

More Fast Food Strikes Expected For Thursday

Getting a Big Mac, Whopper, Baconator, Double Down, or Chalupa might be a bit of an inconvenience on Thursday, as supporters of the movement for higher pay and union membership for fast food workers say employees will strike in 150 cities. [More]

Would You Like To Be Able To Buy A Big Mac With Empty Soda & Beer Cans?

Would You Like To Be Able To Buy A Big Mac With Empty Soda & Beer Cans?

Got a hankering for a Big Mac but don’t want to spend the money? Your recycling bin may hold the key to sating your special sauce craving… or it would if you were living in Sweden. [More]


Millennials’ Inability To Commit To Monogamous Fast Food Relationships Is Hurting McDonald’s

While it would be great for companies if all consumers agreed to go steady with just one of its suitors, choosing say, one fast food restaurant above all the rest and devoting themselves entirely to that relationship, that’s just not how it works. We consumers like to play the field, especially millennials, and that’s bad news for companies like McDonald’s. [More]

Are Mozzarella Sticks The Next McDonald’s Dollar Menu Item?

Are Mozzarella Sticks The Next McDonald’s Dollar Menu Item?

When you think of McDonald’s you probably think of burgers and fries. But could the fast-food joint be the next big thing for Mozzarella sticks? Probably not, but that’s not stopping at least one location from serving the cheesy sticks. [More]

McDonald’s Will Sell Bagged Coffee At Grocery Stores, Not Its Own Restaurants

McDonald’s Will Sell Bagged Coffee At Grocery Stores, Not Its Own Restaurants

As the old joke goes, if you burn yourself on McDonald’s coffee at home, at least you can’t sue McDonald’s. It’s not an old joke, but we did make it nonetheless back when Mickey D’s was just testing selling bags of coffee at grocery stores. And now the company is rolling that plan out nationwide soon, with one executive saying the company hopes to sell “lots” of coffee in 2015. [More]

(Mark Amsterdam)

McDonald’s Employee Who Left Daughter At Park Suing TV Station For Revealing Personal Details

When someone is arrested, it’s not uncommon for local media reports to say something like “Bob Smith, of the 1900 block of Main St., was charged with…” but you don’t usually get that person’s full home address and Social Security number. Yet that’s what happened when a TV station in South Carolina posted the full, unedited police interview with a McDonald’s employee who’d been arrested for leaving her 9-year-old daughter at a park while she worked. [More]


McDonald’s Fires Worker For Drawing A Swastika On Customer’s Sandwich Bun

A McDonald’s owner is apologizing and saying a worker at a North Carolina store was fired, after a customer claimed that she found a swastika drawn on her chicken sandwich’s bun with butter. [More]

McDonald’s Testing $4.99 DIY Combo Meal Bags

McDonald’s Testing $4.99 DIY Combo Meal Bags

Much like Wendy’s recent build-your-own-sandwich test highlighted a way that a fast food chain could offer something new without having to force new ingredients or menu items on franchisees, McDonald’s is now trying out a $4.99 build-your-own combo idea in some of its outlets in Georgia. [More]

McDonald’s Mistakenly Thinks It Is Loved By Internet, Will Not Be Mercilessly Mocked On Instagram

McDonald’s Mistakenly Thinks It Is Loved By Internet, Will Not Be Mercilessly Mocked On Instagram

In spite of Instagram’s warm-and-fuzzy, heavily filtered appearance, its users are no less likely to rip others to shreds for their own amusement than anyone else on the Internet. This fact was lost on McDonald’s, which inexplicably thought it could unleash ads on Instagram without being subject to an acid-tongued backlash from users. [More]


McDonald’s Testing Guaranteed 60-Second Drive-Thru Lunch Service (Sort Of)

Surveys show that the average service time at a McDonald’s drive-thru is longer than three minutes, but some McDonald’s in Florida believe they can cut a chunk of time off of that time — or your next meal is free. [More]

(ken fager)

McDonald’s Franchisee: Company Told Me To Pay Employees Less

McDonald’s, the largest fast food employer in the country, is at the center of the ongoing debate about minimum wage levels, and about the relationship between franchisees and their corporate overlords. One owner of a McDonald’s franchise in California says the folks at McDonald’s HQ have an answer for franchisees who complain about paper-thin profit margins on their food — pay employees less money. [More]

(Paxton Holley)

NLRB Rules That McDonald’s And Franchisees Are Joint Employers

In a decision that could impact not just the fast food business, but all chain retailers that use the franchisee model, the National Labor Relations Board Office of the General Counsel announced today that McDonald’s can possibly be held responsible for franchisees’ bad labor practices. [More]

(stephanie santos)

Ronald McDonald Won’t Sell Burgers At Your Kids’ School, But He’ll Talk About Bike Safety

Is it possible to separate a world-famous brand mascot from the products that mascot has spent decades shilling for? Can you look at Joe Camel and not associate him with Camel cigarettes, or stare deep into the terrifying unblinking eyes of second-tier human-baseball Mr. Met and not immediately think of the NY Mets? McDonald’s apparently thinks so, telling consumer advocates that Ronald McDonald isn’t pushing Big Macs and McNuggets on kids when he visits schools to talk about bike safety and other non-greasy topics. [More]

Would You Like A Side Of Cocaine With Your Extra Value Meal?

Would You Like A Side Of Cocaine With Your Extra Value Meal?

Most fast food meals come with a side of fries and a drink, but at one Philadelphia McDonald’s there was apparently another option: cocaine. [More]


Wisconsin McDonald’s Reunited With Ronald McDonald Statue 9 Months After It Wandered Off

Police have made a positive identification in the missing inanimate persons case of one Ronald McDonald, statue, who previously resided at a Wisconsin McDonald’s before wandering off/getting kidnapped nine months ago. We might never know what he saw out there in the wide world on his travels, however, as officials say the statue is remaining as silent as a… well, you know. [More]

Between 2009 and 2013, the sodium levels of this KFC meal actually increased by 11%, according to the CSPI survey.

While Other Restaurant Chains Cut Down On Sodium, KFC Meals Have Been Getting Saltier

With an increased concern about the role high sodium levels play in high blood pressure, kidney disease and other health issues, a number of restaurant chains have been attempting to cut back on the salt in recent years. A new review of meals from 17 of the nation’s most popular fast food and family eateries shows that most chains are slowly reducing the amounts of sodium in their food (though it’s still very high), while a small number of others have actually gone the other direction. [More]

Answer: Sbarro.

Sbarro Is The Worst Fast Food Chain In America Because Its Food Doesn’t Taste “Fresh”

Whether you’re a burger guy or a burrito gal, you’ve probably got your favorite fast food joints. But in the interest of finding a culinary consensus, our best buds at Consumer Reports decided to make it official with a new survey of readers who chowed down on 96,208 meals at 65 chains. And um, we’ve got some bad news for you, Sbarro (clears throat awkwardly). [More]

McDonald’s Service Complaints End In Two OWI Arrests In One Day

McDonald’s Service Complaints End In Two OWI Arrests In One Day

We’re not sure if a Wisconsin McDonald’s restaurant truly has terrible service standards or if it’s just a hotbed for drunk men. [More]