As my grandma used to say, honesty is the best policy. But you know what else is a pretty good policy? Giving traffic tickets only to people who are actually alive. The cop fired by the New York Police Department says he was issuing summonses to deceased people, but only because he had to fill monthly quotas the NYPD says don’t exist. [More]
parking tickets

San Francisco Drivers Find Out The Hard Way That Parking Meters Didn't Take The Holiday Off
In many cities, parking meters take a day off on Sundays or on holidays, leaving car owners free of worrying about that dang expired meter. But even though the city of San Francisco added holidays like Labor Day, Memorial Day, the Fourth of July and Veterans Day to its list of days where meter fees count in 2010, many residents complained of getting tickets this past Labor Day. [More]

Ripping Up A Parking Ticket In Front Of Police May Get You Tased, Even If You’re Pregnant
If you’re upset with the parking ticket you’ve just received, it’s rarely a good idea to rip it up. It’s certainly a bad idea to rip that ticket up in front of the police officer who just wrote it. Ask the pregnant Chicago woman who says police used a stun gun on her after she tore up her citation. [More]
Judge Really Thought No One Would Catch Her Dismissing Her Own Parking Tickets
Silly judge, the law is for everyone, not just the plebeians you rule over on a daily basis. A Pennslyvania Magisterial District judge was totally busted for dismissing her own parking violations, which she racked up with her BMW. [More]

Man Pays Mom's $.10 Parking Ticket 57 Years After It Was Issued
Back in July, we told you about the Michigan man who finally paid a $1 parking from 1975. Well it looks like someone in Nebraska may have wanted to one-up that driver, paying off a 1954 parking ticket for a whopping ten cents. [More]

Mass. Court Rules It's OK For Town To Charge $320 To Appeal Parking Ticket
If you get a parking ticket in Northampton, Mass., don’t appeal it unless you want to bet $320, in addition to the cost of your ticket, that you’ll win. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that the town’s appeals process is valid, ruling against a man who appealed two parking tickets and was forced to cough up about $320 in court fees. The original fine was $15. [More]

Parking Ticket Gets Paid, 35 Years Late
If you found a 35-year-old unpaid parking ticket pressed in a book that you bought in a garage sale, what would you do? An 89-year-old Michigan man who found such a ticket decided that it was his civic duty to mail the $1 ticket back with payment to Orlando, Florida, where it was issued in November of 1975. [More]

Snowed-In Chicago Cars Get Parking Tickets
Some Chicagoans who were snowed in during the area’s recent bout of awful weather received a little surprise when they went out to check on their vehicles — $75 parking tickets. [More]

How Do You Handle Undeserved Parking Tickets?
It’s bad enough to be stuck with a parking ticket when you deserved to get dinged, but much worse when you were obeying the rules and still got hammered due to a glitch. [More]

Seattle Cop Gives Parking Ticket To Corpse, Doesn't Notice He's Dead
A parking enforcement officer apparently lacked the ability to distinguish between the sleeping and the dead after she gave a ticket to a man who had shuffled off this mortal coil hours earlier. [More]

Man Receives Ticket While Walking From Car To Parking Meter
This image, currently going crazy on reddit, speaks for itself. We hope it is real, but also hope that it isn’t. Ya know? For humanity’s sake? Or at least the City of Melbourne’s sake… [More]

8800 Penny Prank Takes Paying In Cash To Extremes
What do you do with your pennies? Consumer Reports suggests saving them and depositing them in your bank, or exchanging them for a full-value gift certificate in a Coinstar machine. But Jordan had a much better idea. He tried to use them to pay the impound fee after his car was towed. Video inside. Remember: it’s not a real prank until the cops show up.

Toledo TIckets Residents For Parking In Their Own Driveways
I live in a city, but in a house with a driveway, which makes me extraordinarily blessed in the parking department. Not so much if I lived in Toledo, Ohio, though. Police The mayor’s office there are is handing out tickets to people for parking in their own driveways.
Some brilliant jerk found an entirely new way to spread malware: he distributed fake parking tickets that prompted victims to visit a malicious website. [ZDNet]
New York City doesn’t publicize it in any way, but they offer a guaranteed reduction on parking ticket fines if you challenge the ticket in person, online, or via mail.[New York Times]

The Vast Majority Of Philadelphia Parking Tickets May Be Invalid
A CBS investigation has revealed that parking tickets stemming from 85% of the parking meters in Philadelphia are invalid. Pennsylvania law requires inspectors to certify each parking meter for accuracy once every three years, but the single inspector working for Philly’s Licenses and Inspections Department, the city agency in change of certification, has visited less than 15% of all parking meters—but he has found the time to certify some meters 8 times while others go completely unchecked. As a result, thousands of parking tickets are invalid under state law.