Kraft Sponsors Demolition Of Cowboys' Old Stadium

Now that corporations have bought up just about all the naming rights to every sports stadium in existence, the next step is to sponsor destruction of the old venues that make way for the new ones.
Kraft is pioneering the fun by sponsoring the April 11 destruction of the Dallas Cowboys’ old Irving, Texas haunt, Texas Stadium.
MediaPost reports:
Irving is not profiting from the agreement directly. Kraft is donating $75,000 to local charities, as well as various products valued at the same figure to local nonprofits.
Kraft is branding the process a “Cheddar Explosion” with an essay contest to select a young person to press the button.
The kid who wins will be hard-pressed to match the Cowboys’ self-destruction against the Vikings Sunday.
Cheese Whiz: Kraft Sponsors Stadium Blow-Up [MediaPost]
(Thanks, NORMLgirl!)
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