
Adorable Japanese Mascot Invades U.S. Convenience Stores

Adorable Japanese Mascot Invades U.S. Convenience Stores

Would you like your morning coffee with a side of Domo-kun? In one of those odd twists of globalization and marketing synergy, the mascot of Japanese public television network NHK has found his way onto 99 cent cups of coffee and special Slurpee cups at 7-Eleven stores in the United States.

Guy Catches Laptop With His Butt. Yawn.

Guy Catches Laptop With His Butt. Yawn.

Somehow we missed this gem two months ago, but here’s a viral video sensation involving a trio of athletes who can catch slim laptops in their butts.

Woman Sues Toyota For Convincing Her She Was Being Stalked

Woman Sues Toyota For Convincing Her She Was Being Stalked

It’s probably a bad idea to market to consumers by tricking them with practical jokes. It’s definitely a bad idea to make a consumer fear for her safety over a five day period because she thinks a stalker is coming after her. That’s why a woman in Los Angeles is suing Toyota for $10 million after being on the receiving end of a Punk’d-style stunt to promote the Toyota Matrix.

Why Retailers Like It When You Subscribe

Why Retailers Like It When You Subscribe

You know what’s great about subscriptions? You forget to cancel them. You also pay more over time than you would if you were forced to buy items individually. Yeah, that’s awesome—for companies. The New York Times looks at current research on how consumers think about subscriptions, and why companies want to push them more than ever.

Ralph Lauren Is As Weirded Out By This Ad As We Are

Ralph Lauren Is As Weirded Out By This Ad As We Are

Fashion advertising has a long tradition of lying, but this comically stupid Ralph Lauren ad seems to have confused the human anatomy with a box of Pocky. Unfortunately, Ralph Lauren doesn’t want to be mocked for its own advertising, so it started sending out DMCA takedown notices to blogs who have posted the ad—both Boingboing and Photoshop Disasters have been ratted out to their ISPs. Blogspot took down the pic from Photoshop Disasters while it investigates, but Boingboing has posted it a second time.

Expense-A-Steak Receipt Generator Makes Fraud Easy

Expense-A-Steak Receipt Generator Makes Fraud Easy

Midtown Manhattan steakhouse Maloney & Porcelli’s tongue-in-cheek “Expense-a-Steak” tool generates remarkably realistic-looking expense friendly receipts for whatever amount you enter into the website (supposedly the cash you dropped on their fine hunks of meat.) Is it aiding and abetting fraud? Who knows.

FTC Says Bloggers Can't Hide Endorsement Deals

FTC Says Bloggers Can't Hide Endorsement Deals

For the first time since 1980, the FTC has updated its rules about endorsements and testimonials, and they’ve added blogging to the books. Now bloggers who don’t disclose that they’ve been somehow compensated—either with cash or with free services or products—can be fined up to $11,000.

World's Worst Logos

World's Worst Logos

As part of our stand against Christmas Creep, we want to celebrate the actual upcoming holiday by lobbing some pretty frightening images at you from the website Your Logo Makes Me Barf. Take this alarm sign, for instance. The obvious chills come from recognizing what they’re walking into, but then you notice the kid figure and the term “young alarm” and, wait, wtf?

Men's Retailer Begs For Customers

Men's Retailer Begs For Customers

Here’s a new take on direct mail that we’ll call the “painfully honest but kind of sad” approach. George Anderson at RetailWire writes that a local men’s retailer sent him the following plea via snail mail.

Microsoft's Launch Party Video Is Surprisingly Offensive!

Microsoft's Launch Party Video Is Surprisingly Offensive!

Okay, now we get the appeal of hosting a Windows 7 launch party. There’s lots of f[bleep]g involved. Lots and lots of it at the skeevy white guy’s party, it sounds like. Watch the clip below to see how much better you can make a corporate video by adding a few well-timed bleeps.

Here's Your Virtual UPS Advertising Junk Box, Enjoy

Here's Your Virtual UPS Advertising Junk Box, Enjoy

Rhett writes, “I noticed your article UPS Now Delivers Bonus Junk Mail Packages and today, it started. I received a package from UPS Monday of this week with no bonus advertising. Today (Wednesday), this is what was on my front step.”

Take Our Survey, Get Free Month Pass To

Take Our Survey, Get Free Month Pass To

UPDATE: Thank you very much for your input. The survey is now closed for the time being. We apologize for the unexpected technical glitches and will be figuring out how best to address those who didn’t get redemption codes.

50 Cool Billboards

50 Cool Billboards

Most billboards are either ugly jumbles of giant text, or unfortunately memorable things like this. Here’s a list of 50 mostly cool ones (we think the Texas one is ‘shopped, and the anti-American one can suck it). Hey, if you’re gonna advertise on a billboard, you may as well make it entertaining.

PowerPointing In The Den Of Whores

PowerPointing In The Den Of Whores

About a year and a half ago, I was invited down to Miami to give a powerpoint to a bunch of marketers about how internet-empowered consumers were going to destroy their companies and force them to do business better.

Microsoft Wants You To Host Your Own Windows 7 Launch Party, Really

Microsoft Wants You To Host Your Own Windows 7 Launch Party, Really

Everyone likes hosting launch parties, right?! What? No one likes them? They’re not real parties—just promotional events dreamed up to move units? But Microsoft told me that it’s okay to host my own launch party! It’ll be cool! Just look at these two married couples hanging out and gabbing like a box of birds about how much they love Windows 7.

Reminder: Amish Heater Is Still No Miracle

Reminder: Amish Heater Is Still No Miracle

The supposedly classy New York Times Magazine had a 2-page ad for the Amish Heater this weekend, so with that and the cold times a-coming, now is a good time to remind everyone that the Amish Heater is just a standard space heater plus overpriced particleboard faux-wood mantle on wheels.

Flickr People Really Don't Like The New "From Yahoo!" Logo

Flickr People Really Don't Like The New "From Yahoo!" Logo

You may have noticed that Flickr recently updated their logo to include “From Yahoo!” If you’re at all familiar with Flickr, you can probably guess how well this is going over with the users.

Swine Flu Presents Grocery Store Marketing Opportunity

Swine Flu Presents Grocery Store Marketing Opportunity

Reader Ian spotted this display at his local supermarket.