
What The New Tax Deal Means For You

What The New Tax Deal Means For You

Besides the Bush tax cuts getting stretched another two years, the proposed new Obama-GOP tax deal has other goodies in the bag for you. [More]

Wachovia's Lame Attempt To Get You To Sign Up For Overdraft Fees

Wachovia's Lame Attempt To Get You To Sign Up For Overdraft Fees

Wachovia sent out an eblast trying to get people to sign back up for overdraft protection, and the fees that “service” entails. [More]

Smart Wallets Get Harder To Open As You Spend More

Smart Wallets Get Harder To Open As You Spend More

An MIT Media Lab team has developed a series of wallets that physically react when you electronically spend. [More]

Woman Fights Foreclosure For 25 Years

Woman Fights Foreclosure For 25 Years

This lady has been successfully fighting off foreclosure for twenty-five years, pulling out every trick in the book along the way. But her winning streak may be drawing to a close. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

9 fast fixes for your credit scores [MSN Money] “If your credit scores are below 760, you may not be getting the best rates for loans or insurance — so burnishing your scores can save you money.”

3 New Ways to Save on Gas [Smart Money] “SmartMoney looked at three popular ways to get fuel on the cheap — and their potential savings and pitfalls.”

New Year’s Resolutions: 7 for Your Money [Money Watch] “Here are seven money resolutions that can improve your mind, spirit and bank account.”

Side Income: Is It a Hobby or a Business? [Money Under 30] “Almost everyone partakes in some sort of hobby without worrying about whether it will generate income. However, as soon as you take steps to attempt to generate a profit you’ve got a business on your hands.”

6 Simple Ways to Safeguard Against Bank Bullying [Wise Bread] “The joy of using the system against the banks? Priceless.”


Chase Isn't Charging You A Fee, They're Rewarding You

Chase Isn't Charging You A Fee, They're Rewarding You

Reached for comment about ex-WaMu “free checking” accounts becoming new Chase “fee checking” accounts, a Chase spokesperson told Consumerist, “What we’re trying to do is reward customers for giving us more of their business, in terms of multiple accounts, or deeper business, in terms of balances or direct deposits.” I then asked him if they were also trying to get rid of less profitable customers. [More]

Chase Kills "Free Checking" For Ex-WaMu Customers

Chase Kills "Free Checking" For Ex-WaMu Customers

Starting Feb. 8 2011, former WaMu account holders gobbled up by Chase will become the latest batch of customers to lose their free checking privileges. They will still get “free checks for life”, but their “free” checking is about to become “fee” checking. [More]

Why Savings Account Rates Suck Right Now

Why Savings Account Rates Suck Right Now

You may have noticed it’s dang hard to get a good rate for saving money right now. Used to be you could get an online savings account with 5%, no problem. Now if you can get in the upper 1% you’re doing pretty good. So what’s the dilly? [More]

A Lottery That Encourages Savings And No One Loses? America Hates It

A Lottery That Encourages Savings And No One Loses? America Hates It

Prize-Linked Savings plans are these things where a tiny bit of the interest on all the participants’ savings accounts get pooled together. Then on a regular basis someone gets randomly selected for a giant cash prize! The instruments have done well in other countries for years, encouraging people to save instead of wasting their money on a hopeless game. Naturally, America hates it. [More]

New Line Of Prepaid Debit Cards Target Teens With Cartoon Designs

New Line Of Prepaid Debit Cards Target Teens With Cartoon Designs

Just days after the Kardashian Kard got cut, a new line of “Myplash” prepaid debit cards targeting teen consumers is here, bedecked with cutesy cartoon characters and Twilight stars. [More]

ATM Skim Scammers Steal Cards With Old Cassette Recorders

ATM Skim Scammers Steal Cards With Old Cassette Recorders

Fraudsters are cracking open old handheld cassette recorders and using their components to build ATM skimmers that steal your credit card numbers. [More]

Coupon Grandmaster Scores $1658.53 Of Stuff From Walgreens For $19.99, Donates All To Charity

Coupon Grandmaster Scores $1658.53 Of Stuff From Walgreens For $19.99, Donates All To Charity

Epic is the only word to describe this coupon genius who bought $1658.53 of stuff from Walgreens for only $19.99. It took 6 hours to check out the over 100 transactions necessary to complete the purchase. Why did the manager gladly let him do this? [More]

Updated: DangerP's Sweet Excel Budget Spreadsheet (With Debt Snowball)

Updated: DangerP's Sweet Excel Budget Spreadsheet (With Debt Snowball)

After I uploaded my quick n easy excel budget spreadsheet yesterday, Consumerist reader DangerP sent over his to share with everyone. His is pretty cool! In addition to the regular cash flow and recurring billing item tracking, it also has a built-in worksheet for doing a debt snowball, tracking long-term debts, and an overall budget dashboard. Update: new excel file replaced to fix formula issues some people where having. [More]

This Used Car Ad Is Totally Tubular

This Used Car Ad Is Totally Tubular

Madison Ave, take some copywriting lessons from this radical used car ad: “Looking for a car with a sweet tape deck and a radio with five pre-sets? A car that needs new brakes and maybe some action under the hood?…Than this is the car for you! [sic]” [More]

Overcome Personal Finance Procrastination

Overcome Personal Finance Procrastination

The number one cause of personal finance ruin is procrastination, and the number one cause of procrastination is fear of failure. So if you find yourself watching Brideplasty instead of balancing your checkbook, deciding which expenses to cut, or updating your retirement savings plan, here are some tips for making those tasks less daunting. [More]

Fancy Colleges Don't Matter

Fancy Colleges Don't Matter

Smart and ambitious students should go to community college and state school, and save their money for funding their dreams. At least that’s one way to look at a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research that found going to a college where kids have higher SAT scores doesn’t result in more money after they graduate. [More]

Download Our Free Easy Excel Budget Spreadsheet

Download Our Free Easy Excel Budget Spreadsheet

Back by popular demand after the file on our server got messed up, it’s Consumerist’s easy excel budget spreadsheet! It lets you track your cash flow and expenses, and plan for upcoming purchases and bills. Use it properly and you’ll never overdraft again. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Cut Your Taxes: 5 Year-End Tips [Money Watch] “Here are some moves you can make right now to potentially reduce your financial exposure to Uncle Sam come April 15.”

Christmas Gifts That Make a Difference [Get Rich Slowly] “Make this the year when you pick presents that actually help.”

Everything You Need to Know About Christmas Trees [Money Talks News] “If you’re buying from a tree lot, the price, availability and tree types will depend on where you live, but you’ll often find the best deals at warehouse stories like Home Depot and Lowe’s.”

10 Things Your Landlord Won’t Tell You [Smart Money] “There’s more to negotiate than the rent.”

10 Cheap Ways To Get Someone A Great Gift For Under $5 [The Digerati Life] “Here are ten interesting ideas you could try the next time you’ve got a gift giving event coming up and you’re short on cash.”