Between credit cards, online payment services, and good ol’ cash, many consumers have sequestered their checkbooks into cupboards and drawers that seldom see the light of day. Still, not everyone has left their checkbooks to waste away; many consumers use the notebooks from time to time, whether it be paying a bill, rent, or other expenses where plastic or cash aren’t options. [More]

Hey Skype, If You're Going To Sell Other People's Numbers, At Least Have A Customer Service Department
George’s outgoing Skype calls properly display his SkypeIn number, but if anyone tries to call him back, they’re connected the number’s rightful owner, a nice old woman in Raleigh, NC. George wants to know why Skype sold him someone else’s number, but the internet telecom apparently doesn’t pay anyone to answer their phones.

Reach Executive Customer Service For Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T
Say you got a problem with your cellphone company and you want it solved, pronto. You’ve already called regular customer service and they’re either unable or unwilling to help you, or you’re just sick of waiting on hold. You’ve got things to do! That’s where executive customer service comes in handy. Just about every big company has a pack of these people who can basically walk on water within the company and get any problem solved. The key is reaching them. Naturally, you won’t find them in an overseas call center at the end of the 1-800 number. Rather, they’re attached to the corporate headquarters executive offices. Don’t worry, we did the hard part for you. Here’s up-to-date phone numbers for the executive customer service departments for Sprint, Verizon, T-mobile, and AT&T:

Over 71,400 jobs were cut today, bringing the total jobs cut this year to over 200,000. CNN Money has a list of what’s been lost in 2009 so far. [CNN Money] (Thanks to Olevia!)
(Photo: bbaunach)

Why You Fall For Dumb Things
The New York Times has an interesting series of tests and explanations that show why and how the human brain makes errors in estimating probability—and consequently, why we get suckered even if we think we’re overall pretty smart.

A Song For You: "We Like Having These Things," by Numbers
Happy Friday, here’s a song we found on the internet that felt very fitting for our readers put in their iPod, “We Like Having These Things,” a jagged post-punk paean to consumerism, by the band Numbers.

Executive Contact Info For Cingular, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon
Contact information for the CEOs of major cellphone companies. You’ll never get to talk to them, but at least your issue will get under the noses of their near and dear underlings.
Gift Cards Are New Source of Scams
Thieves have been writing down the numbers of unused gift cards. Once the card has been activated, they take the numbers online and start shopping.

Contact CEOs Of Major Cellphone Companies
Inside, the phone number and mailing address for the CEOs of every major US cellphone carrier.