You may remember that ice cream parlor and restaurant chain Friendly’s filed for bankruptcy back in 2011. Since then, the chain closed some restaurants and kept going. Now the nation’s largest dairy distributor, Dean Foods, wandered past the remaining business that Friendly’s has, and likes what it sees in the ice cream case. It’s acquiring the retail and ice cream making parts of the business, but not the chain of restaurants. [More]
we all scream

Dean Foods Buys Ice Cream And Intellectual Property From Friendly’s, Will License Back Trademark To Restaurants

You Can Get A Free Ice Cream Cone Today At Carvel
If you’re looking for a treat this afternoon, you can get a free junior soft-serve cone if there’s a Carvel store near you from 3 PM to 8 PM. The cones are free, and vanilla, chocolate, and Oreo flavors are available. Customers who stop by can get a special coupon book if they make a $1 donation to the American Red Cross. [Carvel] [More]

Are These Really The 25-Best Ice Cream Shops In The Country?
What’s that dividing line between a good spot to pick up an ice cream cone and a place truly deserving of being called the best in the country? The folks at Food & Wine magazine think they know and have put together their list of the 25 best ice cream spots in the entire U.S. [More]

Lil' Drums Ice Cream Cone Packages Now Even More Lil'
Fans of Nestle’s perfectly dessert-sized mini Drumsticks will be disappointed this summer. While the individual cones have stayed the same size, there are now only ten to a box instead of the former twelve. Update: Nestle let us know that the change is actually the other way around: the package is becoming less lil’, not more. [More]

Target Has The Right Sticker But The Wrong Ice Cream
Ben & Jerry’s is offering some Target-exclusive ice cream flavors — Berry Voluntary and Brownie Chew Gooder — that charitable volunteers can purchase for free with special coupons. [More]