Marissa Mayer was one of Google’s earliest employees, and worked there for 13 years before she was hired to be Yahoo’s final CEO. Now that the sale of Yahoo’s internet operations to Verizon has closed, Mayer is out of a job. It’s not all bad, though. Leaving Yahoo means that she can use Gmail again. [More]

L.L. Bean’s Duck Boots Still All The Rage, Continue To Be Backordered
Last year, L.L. Bean hired 100 additional workers to ramp up production of their iconic, unglamorous USA-made duck boots. Nonetheless, the popular footwear was quickly put on backorder. Now, the long-time retailer is once again putting some styles on backorder, despite increasing production, hiring additional employees, and making plans for a larger facility. [More]

Nintendo Announces $60 “Mini NES” That Includes 30 Classic Games
In a move that will please countless 30- and 40-something gamers who remember the days of pounding out not-so-secret cheat codes on their controllers, Nintendo has announced plans to release a downsized version of its classic NES gaming console — complete with 30 games to warm the cockles of your (possibly aging) nostalgic heart. [More]

Hi-C Ecto Cooler Will Return To Store Shelves On May 30
A few months ago, news and early samples of a new and exciting beverage hit Twitter and eBay. Hi-C’s Ecto Cooler was a green citrus-flavored beverage and a tie-in for the Ghostbusters franchise. The beverage was so popular that it outlasted the TV cartoon series it was originally meant to promote by ten years. With a new live-action Ghostbusters movie due out this summer and levels of ’90s nostalgia peaking, Ecto Cooler is returning to store shelves. [More]

Sugar Coated Rice Krinkles: Your Parents’ Favorite 1960s Racist Cereal
That handsome fellow up top is So-Hi, mascot of the now-discontinued Post breakfast cereal, Sugar Coated Rice Krinkles. The same product had another, strangely beautiful name: Sugar Sparkled Rice Krinkles. [More]

"Field of Dreams" Will Become Youth Baseball Complex
If you were saving up the $5.4 million it was going to take to buy the real Field of Dreams featured in the movie “Field of Dreams,” in hopes of keeping it out of the hands of evil land developers, it’s time to move on. A family from a Chicago suburb has bought the property and plans to open it as a youth baseball and softball complex in 2014. [More]

A Best Buy Flyer From '96
A Best Buy flyer from 1996 has resurfaced and it’s full of hilarious old technology and high prices. Gotta snag me a copy of Muppet Treasure Island for $34.99! [More]

Lady Weeps With Joy As First Texas In-N-Out Burger Opens
Yesterday the first In-N-Out Burger join in Texas opened its doors. The chain is unlike others in terms of the fervent loyalty it engenders in its fans, and they came by the thousands yesterday to Frisco, Texas to partake in its offerings. Some of them wore paper hats. Some of them ran out of gas. And then there’s this woman, a Cali transplant, who openly cried on camera as she bit into the burger and memories of her childhood flooded back. That grilled patty was her madeleine. [More]

Crappy Food, Flimsy Headphones & 5 Other Things That Used To Be Free On Flights
Somewhere in the last two decades, airplane food went from comedy punchline to premium purchase (though the quality is still often laughable), airline headphones went from “crappy but they’ll do in a pinch” to “crappy but I have to pay up to $5 for them,” and you may soon need to pay to join the mile-high club on some airlines. It was enough to make the folks at KIVI TV nostalgiac enough to look back at 7 former freebies we no longer enjoy. [More]

This Is What Kids Did For Fun In The 80s
Josh at GeekSix unearthed a comic book ad that might be familiar to you if you were a kid in the 80s. Olympic Sales Club was one of those door-to-door greeting card companies that enlisted kids across the country to sell crap to neighbors in exchange for merch your parents wouldn’t buy you. [More]

Crackpots Detail Insane Ideas For Banking Reform
Credit Slips has this wild idea about reforming the banking system by letting some fairy-tale character named “Bob” run around issuing loans to qualified people in his community. We normally love Credit Slips as a well-researched piece of scholarly work masquerading as a blog, like cauliflower disguised as Cheetos, but this “community banking” idea? Ridiculous, right?! Grab a juice box and hit the jump to see what happens when economists take a stab at children’s fiction.
Jimmy T Pitches The Commodore VIC-20
Did you know that before he hawked for Priceline or regaled us with the adventures of T.J. Hooker, William Shatner had another TV career? Yes, he appeared in commercials for the Commodore VIC-20: “Unlike games, it has a real computer keyboard.”
Video Of Old TV Production Company Logos
We’re inexplicably drawn to this sort of thing. Maybe it’s our fascination with marketing and advertising. Maybe it’s nostalgia for Ubu. He’s a good dog.
Boingle Bucket: 70’s Toy Commercial Montage
We saw over at Boing Boing this great montage of 70’s toy commercials. Bing Bang Boing looks particularly awesome… a Rube Goldberg game made entirely of masturbatory paraphernalia. “It’s down the Bingle Flinger, past the Hum Drums, up the Banglevator, through the Flicker Tickler, and into the Boingle Bucket!” Getting your balls in the Boingle Bucket is the last step before you win by reaching the ‘Big O’ square, we assume.