Do you want to be one of over eight million identity theft victims? No, but most of the services sold by “identity theft protection” companies you can get for free. Here’s how.

8 Signs That Job You Found Online Is A Scam
Everyone’s looking to pick up some extra cash these days but be wary of online job postings as many are outright scams. Here’s 8 warning signs to look out for:

Holiday Gifts That Won't Break The Bank
As we’ve all been hearing lately, the sputtering economy is bound to put a damper on gift giving this holiday season. If you’re belt-tightening with the rest of us but would still like to give presents to those special people in your life, there are several alternatives for consideration. For instance:

Never Get Locked Out Your Car: Drill Hole Through Key, Screw To License Plate
On Meghann’s post about a reader who fell for a locksmith scam, the aptly named commenter “yetiwisdom” left a great tip for never getting locked out your car again:

Getting Crafty For Fun Holiday Frugality
Personal finance blogger JD Roth is on a mission to help us all save a bundle during the holidays. First he shared a ton of frugal Christmas ideas, and now he’s posted a list of 34 gifts you can make yourself. A few of our favorites include:

Free Disposable Zero Registration Email Boxes At Makemetheking
Looking for a free, easy-to-use, anonymous and disposable email address? Check out makemetheking. Just enter the prefix on the front screen and email sent to that shows up about 2 minutes after it was sent. You can also delete and respond to messages. No password or registration are required, so obviously don’t use it for love letters or CIA secrets, but it’s perfect for anything that needs your email and you don’t want to give them your real one.

5 Expenses To Cut Right Now If You're In Debt
Let’s say that like so many storied former-investment-banking-giants, you, the average consumer, have found yourself over-leveraged (wink, wink) and are looking to clean up your act before the whole thing falls down around you like the house of cards it is. Well, since you can’t increase revenue at will, you’ll have to decrease your costs. Where should you start? Here are 5 expenses that you can cut right now — so you can take the extra cash and throw it at your debt.

Reader Pays Off $14,330 In 20 Months With Our Tips
Stuck in a $14,300 debt hole, reader Trixare4kids was able to dig herself out using tips she learned about on Let’s learn how she attacked her personal finances and learned to live frugally, and did it all in 20 months.

The Idiot-Proof Way To Securely Use Public Wi-Fi
We talk a lot on this blog about personal data and privacy, but not so much about how to secure that data on your own computer. That’s because a.) we’re not Lifehacker and b.) the solutions frequently bloat into crazy, jargon-filled recipes that scare away the non-IT crowd. Not this time! For all you novices, here is a single idea you should consider that will help keep your personal data personal, and make your identity that much harder to steal.

How To Get Out Of Debt
J is in a debt hole and needs help getting out. We’re going to give it to him: [More]

Desperate Atlantans Use Twitter To Find Gas
There’s a gas shortage in Atlanta, GA, so consumers are using Twitter to help each other find gas. They’re tagging their posts #atlgas whenever they spot some and letting others know the price and location, as well as tossing out requests for information. The tag was created by Tessa Horehled who writes the DriveAFasterCar blog.

Consumer 101: Get Your Free Credit Report From "Annual Credit"
You’ve probably seen those commercials featuring a friendly looking jackass and his factually inaccurate songs about what can happen to you if you don’t check your credit report. It’s true, checking your credit report is a good idea, but you can avoid subscription-hawking pay sites and, instead, go to

10 Skills To Have In The Post-Financial Apocalypse
It’s the end of the world as we know it, but that doesn’t mean you should give up on yourself. Here are 10 skills to have in our brave new world…

What To Do In These Uncertain Financial Times
The housing crisis. The stock market plunge. The banking industry in shambles. What’s a person to do in the midst of all this financial turmoil? We thought we’d offer our suggestions for making it through the rough waters many of us are facing:

Live Underground For Cheap
Forget the sub-prime meltdown and get with the subterranean housing craze. This book – linked in one of Chris’s posts but I just had to bring it to the front page – has everything you need to know about building a house underground. The most amazing thing is that there’s ways to do it to get light from all four sides. The penultimate amazing thing is not being buried alive while you sleep.