Coupon exclusions are a delicate balance. When you exclude too few things, customers take advantage of the loopholes, like when Best Buy e-mailed a $50 off $100 purchase gift card and forgot to exclude gift cards. If you exclude too many things, customers will probably not bother to use the coupon at all, since they can’t tell what they can use it for. [More]
extreme couponing

Woman Boldly Steals Coupons From Storage Locker For Extreme Purposes
Forget rooting around stacks of newspapers for coupons to steal or grabbing entire papers — we’ve seen that already. The new thing on the scene is just lifting stacks of coupons before they’re even inserted into papers, as one woman allegedly did in Pennsylvania recently. [More]
Is It Fair For Extreme Couponers To Take All The Mouthwash Just Because They Can?
We’ve all the seen the devastation an extreme couponer can wreak on a display of deodeoants, if not firsthand, then on the TLC show aptly named Extreme Couponing. Sure, it’s awesome for the couponer, but what about the average customer who just wants to buy one shampoo, not 23, and there are none to be found? Stores have been adjusting their policies in certain regions as a result. [More]

Mother Of 10: Kroger Manager Refused To Take My Mountain Of Coupons
Here’s the latest dispatch from the front in the battle between the growing armies of extreme couponers and the beleaguered retailers who are beginning to fight back. An Atlanta-area mother of 10 children says a manager at her local Kroger just said no to taking her pile of clipped coupons. [More]

Extreme Couponing Leading To Additional Newspaper Thefts
Back in June, we told you about the uptick in Sunday newspaper thefts in Boise, ID, from thrifty folks trying to score additional coupons. Well, it looks like it wasn’t isolated to Idaho and one paper has even offered a reward for finding a newspaper pilferer. [More]

Extreme Couponers: Dollar Stores Are For Suckers
With many people still looking for ways to save in this tough economy, you might expect bargain-hunters lined up to buy things at dollar stores. But some practitioners of the dark art of extreme couponing (soon to be an X Games event, we hope), say that you can often do a lot better by going to your regular grocery or big box store so long as you come armed with coupons. [More]

Target, RiteAid, And Publix Change Policies To Cripple Extreme Couponers
In the past few weeks, three big stores have changed their coupon policies in ways to curb some of the more lucrative coupon tactics. It appears to be fallout over noob extreme couponers inspired by the TLC show Extreme Couponing, who are ruining the game for everyone else. [More]

Extreme Savers Stealing Coupons From Newspapers
For some people, coupons are those annoying things in newspapers you toss out on your way to the funny pages. For others, they’re like crack. There’s been a big uptick in Boise of people stealing the coupons from newspapers they haven’t paid for. People buy just pay for one paper from the newspaper box, then reach in and grab the coupons from the rest. The local newspaper has even gotten complaints about coupons being taken from newspapers in front of houses. [More]

Extreme Couponing: Fraud Edition
A lot of people find TLC’s new reality show “Extreme Couponing” horrifying due to the at times obnoxious behavior and extremely organized hoarding of the show’s subjects. But fellow (less extreme) couponers are upset for a different reason: they think that one woman featured on the show got some of her fantastic deals by using coupons fraudulently. [More]

Coupon Grandmaster Scores $1658.53 Of Stuff From Walgreens For $19.99, Donates All To Charity
Epic is the only word to describe this coupon genius who bought $1658.53 of stuff from Walgreens for only $19.99. It took 6 hours to check out the over 100 transactions necessary to complete the purchase. Why did the manager gladly let him do this? [More]

Man Who Hates Clipping Coupons Uses Coupons To Spend $1 Per Day On Food
Sure, the exploits of the coupon ninjas are interesting, but we live, shop, and eat in the real world. Who has time to make a job–or at least a time-consuming hobby–out of couponing? Jeffrey doesn’t. Yet he began a challenge to feed himself on $1 per day in April…and is still at it. Using sales, coupons, and (ugh) rebates, he’s managed to survive, without a huge time investment in couponing. What are his secrets? [More]