Last week we raised the ire of plenty of USAA fans by posting a story about a woman’s IRA that went missing for nearly a day. We were as surprised as many of you that she’d received such poor customer service from the first CSR she spoke with, considering USAA’s usually stellar reputation. But the next day someone from USAA contacted Travis and his wife to find out what went wrong. Here’s Travis’ update.
online banking

Citibank's Website Glitch Tricks Man Into Overpaying $755, But They Won't Issue Refund
Citibank’s website isn’t reliable, at least according to them. Matt assumed that a website from a bank could be trustworthy, and that if there was no scheduled payment showing up, then he must have forgotten to arrange it. He scheduled a second payment, but then both payments went through one day apart. Now Citibank refuses to give him a refund: he should have called or emailed before rescheduling, they’ve told him, and not trusted what the website was telling him.

WaMu Online Banking Treats You Like A Criminal
With all the focus on the girl rocketing across the desert in a supersonic purple dildo, Washington Mutual forgot to mention one thing. When you sign up for a new account with them online instead of in person, be prepared to be treated like a criminal at every turn. Here’s Brett’s story of why he and his partner don’t bank with WaMu, and never will again…

Chase Doesn't Encrypt Your Login Credentials?
We’re not IT experts or anything, but when Chase writes that “all your account information is protected by 128-bit encryption to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of your data,” shouldn’t that mean a little lock icon on the browser window, and an https address? Update: Not necessarily, according to our commenters, although the lack of an https login screen does pose other security risks.

Polite Letter Gets Bank Of America To Refund Overdraft Fees
Jenn’s checking account with Bank of America recently had a policy change designed to increase overdraft fees, and it worked: sometime between Friday night and Saturday morning she was hit with 6 NSF charges going back the previous 48 hours, because she was about 15 minutes late transferring funds into her account the day before. Technically she had broken the new policy, but Jenn hadn’t realized or remembered that there was a policy change and she was taken by surprise. She decided to try to reason with BoA’s corporate office about the fees, and explain why she thought they were unfair.

Citibank Gives You 6 Minute Window To Write To Them
Citibank’s online form for communicating with their customer service department times out after 6 minutes, a customer discovered—after that, it looks like it successfully sends your message, but actually just discards it.

Contact Info And Routing Numbers For Major Online Banks
FiveCentNickel has a good little roundup useful for when you’re moving money to or from an online banking account and you find yourself digging around for customer service phone numbers, routing numbers, or addresses.

Mo' Money, Mo' Problems
• What Do You Look For In An Online Bank Account? [Money, Matter, and More Musings] High interest rates, easy synchronization with other bank accounts, absolutely zero fees and seven other factors you should consider when selecting an online bank account.

Bank of America's "Perfect" Security System Actually Vulnerable To Phishing
Bank of America has an online security measure called SiteKey and says, “[W]hen you see your SiteKey, you can be certain you’re at the valid Online Banking website at Bank of America, and not a fraudulent look-alike site.”

HSBC Direct Prevents Keyloggers From Stealing Your Account
First we just liked our HSBC Direct account for its 5.05% APY. Then we found its security system pretty neat.

$100 For A New Bank of America Account
If you’re willing to jump through a few minor hoops and wait a while, BofA gives you a Benjamin for opening a new account.
Bank of America Calls Customer a Liar
“If someone claimed you ran over their foot and asked you to pay them money, would you give it to them?”
Consumers Think Online Banking Sucks
Banks are continuing to feel the sting of their own cyber-incompetence. After much publicized security breaches like the Citibank scandal, more and more customers are moving away from online banking due to fears of identity theft. The growth of online banking as an industry in 2005 was only 3.1%, sharply down from the growth of previous years.
UPDATE: Chase/Bank One Merger Super Fun For Customers
Earlier, Sharon complained how the BankOne/Chase merger messed up her online banking. Despite several calls to the customer service, she was unable to fix her problem.
Chase/Bank One Merger Super Fun for Customers
This week, Chase and Bank One merged their on-line systems. Birds shivered with glee. Stroboscopic dew drops danced on kittens claws in exultation. And Bank One customers got jacked like a cheap trick on Colfax Ave.
Consumers Speak: ING Direct Is Pretty Awesome
In response to the Top 10 Online Banks story the other day, Tonya exploded in a gush of enthusiasm for ING Direct much like a water balloon filled with sunshine and liquid rainbows that has been hugged to death. From Tonya’s comment, ING Direct sounds pretty swank, so for your edification, dear readers:

Top 10 Online Banks
There’s a swell article up on MSN Money listing the Top 10 Online Banks. If your bank’s on there, you are probably scratching your head and hiccuping “Huh?” over and over again to yourself, incredulous at its presence. But more interesting and less questionable than the list itself is the accompanying article, which details many of the pitfalls consumer’s face when switching over to an online banking solution: