personal finance


Get exhibitionist with your money online and share your personal finances with strangers using Web Worker Daily’s 10 Ways to Socially Manage Your Money.

Ideas For Living Without Credit Or Debt

Ideas For Living Without Credit Or Debt

Leo at Zen Habits has listed 10 ideas for living without a credit card or any debt.

Mortgage Payments Shouldn't Exceed 28% Of Your Income

Mortgage Payments Shouldn't Exceed 28% Of Your Income

Those with option-ARM mortgages ratcheting up to a higher APR in October, take note: A well-polished piece of advice for home owners is that mortgage payments, including principal, interest, insurance, and taxes, should not be more than 28 percent of your gross monthly income, according to the August issue of the USAA member magazine. Individual situations may vary, but the basic idea is not get more house than you can afford. Around 28% gives you enough to take care of day-to-day living expenses and food and gas and going to see Transformers and whatnot.

Arbitration Firms Fail To Disclose Conflicts Of Interest In Consumer Disputes

Arbitration Firms Fail To Disclose Conflicts Of Interest In Consumer Disputes

The Donald’s lost 80% of their $60 mil stock portfolio after following the advice of Piper Jaffrawy, which told them to keep their money in Level3 Worldcom stocks well after the tech bubble imploded, the New York Times reports. As of April 18th, 2001, the firm still rated Level 3 a “strong buy,” even though the stock had dropped to $13.06 from $50…

Money-Saving Ideas That Are, Um, Not Very Good

Money-Saving Ideas That Are, Um, Not Very Good

And have to add:

Four Steps to Take If You Hate Your Job

Four Steps to Take If You Hate Your Job

Financially speaking, your career is your biggest asset and you need to do all you can to maximize the financial benefits from it. Furthermore, most people also want to enjoy what they do for a living since a good part of their lives is lived at work. So if you’re in a dead-end position or if you really hate what you’re doing, Yahoo offers some concrete steps you can take to make a change:

Personal Finance Round-Up

Personal Finance Round-Up


Tips For Educating Your Kids About Money

Tips For Educating Your Kids About Money

Bankrate has put together 4 lessons you should teach your kids about money.

My Best Financial Advice: The Simple Dollar


My Best Financial Advice: Blueprint for Financial Prosperity


Seven Signs that an Employer Just is Not that into You

Seven Signs that an Employer Just is Not that into You


My Best Financial Advice: Consumerism Commentary


My Best Financial Advice: Liz Pulliam Weston


My Best Financial Advice: Wise Bread


Consumerist's 10 Tips That Will Make Sure You'll Stay Broke

Consumerist's 10 Tips That Will Make Sure You'll Stay Broke

We know you don’t really like having money. That’s why we’ve put together these 10 tips that will help ensure you never will:

4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Relocating For A Job

4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Relocating For A Job

Before you tell an employer you’re willing to move to another job in another city, CareerJournal says do some soul-searching and ask yourself the following questions:

My Best Financial Advice: All Financial Matters


My Best Financial Advice: Five Cent Nickel