“Winnebago Man” is a famous viral video of all the profanity-dripping outtakes of an old-school salesman trying to make a Winnebago promo, and failing. Now, the feature documentary of the same name about trying to track down the reclusive and unwitting star is available to watch online for free until August 25. [More]

Soap.com Wants To Fill A Different Kind Of Easter Basket This Year
Jim stopped by online personal-care superstore soap.com (now part of Amazon) and typed in the seemingly innocuous search term “Easter.” The site returned a page full of sex toys are are decidedly rabbit-themed, but not traditional Easter gifts. (This post contains small images that may not be safe for work, depending on where you work.) [More]

At Least It Isn't Oozing Blood
Aaron discovered this item in the Halloween costume department of his local Target. It is supposed to create the illusion of a wound beneath your clothing. On the shelf, it looks like… um. [More]

Introducing The Snuggie D-Lux
The Snuggie D-Lux solve a big problem for male Snuggie fans: if the fleece robe has completely covered your front, what happens when you need to access your man parts? Removing the robe could leave you feeling cold, isolated, and remind you that we’re in a recession. But now there’s the Snuggie D-Lux, the robe with three sleeves! NSFW, the D in D-Lux stands for something naughty. [More]

Video: Guy Has Epic Meltdown At Mall Doors Because He Can't Shop During G20 Protests
Passions ran hot during the recent G20 summit and inevitable protests in Toronto. Riot police tromped, windows were smashed, monetary policy was set, and this would-be consumer screamed at the locked doors of the mall for a good two minutes demanding to be let in so he could exercise his inalienable right to shop and really show those capitalist pigs what for. [More]

VIDEO: VISA Is A Monster That Feeds On Human Wealth, And VISA Is Hungry
“Go. Get it. Run. Use your VISA card right now. It doesn’t matter what you use your VISA card to buy. It doesn’t matter what you use your VISA to buy. All that matters is that VISA is a monster that feeds on human wealth. And VISA is hungry.” The credit card companies’ rapacious desire for your debt is laid bare in this commercial parody video. I guess you would call what we’re going through now the purging stage? NSFW due to naughty words and suggestive simulating gestures. [More]

Tim And Eric's Crazy Price Fight! Blood!
Tim’s got discount prices, Eric’s got premium prices. No, they’re not selling goods and services at discount and premium prices, they are selling actual prices. “Get $39.99, for forty dollars!” Adult Swim’s Tim and Eric parody discount super-stores and crappy local ads. NSFW for crude gestures, sexual remarks, and a horse beheading a man. [More]

Video: How To Stop A Speeding Prius If You're F****** Stupid
This masked video troll is the zeitgeist. His 40-odd f-bomb-fueled demonstration of how to stop a Prius captures the mood among a swath of consumers that runaway Toyotas are just the fault of “stupid” drivers. Nevermind that the driver of an out-of-control Lexus did both the “power off” and “put it in neutral” tricks he shows, potentially pointing to an electronics system issue, and it didn’t help. “Get your head out of your ass, stop thinking about saving the planet, and figure out how to drive your car,” he admonishes. Very NSFW, cursing. [More]

Toyota: 911 Call Of Family's Fatal Lexus Crash Due To Gas Pedal Stuck On Floormats
Warning: This audio is graphic and shocking. Before Toyota could be bothered to recall 3.8 million Toyota and Lexus cars that they had known for two years had a problem, an off-duty state trooper and three members of his family had to die in fatal car crash when the gas pedal got stuck on the floormat. This is the recording of their 911 call moments before they crashed into the end of the freeway at 120 mph.

Save On Porno! 50 Sluttiest American Apparel Ads
Strictly as a consumer service, I’m posting this link to StyleCrave’s roundup of the 50 Sluttiest American Apparel Ads of All Time. Perhaps you can meditate on this while thinking of the 1,500 American Apparel workers who got laid off following a government crackdown on illegal immigrants at the company last week.

Internet Trolls Trash Tardy, Chest-Thumping, Monitor Shipper
If you’re a big jerk on the internet, eventually the internet will be a big jerk to you. That’s the tale of Adam Goldstein, a guy who didn’t ship a monitor promptly, sent aggressive emails to the buyer, got mocked in online forums, started posturing in those forums, and then had a series of harassing actions conducted against his person by numerous strangers. Things like all-black faxes…

How A Nigerian Steals Your Laptop
Molly’s laptop was stolen, and the thief didn’t even break into her house, or snag it from her at a coffeeshop, or hold a knife to her neck in a darkened alley. No, her laptop was stolen via email. In fact, she mailed it to thief, in Africa. OMG, you’re probably saying to yourself right now with your hands up by your face, how could this be? Discover the horrifying true story, inside…