When someone is arrested, it’s not uncommon for local media reports to say something like “Bob Smith, of the 1900 block of Main St., was charged with…” but you don’t usually get that person’s full home address and Social Security number. Yet that’s what happened when a TV station in South Carolina posted the full, unedited police interview with a McDonald’s employee who’d been arrested for leaving her 9-year-old daughter at a park while she worked. [More]
too much information
McDonald’s Employee Who Left Daughter At Park Suing TV Station For Revealing Personal Details
Thanks To Nordstrom, I Now Know That A Stranger Is Planning A Very Special Evening
Remember how one reader kept getting emails about the Nook she’d never ordered? Another Consumerist tipster says he’s been receiving emailed receipts from Nordstrom for purchases in Seattle that he never made. Jason says it’s annoying but mildly amusing, as in this case where the purchases have led him to believe his unknown pal has “a hot date planned.” [More]
Dell Gets Nosey When Attempting To Verify Order
Zach ordered a netbook online from Dell, then got a call from a customer service rep who wanted to verify his identity for the order. He was stumped as to why the company needed to give his birthday and last four digits of his SSN.