

JCPenney Knocks Out Macy’s In Court Ruling: JCP Can Sell Martha Stewart Products

Well lookee here — there’s news about JCPenney and for once, the company isn’t on the losing end of the stick. A judge ruled today against Macy’s request to extend an injunction that barred JCPenney from selling Martha Stewart designs in its stores. The ruling means JCPenney can peddle Martha’s wares (temporarily), as long as the products don’t have her name on them. [More]


Macy’s Plays April Fools’ Joke On Itself With Typo Marking Down $1,500 Necklace To $47

Macy’s might be looking for a new copyeditor right about now, as a bunch of people were reportedly able to score a pretty sweet discount by way of a major typo in a national circular for the department store. Instead of advertising a $1,500 sterling silver and 14-karat gold necklace as marked down to $479, the ad listed it as on sale for $47. Oopsies. [More]


JCPenney Agrees To Refrain From Selling Martha Stewart Products Until April Court Date

Although JCPenney has been jonesing to start selling Martha Stewart-designed products in its Martha mini-shops, for now it seems that desire will have to be curbed. The department store agreed yesterday to set aside its plans for Martha’s products in its stores at least until an April 8 court date. Rival Macy’s is probably thrilled, while Stewart is likely still wondering if everyone has two houses and thus, a need for two casserole dishes. [More]


Martha Stewart Testifies In JCPenney Vs. Macy’s Dispute: The More Deals The Merrier, Right?

As retailers JCPenney and Macy’s go back and forth in the bitter battle for the right to sell Martha Stewart branded products, the legend herself popped into court yesterday to defend her company’s decision to sign a deal with one when she’d already pledged her allegiance to another. [More]


Judge Warns JCPenney On Martha Stewart Products: Blame Yourself For Empty Shelves

A judge is warning JCPenney that if it ends up with empty shelves bereft of Martha Stewart-branded products, it’ll only have itself to blame. The company is in the midst of a tiff with Macy’s over which retailer is allowed to sell her homewares. Macy’s is claiming exclusive rights, but JCPenney recently went ahead and ordered products from her company anyway. [More]


Macy’s Consumer Protection Department: Still Protecting Consumers By Canceling Their Orders

Last year, we learned that Macy’s has a Consumer Protection Department tasked with protecting consumers by canceling their orders. We think. That’s what it looks like from here, anyway. John stumbled across our post on the subject, Macy’s Consumer Protection Department Protects Me By Canceling My Orders, and wrote in to share his own experience. Ultimately, his order went through, but only after he gave his credit card info over the phone. That means he lost $80 in eBates credit that he would have received for placing his order through the rebate site. [More]


Macy’s Knows They Double-Charged Me, No One Has The Power To Fix It

John’s wife ordered a pair of boots from Macy’s, returned them, and got a refund. In a perfect world, that would be the end of this post, which would be very short and very boring. John lives in the real world, though, where Macy’s just went ahead and charged the couple a second time for the boots three weeks later for no clear reason. No one can explain where the charge came from, and no one has been able to get their $180 back for the last two months. [More]

(The Joy of the Mundane)

Consumers Now Feeling The Pain Of Post-Holiday Gift Card Scams

Back in December, we told you about how scammers could take money from your gift card before you even get a chance to use it. Now that people are trying to cash in those cards, they’re feeling the sting of finding out they have a zero balance. [More]


Here’s Another Reason To Avoid Giving Gift Cards

By this point, we’ve probably all given or received gift cards during the holidays. But most consumers don’t know how easy it is for scammers to steal value from these cards, and what a pain in the butt in can be to get that money back. [More]


My Wedding Band Missed My Wedding, And Macy’s Won’t Refund Rush Shipping

Okay, Ree probably should have ordered her wedding band a little earlier. Ordering it on November 21 for a November 30 wedding isn’t too bad, though: there are six whole business days for it to show up! That’s why she accepted the financial penalty of paying for faster shipping. Everything should have been fine. Until, apparently, everything that could go wrong with shipping a piece of jewelry within the same country did. The truck broke down. The ring was delivered to the wrong house. The ring was delivered to the wrong door of the wrong house. In the meantime, Ree had managed to find the same ring in stock at another store in the area. They got married, came back from the honeymoon, and… the original ring hadn’t showed up yet. [More]

(Old Man Musings)

Your Guide To Black Friday Start Times: Start Planning Extreme Shopping Strategies

We already know that Walmart is pushing back its Black Friday sale start time to 8 p.m. on Thursday (yes, that’s Thanksgiving!), but what about all its competitors? When are those doors going to come banging open to allow the frenzied flow of devoted discounters to get to work? Let’s just say it might be a good idea to scheduled dinner early in the day if you want to partake in the retail madness. [More]

(Vincent J. Brown)

Macy’s Launching 13 New Brands In Attempt To Get In Good With The Cool Millennial Kids

The group of shoppers between the ages of 13 and 30 is like the Holy Grail to retailers — the millennials. Get them to either ask their parents to shop in your store or take their own disposable income there and you’re golden. To try and earn a chunk of that spending power, Macy’s is launching 13 new brands and is spiffing up and expanding 10 it already has. [More]

(David Bivins)

5 Best Stores For Having Playdates While You Shop

To all the parents of young children out there who are constantly wrangled into making playdates for your kid(s). Just because you’ve scheduled a playdate for your little one(s), it doesn’t mean you can’t also get in some all-important shopping while the youngsters amuse each other for a few hours. [More]


Toys “R” Us Opening Mini Departments Inside 24 Macy’s Stores This Holiday Season

Toys “R” Us is going gangbusters this holiday season in its effort to be the go-to destination for parents seeking out the hottest toys, gadgets and gizmos for their little ones. Along with the amount of layaway business it’s targeting with its retooled program this year, Toys “R” Us said it will open 24 departments in Macy’s stores this holiday season. [More]

Christmas Creeps In Slowly At Macy’s

Christmas Creeps In Slowly At Macy’s

Now that we’re past the halfway point in the year, it’s time to begin thinking about Christmas… well, at least at the Macy’s flagship store in New York, where Consumerist reader David snapped this photo last night. [More]

Macy’s Makes Fun Of Coupons With Its Latest Coupon

Macy’s Makes Fun Of Coupons With Its Latest Coupon

Did you know the asterisk in the Macy*s logo is actually part of a clever branding campaign to associate the brand with fine print? It must be true, because no other department store has such a love of fine print on coupons—and such an apparent hatred of actual coupons. Their latest masterpiece in exclusions won’t cover electronics, wigs, mattresses, shoes, watches, about a million clothing brands, and more. What does it cover? Probably a shoehorn from the Notions for Men department.

Macy’s Issues Worst Coupon Ever

Macy’s Issues Worst Coupon Ever

Reader David sends us what might be the worst coupon we’ve ever seen. Not because it’s a bad deal, ($10 bucks off regular, sale and clearance is cool; we’re not complaining) but because we broke our brain in two reading the exclusions and conditions.