
Pitfalls New Bloggers Should Avoid

Pitfalls New Bloggers Should Avoid

You’ve followed your favorite blogs for years and are convinced you can do just as well. With nothing holding you back except for lingering insecurities, you’re prepared to try your hand at blogging. If you want the effort to turn into an enjoyable and possibly profitable hobby, there are things you’ll need to keep in mind as you get started. [More]

Stuff You Should Know If You Want To Write A Book

Stuff You Should Know If You Want To Write A Book

If tricking a publisher into lionizing your barely-coherent typing into the format of a book one day is on your bucket list, you’ll want to hear sage advice from someone who has walked the path. [More]

Snarky Weekly Paper Outsources Writing To India To Prove A Point

Snarky Weekly Paper Outsources Writing To India To Prove A Point

How To Write To Congress

How To Write To Congress

Writing to Congress is the single best way to express your view on public policy. The average consumer has a surprising ability to influence legislation by crafting a well written missive. Let’s find out what the common mistakes to avoid are, how the process works, and the best ways to ensure your letter has the greatest impact.