What happens when a monkey gets loose in a Walmart parking lot and jumps a store employee? Someone catches the whole thing on video, that’s what happens, and the Internet goes crazy. [More]

Guy Stashed Monkey In His Shirt For Flight To Vegas Instead Of Explaining It’s A Support Animal
Here’s some advice we never thought we’d have to give: if you’re going to bring a monkey on a commercial plane, it’s best to inform the airline you’re traveling with that it’s an emotional support animal, instead of stashing it in your shirt. Because, you know, people might notice. [More]

New Lawsuit Claims Monkey Should Get Copyright & Royalties For Famous Selfie
The “monkey selfie” saga continues. More than a year after the U.S. Copyright Office made it pretty clear that a non-human animal can’t hold copyright, a new lawsuit argues the grinning macaque “has the right to own and benefit from the copyright… in the same manner and to the same extent as any other author.” [More]

Customer’s Spider Monkey Bites Car Dealership Employee
An employee of an Ohio Chevrolet dealership probably didn’t expect to say the words, “Can I pet your monkey?” during his work day. When a customer brought a pet spider monkey along on a trip to the body shop, the employee asked to pet the animal. It bit him, drawing blood. [More]

Think You Can Buy A Pet Monkey On The Web? Don’t Be Shocked When You’re Scammed
There are many things you can buy on the Internet. At least three or four, just off the top of my head. But you’d better be sure the object of your desire is something that’s legal to bring into the country in the first place, otherwise you could end up like the Michigan woman who just wanted a monkey from Cameroon all for her own. [More]

The First Ad Campaign That Targets Monkeys
Scientists are devising a series of billboards directed at monkeys to see if advertising works on them too, reports the New Scientist. [More]

Confirmed: BPA Will Harm Your Monkey
Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine have linked [BPA] to problems with brain function and mood disorders in monkeys—the first time the chemical has been connected to health problems in primates.

Should You Buy A Monkey?
Like so many of us, Stewart at My Family’s Money has always wanted to own a monkey. His reasoning is sound: “They are ridiculously awesome and having one as a pet would be even more awesome.” Stewart decided it would be a good idea to estimate the total lifetime cost of owning a monkey. We think he’s playing a little fast and loose with the numbers, but then again where do you go to get hard stats on monkey ownership? Not from our lazy Census takers, that’s for sure.