Remember those stories about the drywall sold and installed by big American chains that turned out to be contaminated by noxious sulfur smells? Well, now Lowe’s has upped its max payout for affected homeowners from a max of $4,500 in cash and gift cards to $100,000. Replacing the amount of appliances and other possessions irreversibly tainted by the horrid smell can easily reach that one-hundred grand mark so this is a step in the right direction, and lays bare how paltry Lowe’s initial offer was. It’s just business, baby, stinky, stinky, business. [More]

Former Installer: Why You Shouldn't Get Lowe's Installation (Or Why You Should)
An anonymous reader who once worked installing as an installer for Lowe’s shared some very helpful advice with us: you probably shouldn’t go to a big-box store for your deck-building and window-installing needs. Why is that? Let him count the ways. [More]

Whirlpool, Free Us From This Fridge's Unholy Buzzing Sound
Justin and his wife saved up and bought a sweet, petite, shiny new Whirlpool refrigerator from Lowe’s. They were thrilled with their new purchase for about three weeks, until it began to make an unholy buzzing noise. No one can make the buzzing stop. Not Whirlpool, not Lowe’s, not an endless procession of repairmen, and not either company’s executive customer service. What now? [More]

Lowe's Recalls 11 Million Roman Shades & Roll-Up Blinds
Roman shades and roll-up blinds have become the drop-side cribs of the home decor world. They’re a known risk and there have been industry-wide recalls, and yet they continue to be made (shoddily) and sold… only to be recalled. This time, it’s Lowe’s Home Centers recalling just about every Roman shade and roll-up blind it’s sold since 1999. [More]

Lowe's Ups Chinese Drywall Settlement To $100,000 Per Victim
Instead of a few bucks and some gift cards, Lowe’s has amended its stinky Chinese drywall settlement so that plaintiffs can get up to $100,000 – money that will come in a lot more handy for people whose entire houses and most of their possessions were ruined by the sulphuric fumes. [More]

Lowe's Proposes To Settle Sulfur-Spewing Drywall Claims With Piddly Gift Cards
Lowe’s is proposing to settle in the tainted drywall class action lawsuit with gift cards. The gift cards will be $50, $250, or $2000. Never mind those who entire homes, way of life, and most of their possessions and electronics ruined or contaminated by the sulfur-emitting drywall. Here, how about a discount on a new showerhead? [More]

Haggle With The Manager Of Lowe's, Get A Great Deal On A Fridge
Rissa writes in to let us know that you can get a great deal by haggling a little bit with the manager of Lowe’s. [More]

"Weat Paent Man" Sign At Lowe's Makes Reading Fun Again
There is a free thinker at the Lowe’s in Fort Oglethorpe, GA, who has rejected the system’s stifling rules for spelling. Nice penmanship, though. (Thanks to Tim!) [More]

Introducing Consumer Reports' Weekend Deals
Our smarter siblings over at Consumer Reports are really on top of things today: After some digging around, they’ve come up with a list of deals out there this weekend at stores like Walmart, Home Depot and Lowe’s to help you stretch your hard-earned dollars. [More]

You Trick Home Depot Into Price Matching Their Own Website
Reader Aaron was trying to buy a toilet from Home Depot, but they, like other retailers, would not price match their own website — that is until Aaron told them he would just go to Lowe’s and have them price match Home Depot’s website. [More]

Lowe's Coupon Invites You To Spend More, Save Less
Lowe’s mailed Phillip this coupon, imploring him to deny logic and spend $250 to get what at first glance appears to be the maximum savings. But Phillip used some mathemagicianal reasoning and discovered that it pays more to spend less in the case of this coupon set. [More]

Deadly, Defective Stuff Recalled
Here’s the latest roundup of consumer products recalled because they might hurt or kill you!

Lowe's Replaces The Refrigerator From Hell
Buddy, owner of the refrigerator from hell, has sent us a follow-up. Lowe’s has agreed to send him a check for the replacement cost of the evil fridge. Hooray!

The Tale Of Lowe's And The Refrigerator From Hell
Reader Buddy has a lemon of a fridge that he purchased from Lowe’s with an Extended Warranty. The store keeps sending people out to fix the appliance, but nothing seems to work.

Hey Lowe's: Is Halloween Next? Or Christmas?
The Christmas trees are in full effect and the decorations are crowding out the Halloween stuff at the Lowe’s in Alexandria, VA.

Martha Stewart And Home Depot Enter Pact
Starting in January, you’ll be able to buy Martha Stewart-branded patio furniture, storage bins, and toilet wine kits at your local Home Depot, thanks to a new multi-zillion dollar business deal the two companies have cooked up. Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia’s old deal with Kmart—which a company tells the Atlanta Journal-Constitution earned them upwards of $1 billion annually at its peak—expires that same month.

Lawsuit: Lowe's Cabinet Installers Drill Into Water Lines Three Times
Here’s an interesting little lawsuit from West Virginia. A customer is suing Lowe’s, claiming that installers contracted by the hardware giant drilled into his water lines. Not once. Not twice. Three times.