
About 1 In 4 Borrowers Is Underwater

About 1 In 4 Borrowers Is Underwater

The Wall Street Journal says the number of borrowers currently underwater on their mortgage (meaning they owe more than the property is worth) has swelled to 23%. Ouch. [More]

Slothful Home Loan Modifiers Earn More Money When You're Delinquent

Slothful Home Loan Modifiers Earn More Money When You're Delinquent

With a rising wave of foreclosures looming, the Treasury is stepping up pressure on lenders to finish modifying home loans and to pick up the pace. Potentially exacerbating the problem is that many loans are held by servicers whose fees increase the longer borrowers remain in default. [More]

Sorry, No Mortgage: Experian Says That You're Dead

Sorry, No Mortgage: Experian Says That You're Dead

Shortly after surviving the death of her husband and a life-threatening medical crisis, Ann Howe of Seattle decided to refinance her home mortgage. Everything went smoothly until the bank informed her that the refinance couldn’t be completed because the credit bureau Experian was convinced that she was dead.

When To Buy A Home And How To Avoid Screwing It Up

When To Buy A Home And How To Avoid Screwing It Up

Are you hitting that stage in life where you’re thinking of becoming a homeowner? Morningstar has published two home buying articles that together offer some good, concise advice to the prospective buyer, especially if you’re a first-timer.

Need Affordable Housing? What About A Mobile Home?

Need Affordable Housing? What About A Mobile Home?

Mobile homes have a less-than-stellar reputation, deservedly or not. I know my own mom always warned me against them by saying they were just tornado bait, which was enough to make me leery of even stepping foot inside a friend’s mobile home growing up. But if you’re not irrationally afraid of tornadoes, a mobile home might be a great housing option if you’re on a tight budget or looking to save money, writes Michigan Telephone.

Homeowner Says Bank Told Him To Skip Payments, Then Foreclosed

Homeowner Says Bank Told Him To Skip Payments, Then Foreclosed

When MC lost his second job he had trouble affording his $3,000 mortgage payment. He called his mortgage holder, Flag Star Bank, asking for a break, but the bank told him there was nothing it could do for him unless he skipped payments and submitted a loan modification package.

What Recovery? 937,840 Foreclosures Q3

What Recovery? 937,840 Foreclosures Q3

What recovery? There were 937,840 foreclosures in Q3 in the US, according to RealtyTrac, the highest quarterly level since they starting issuing reports in 2005. Let’s take a closer look via giant sexy graphic visualization, inside.

How A Disputed Item On Your Credit Report Can Screw Up Your Home Loan

How A Disputed Item On Your Credit Report Can Screw Up Your Home Loan

Thanks to federal regulations, when you dispute an account on your credit report and the dispute is resolved in your favor, the credit reporting agency is required to remove or correct the account. Credit reporting agencies often don’t do this, though, and the Washington Post notes that it can come back and interfere with your next home loan application.

Nobody Wants To Buy (Four Fifths Of) Detroit

Nobody Wants To Buy (Four Fifths Of) Detroit

Detroit tried to auction off almost 9,000 homes and lots last week—enough property to fill Central Park—but Reuters says less than 1/5th of what went on the block actually sold. Unfortunately, it sounds like speculators snatched up few decent properties, leaving actual Detroit residents looking for new homes out in the cold.

Is The Federal Housing Administration Going To Need A Bailout?

Is The Federal Housing Administration Going To Need A Bailout?

Earlier today a former Fannie Mae exec and the current head of the FHA gave conflicting testimonies to Congress about the health of the mortgage insurer—particularly about whether or not it’s going to require a taxpayer bailout in the next couple of years.

Homeowners With Good Credit Are More Likely To Strategically Default

Homeowners With Good Credit Are More Likely To Strategically Default

Here’s an interesting discovery about mortgage defaults from the LA Times:

Old Debts Under $100 Don't Matter Under FICO '08

Old Debts Under $100 Don't Matter Under FICO '08

An update to how the new FICO ’08 scoring system got revamped this year:

Fed Keeps Interest Rates At .25%

Fed Keeps Interest Rates At .25%

Interest rates will stay at at a low low .25%, the Fed announced today. For you this means…

Buying Your First Home? Here Are 7 Good Tips

Buying Your First Home? Here Are 7 Good Tips

Ron Lieber at the New York Times has put together seven sensible tips that can help you find a first time home that you can both afford and enjoy living in.

Couple Remodels Wrong Condo (Theirs Was Next Door)

Couple Remodels Wrong Condo (Theirs Was Next Door)

LadySiren writes,

"What Do I Do When My Lender Isn't Playing Fair With Loan Modification?"

"What Do I Do When My Lender Isn't Playing Fair With Loan Modification?"

Yesterday, the New York Times wrote about a judge in Arizona who forced Wells Fargo to explain why it keeps stalling and being uncooperative with a customer who has been trying to get a loan modification request approved. Sadly, in the past week we’ve gotten two separate emails from homeowners who are also having trouble with getting banks to approve their requests for the government-sponsored loan modifications. “Who can we contact to complain?” asks one frustrated customer.

Brooklyn Judge Rejects Improperly Documented Foreclosure Motions, Shocks Banking Industry

Brooklyn Judge Rejects Improperly Documented Foreclosure Motions, Shocks Banking Industry

There’s a judge in Brooklyn, NY, who has tossed out nearly half of the foreclosure cases brought before him over the past year, because the lenders have such messy paper trails that they can’t prove ownership anymore.

48% Of Mortgages Underwater By 2011

48% Of Mortgages Underwater By 2011

48% of all mortgages could have negative equity, being a debt greater than the underlying house is worth, by 2011, says Deutsche Bank. Someone please tell Brooklyn. After a few weeks of checking out apartments in Gowanus, Park Slope and Red Hook, everyone’s asking prices are still like the good times are just around the corner. [FORTUNE] (Thanks to Michael!) (Photo: kevindooley)