A few months ago, news and early samples of a new and exciting beverage hit Twitter and eBay. Hi-C’s Ecto Cooler was a green citrus-flavored beverage and a tie-in for the Ghostbusters franchise. The beverage was so popular that it outlasted the TV cartoon series it was originally meant to promote by ten years. With a new live-action Ghostbusters movie due out this summer and levels of ’90s nostalgia peaking, Ecto Cooler is returning to store shelves. [More]
it came from the ’90s

Return Of Crystal Pepsi Confirmed, But You Can’t Actually Buy It (Yet)
A few months ago, the word on the street was that Pepsi was bringing back a carbonated ’90s icon, Crystal Pepsi. The clear-caffeine-free beverage lives in our collective memory a a product that was briefly very popular and then disappeared the following year. Pepsi has announced that the product will come back as part of a giveaway to promote the company’s rewards app, Pepsi Pass. [More]

Appeals Court Upholds Probation Sentence For Beanie Babies’ Creator Convicted Of Tax Evasion
Probably the only person to ever have actually gotten rich off Beanie Babies isn’t exactly relaxing on piles of money or swimming in his vault of gold coins anytime soon, but Ty Warner, the billionaire of the plush toys did get to escape jail time after a U.S. Court of Appeals upheld the probation sentence handed down to him after he was convicted of tax evasion. [More]

This Glorious ’80s Time Capsule House Is Real, In Living Primary Colors
In the suburbs of Buffalo, New York, there is a house that until recently was for sale. From the front and from the back, the exterior looks like any ordinary upscale house built in the late ’80s. Inside, however, it looks like the sets from “Saved by the Bell” collided with sets from “The Golden Girls,” then somehow became attached to a mall food court from 1988. Then nothing ever changed. [More]

Limited Re-Release Of Coca-Cola’s Surge Sells Out Within Hours On Amazon
Do you remember Surge? Caffeine addicts of a certain age will know exactly what we’re referring to, but younger readers may only know the product’s name from online campaigns to bring it back. Now that the product’s biggest fans are young adults with disposable income and credit cards, Coca-Cola has brought the beverage back into production, sold exclusively on Amazon. The first batch sold out within hours. [More]