When you read that Amazon offers 17,000 “movies and TV programs” in its streaming library, and that Netflix has 60,000, what do you assume that figure means? Sure, a movie’s a movie, but what constitutes a TV program? Using Amazon’s math, a “program” is a single episode of a series, meaning that the entire run of “24” counts as 192 programs. Is this a reasonable way to count videos, or is it misleading? Fast Company’s stance is clear: they think that both companies are using this trick to inflate their total program count and make their services look more impressive than they are. [More]
netflix streaming

Customer Stream Flows Back Toward Netflix
After ditching Netflix en masse in the third quarter, customers began crawling back to the service at the end of the year. [More]

Roku Having Trouble Streaming 30 Rock (Updated)
UPDATE: A Roku spokesman says the company has fixed the 30 Rock streaming issue. [More]

Roku Rep Tells Me There Are Secret Limits To Netflix Streaming (Updated)
Update: A Roku spokesman said there is no limitation on Netflix streaming. His statement: [More]

Netflix Streaming For Wii Loads Slow, But Still Faster Than PS3
Now that Wii-owning Netflix customers have received their streaming discs, let the console wars begin anew! At stake now: which provides the best Netflix-browsing experience….and the least agonizingly slow load times? [More]