The National Ad Division is a program of the Council of Better Business Bureaus that investigates claims of misleading or otherwise problematic ads. Complaints typically come from an advertiser’s competition, and recently T-Mobile spoke up about Sprint’s marketing that promises to cut customers’ bills in half, or give them 50% off. The watchdog agreed that the claim made in ads is not, strictly speaking, true. [More]
mobile carriers

AT&T Offers Switchers [Up To] $650, Two-For-One Phone Deal
Now that mobile carriers have switched from subsidizing handsets to making us buy them our own darn selves, their inducement for customers to switch is now offering to pay off what you owe to our old carrier. That could be early termination fees, or your balance from buying a device on installments: doesn’t matter. T-Mobile started the trend, and now AT&T is increasing their incentive. [More]

T-Mobile Creates Drinking Game For AT&T Earnings Call, Hopes You Get Drunk Enough To Switch
Earning calls can be a drag, full of heavily massaged numbers and industry jargon meant to make anyone listening fall asleep. To spice things up, T-Mobile has created a drinking game, but not for their own magenta-hued earnings. Instead, T-Mo is intent on getting everyone drunk while listening to AT&T’s quarterly report.

Verizon, AT&T To Open 250 “Experience Stores” Inside Best Buy Locations
Could Best Buy be the new one-stop shop for all your mobile service needs? That seems to be goal of the electronics retailer as it continues the expansion of its store-within-a-store concept by adding dedicated Verizon and AT&T showcases in its U.S. stores.

T-Mobile Emphasizes: They’re Probably Not Going To Throttle You
Imagine being part of a rarified group: your carrier’s top 20 gobblers of unlimited data. At T-Mobile, unlimited data is still a thing, and a recently leaked memo has customers panicking that using too much data will get them throttled. It won’t. [More]

FTC Gives Wireless Industry Suggestions On How To Not Be Bill-Cramming Jerks
Earlier this year, the Federal Trade Commission sued T-Mobile, accusing the wireless company of making hundred of millions of dollars off of so-called “premium” text-messaging subscriptions that were often never requested by subscribers. To preempt others from getting involved in illegal “bill cramming,” the FTC is asking carriers to implement policy changes now instead of waiting until it’s too late. [More]

AT&T Unveils Yet Another Deal To Show It Loves Offering Credit To Customers
AT&T made another move in the ongoing chess game to determine which wireless provider can create the best, most enticing discounts and special offers. To continue what seems like an obvious battle between AT&T and T-Mobile, the larger provider has yet another deal for consumers – a $100 credit for adding new lines. [More]

Our Phone Service Disappears Entirely, Sprint Is Completely Helpless
Jay has tried everything that he can think of to get through to Sprint. After being a customer for more than a decade and living in the same house for four years with no phone reception issues, suddenly they started dropping calls at home. Their phones have been pretty much unusable for two months now. Since they don’t have a landline and phone access is kind of what they’re paying Sprint for, they’re just sad and tired and discouraged. They want help. They want to make some phone calls. [More]

Net10 Cuts Off My Access, Won’t Pick Up The Phone
Andrew is worried about his mobile carrier, Net10. He was very happy with the company’s “bring your own device” service on AT&T’s network until he learned that he wasn’t able to send picture messages. Well, no problem: tech support should be able to resolve that easily. Right? [More]

Sprint Mails Customers A "Get Out Of Sprint Free" Card
Sprint has mailed postcards to its customers saying that, beginning January 1st, it will stop charging so-called “recovery” fees and create new fees to replace (or possibly exceed) them. Sprint customers are now asking themselves whether or not this is a change to the Terms & Conditions—if so, then they should be able to cancel their contracts without paying an ETF, or early termination fee.