JCPenney Knocks Out Macy’s In Court Ruling: JCP Can Sell Martha Stewart Products

Well lookee here — there’s news about JCPenney and for once, the company isn’t on the losing end of the stick. A judge ruled today against Macy’s request to extend an injunction that barred JCPenney from selling Martha Stewart designs in its stores. The ruling means JCPenney can peddle Martha’s wares (temporarily), as long as the products don’t have her name on them.
Justice Jeffrey K. Oing of New York State Supreme court warned JCPenney on using Martha’s name anywhere: “I don’t want to see it in advertisements, in any brochures or promotions. You are to stay away from the Martha Stewart brand,” he said.
JCPenney might have ousted CEO Ron Johnson (not Ron Johnson) to thank for its good fortune today, notes the New York Times. Justice Oing said that one reason he ruled the way he did was due to the exit of Johnson. He called him “the architect of this entire dispute.”
On the matter of blocking JCPenney from selling Martha Stewart’s designs: “I cannot ignore the reality of the harm to J.C. Penney, even if it is the result of its own acts, but the acts, I believe, were spurred on by their former C.E.O.”
The harm here would’ve been JCPenney tossing products it already had waiting to go on sale worth about $100 million, say reports. And since it likely didn’t have a bunch of backup products just hanging out ready to be sold, its home department would feature bare shelves.
Bet there are a lot of “TGIF, AM I RITE?” instant messages and emails going around JCP HQ right about now.
Previously: Martha Stewart Testifies In JCPenney Vs. Macy’s Dispute: The More Deals The Merrier, Right?; Judge Warns JCPenney On Martha Stewart Products: Blame Yourself For Empty Shelves
Interim Martha Stewart Ruling Favors J.C. Penney [New York Times]
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