Mass. Court Rules It's OK For Town To Charge $320 To Appeal Parking Ticket

If you get a parking ticket in Northampton, Mass., don’t appeal it unless you want to bet $320, in addition to the cost of your ticket, that you’ll win. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that the town’s appeals process is valid, ruling against a man who appealed two parking tickets and was forced to cough up about $320 in court fees. The original fine was $15.
The Springfield Republican reports that the man had sued because he believed having to pay so much for the appeal violated his constitutional rights. He originally protested the tickets in writing, and got one of the tickets tossed out because it was ruled to be a duplicate. When he pushed his case through the appeals process, his court costs added up. The story says the town’s appeals system has been tweaked since 2005, when he got the tickets.
Another man, who was assessed a $100 citation for parking in a handicapped space, joined the failed lawsuit, which contended the cost of appealing effectively denied access to the courts.
How far have you gone to battle a parking ticket?
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court supports Northampton on parking ticket appeal process [Springfield Republican via Fark]
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