post about a reader who fell for a locksmith scam, the aptly named commenter “yetiwisdom” left a great tip for never getting locked out your car again:

She-Grifters Scam Granddad For $10,000+ A Month
Shaun says his 80+-year old grandfather, Steve, is being scammed out of over $10,000 a month. It seems Steve recently hired a female gardener who introduced him to a “wealthy friend,” and now he’s loaning them money to pay for groceries, cable, home upkeep, and, get this, bodyguards to protect her from an ex-husband and son who to want to kill her. When the family tries to intervene, Steve says the family is trying to put him in a nursing home and steal his money. Shaun is at a loss. How can he help his grandfather, who doesn’t want to be helped? Shaun’s story, inside…

Watch Out For Illegal "MB Image World" Charges On Your Bank Account
Watch out for a charge on your checking account for a charge from “MB Image World.” People are complaining that the porn site, that they’ve never done business with or gave their account information to, is fraudulently issuing electronic check charges for $39.99. If they hit you, report the item to your bank as fraud and reverse the charges.

Airlines Considers $10 Fee For Sitting Away From Babies
WestJet recently sent out a survey to its readers to look at a list of $10 fees and respond which they were okay paying with. One of them was a $10 fee for not having to sit near screaming babies and small children. The airline also wanted to know if customers would be interested in $10 savings for putting up with or giving up certain things, like savings for not earning frequent flier miles or savings for having a seat that doesn’t recline. Brilliant business move or deceptive fare increase? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Take Survey, Help Consumerist
Hey, can you help us out? Take this quick survey so we can learn more about our readers and use that information to sell more ads so we can afford more posts again. Posts, you like posts, right?

Debt Collector Bullying Me To Sign Affidavit Saying I Can Pay More Than I Can
Sarah has $40k+ in student debt that went into default after she got sick and had to spend a lot of money on medical care. She’s been paying it off, but one of the companies that owns one of her loans, NCO Financial, has told her that unless she signs a legal document that says she can pay $260 a month, they’re going to place her account back in collections and start harassing her even more than they are now (they’re already calling her daily at home and work)…