Marijuana may be legal and taxed in Colorado, but the federal government still considers anyone who sells it to be a drug dealer and won’t allow banks to offer accounts to these businesses. So how is a legal businessman supposed to pay those sales tax to the state? [More]

Sorry, Colorado: No Pot-Infused Twinkies For You
Bad news, entrepreneurs: you won’t be able to infuse the cream filling in your massive Twinkie hoard with THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, and sell them to the general public. It’s nothing specifically against Twinkies, but a rule made as part of Colorado’s new regulations that will govern the sale of not-quite-federally-legal marijuana products in that state. [More]

You Probably Won’t Be Able To Buy Marijuana With A Credit Card Anytime Soon
Now that marijuana is legal in small amounts in Washington and Colorado, officials in those state are having a heckuva time figuring out how to regulate those businesses and collect taxes on their daily doings. But even with the approval of state governments, there’s still the tricky question of how these establishments will be able to do their business — in other words, will customers be able to pay with cash, check or credit? [More]

Medical Marijuana Pill Could Mean Grandma Won’t Need To Borrow Grandson’s Bong
While it might make you giggle to think about grandmas smoking medical marijuana out of bongs or rolling joints, the reality is that many medical marijuana users have no way to get their treatment without inhaling the stuff. But new research into a marijuana pill and its effectiveness in alleviating pain could change all that — especially if your state is trying to outlaw bongs. [More]

Washington Officials: Just Because Pot Is Legal, You Can’t Light Up Anywhere You Want
Listen, Washington residents. We’re sure some of you are pretty darn excited now that marijuana is on the up-and-up in your state, but that doesn’t mean you can just drag your pipes and vaporizers out of the closet and into the local watering hole. There are still rules that need to be set up governing such things, and the state’s Liquor Control Board says some bar patrons are getting ahead of themselves. [More]

Trying To Pay Your Cab Fare With Marijuana Will Probably Not Go Over Well
Many people who have taken taxis regularly enough have had to face that dreaded moment when you realize you don’t have enough cash — or you lost your wallet — and you won’t be able to pay the fare. There are ways to handle this, but offering the driver marijuana as barter is probably not the best idea. [More]

Law Would Make Bongs, Other Devices, Illegal In Florida
In some states, there is a wink-wink acknowledgement between law enforcement and stores that sell bongs and other devices that could (and sometimes are) used to smoke tobacco and other legal products, but which are primarily used for smoking pot. A bill being considered by Florida legislators would put an end to this friendly arrangement by outlawing the sale of such devices. [More]

Such A Thing As A Pot Vending Machine Exists, Might Be Heading To Colorado & Washington
Now that Colorado and Washington have legalized marijuana for recreational use, businesses are clamoring to get a piece of the action, and coming up with some entertaining ways to do it. For example, a pot vending machine already exists for medical use, so why not introduce the same kind of devices for anyone in those states looking to buy some legal bud? One company is working on adapting its vending machines for just that purpose. [More]

College Students Who Voted To Legalize Marijuana Likely Won’t Be Able To Smoke It On Campus
Unless you’ve buried your head in the sand like the proverbial ostrich, you’ve probably heard that Washington and Colorado recently voted to legalize marijuana in their prospective states. But just like those new rules governing cannabis use won’t go into effect right away, there’s another major buzz kill for fans of the green stuff — namely, those same college students that likely helped the vote succeed won’t be allowed to smoke it on campus. [More]

Turns Out Dressing Up Pot As 640 Lollipops For Halloween Doesn’t Fool The Cops
College students often treat Halloween as a very special rite of passage — the kind that involves scraps of fabric called “costumes” and throwing raging parties to celebrate All Hallow’s Eve. We’ll tell you something, kids: Cops are wise to the fact that you love getting nutty on this holiday, so trying to disguise marijuana as simply 640 regular lollipops is not the cleverest of ruses. [More]

I Swear, Officer: That Fragrant Odor Is McDonald’s Fries & Not The Marijuana
If you’re going to come up with an scapegoat smell to cover your tracks, perhaps choosing the familiar fragrant, salty scent of McDonald’s french fries isn’t the best choice. That odor is basically ingrained in the collective conscious of the country by now, after all. Oh, and cops know what marijuana smells like, so there’s that. [More]

It’s Oakland Vs. Washington In Legal Battle Over Huge Medical Marijuana Dispensary
In what is believed to be the first instance of a municipality suing the federal government on behalf of a medical marijuana dispensary, the city of Oakland has gone to court to ask the feds to please stop trying to close down the largest such dispensary in the country. [More]

L.A. City Council Votes To Repeal Ban On Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
Only a few months after enacting a ban on the hundreds of medical marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles, the L.A. City Council voted 11-2 last night in favor of repealing the ban. [More]

Michigan Medical Marijuana Users Gain Ability To Defend Themselves In Court
People in Michigan who use marijuana for medical purposes now have the right to use their health issues to defend themselves in court — even if they don’t have a medical marijuana card — thanks to a Michigan Supreme Court ruling. [More]

College To Use Fertilizer To Prevent Pot Party From Growing
If there’s one thing the last half-century has taught us about pot-smoking teens and 20-somethings, it’s that the best way to reach them is by cracking down even harder. That’s why the folks at the University of Colorado Boulder will be checking ID and spreading stinky fish fertilizer in an attempt to prevent pot-partakers from gathering on the school’s quad this April 20. [More]
Peanut Butter Disguise Can't Sneak Pot Past TSA
Many things go great with peanut butter, but marijuana isn’t one of them, at least when you’re going through airport security. A passenger allegedly tried to sneak marijuana aboard a flight from Oakland by packing it inside a peanut butter jar, but Transportation Security Administration workers spotted the ruse with an X-ray machine. The man was cited for drug possession and missed his flight. He said the pot was for medical use and he hid it because he didn’t have a medical marijuana card. [More]
Study: Driving While Stoned Is Very Dangerous, But Not As Risky As Drunk Driving
You might have a friend — or you might even be that person — who swears that they actually drive better after smoking a bit of marijuana (I believe the kids call it “reefer”); that it clears their head and helps them focus. But a new study confirms what many people had probably already guessed: that smoking pot and driving isn’t exactly a good idea. [More]

TSA Agent Finds Pot In Rapper's Bag, Leaves Note Rather Than Confiscating It
Remember that TSA agent who left a “get your freak on” note inside the bag of a woman who packed a vibrator — and was subsequently fired for doing so? Well it looks like that agent was not the only wannabe quipster among his security-screening kin. [More]