Now that marijuana is legal in Colorado, state officials want to make sure that drivers know it’s not just alcohol that shouldn’t be with you behind the wheel, but pot as well. The state’s Department of Transportation is publicizing that message ahead of the April 20 (4/20) celebrations in the state by way of a fake driving game installed at various dispensaries. [More]

Colorado DOT Installing Fake Arcade Racing Game At Pot Shops To Warn Players Against Driving While High

In A Surprise To Absolutely No One, Willie Nelson Has Plans To Sell His Own Brand Of Marijuana
It was only a matter of time: Now that recreational marijuana is legal in five U.S. States, Willie Nelson is fulfilling the silent promise his very existence made to his fans, and planning to launch his own line of weed. Please, sit down before you faint dead away from the shock. [More]

Colorado Lawmakers: Marijuana Edibles Must Look Different Than Regular Foods Even Without Packaging
After taking on the form of brownies, cookies, candy and other normal foods for years, edible marijuana goods must now figure out their own identity in Colorado. A proposed bill to loosen the requirements that say edible pot products must look distinctly different from normal food was rejected by a Colorado panel of lawmakers. [More]

Petition Wants To Make Ohio The Fifth State To Legalize Marijuana
A group in Ohio wants the state to join Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska in the legal recreational marijuana club, with a new petition to amend the state’s constitution. [More]

Nevada Bill Would Make It Legal To Treat Sick Pets With Medical Marijuana
Soon it might not just be humans holding medical marijuana patient cards (or something like it): Legislators in Nevada have introduced a bill that would allow pet owners to treat their sick animals with medical pot. [More]

New Hampshire Legislators Vote For Bill That Would Decriminalize Marijuana
Lawmakers in New Hampshire are trying to turn the state a bit greener, with representatives passing a bill in the House that would decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana. [More]

Senate Bill Would Decriminalize Medical Marijuana In States Where It’s Already Legal
A Senate bill expected to be introduced today would have the federal government ease up on the states that already have legalized medical marijuana, effectively keeping patients, doctors, dispensaries and growers from federal prosecution, and would also remove marijuana from the list of most dangerous drugs, according to reports. [More]

Town Opens Washington State’s First Government-Run Recreational Marijuana Shop
The times are certainly changing in Washington State, where it recently became legal to buy and use recreational marijuana. Joining bake sales and other fundraisers as ways to give back to the community, a small town in Washington has opened the state’s first recreational marijuana store that’s run by the local government. [More]

DEA Agent Says Legalizing Medical Marijuana In Utah Will Lead To Stoned Rabbits
There are many arguments for and against using marijuana legally in this country, whether for medical use or for fun, but one drug enforcement official’s reason for his stance against legalizing it in Utah is surely one nobody’s about to forget: He says wild bunnies will get high off the stuff. [More]

It’s Official: Owning And Using Marijuana Is Now Legal In Washington D.C.
It’s been quite a green week in the country, as the last few days have seen the recreational use of marijuana become legal in Alaska and now the capital of the United States, Washington D.C. But curb those dreams of toking up at the Lincoln Memorial, folks, because there are some limits to the new law. [More]

Recreational Marijuana Is Now Legal In Alaska — With Some Restrictions
Alaska became the third state in the country to legalize recreational marijuana as of today — but only if you can figure out a way to get your hands on some without actually buying it from someone else. Smoking, growing and owning marijuana is all cool under the new law, but handing over money for the stuff or smoking it in public places is still illegal. [More]

Colorado Florists Offering Pot-Themed Bouquets For Valentine’s Day Because Love Is Just So Dank
When it comes to marijuana in Colorado, now that the stuff is legal for recreational purposes, you better believe retailers are trying to lure in all the greenery loving customers it can. So what better way to show your cannabis cutie how you feel than with a “budquet” of marijuana? I would also like to apologize for the phrase “cannabis cutie,” but it cannot be helped. [More]

Denver Airport Won’t Cater To Pot Tourists, Bans All Marijuana-Themed Souevenirs
So let’s say you decided to take a trip and see what all the fuss is about with this marijuana tourism stuff in Colorado (let’s hope you were more successful than Maureen Dowd). But after all that cooking eating, giggling and agreeing with Neil deGrasse Tyson about everything, you forget to grab your marijuana-themed souvenirs and you’re already at the airport to head home. You’re out of luck. [More]

Weed Glut: Washington State Marijuana Growers Outpacing Consumer Demand
It sounds like your cousin Darren Who Still Lives In His Parents Basement’s dream come true: Marijuana growers in Washington State are churning out huge piles of weed, producing more pot than people are buying. [More]

L.A. Medical Marijuana Dispensary Removes Pot-Smoking Santa Painting From The Window After Complaints
If the legal marijuana industry learns anything from Big Tobacco’s experience in this country, it’s that mixing kids and smoking is just not going to fly, as the industry found out with the banishment of Joe Camel and his ilk. So even if medical marijuana is legal in California, it’s not legal for anyone under 18. You know, or anyone who might believe in Santa Claus. [More]

Medical Marijuana Suddenly A Whole Lot Less Illegal Nationwide
Congress passed a massive omnibus government spending bill over the weekend. And while most of the attention is on the fact that lawmakers have managed to avoid the mess of another government shutdown, the 1600-page, $1.1 trillion bill has a lot in it. Particularly of note? After many long years, the federal government has effectively lifted its prohibition on medical marijuana nationwide. [More]

L.A. City Attorney Sues To Stop Medical Marijuana Delivery App
Only last month an app company in Los Angeles announced that it’d be expanding its liquor delivery service to include greener pastures, as it were, with a new medical marijuana delivery option. But the city’s attorney isn’t a fan of that plan, and is suing to stop the company from going green. [More]