Because nothing gold can stay, AMC’s popular Mad Men has reached the final episode of its final, seventh season. Over the course of the show, we’ve seen pitches for a multitude of companies, brands, sports, groups and even cities. While some of those brands were created for the show, the large majority were very real — and some continue to exist today. In the spirit of nostalgia, we thought now might be the right time to check in on those products and companies pitched by Sterling Cooper (and its various rebirths), to see which have been lost to the mists of time, and which still remain. [More]

That Was Then, This Is Now: How 72 Brands From ‘Mad Men’ Have Changed Since Don Draper Was In Charge

Kodak Takes Another Slow, Sad Step Toward The Death Of Film
Kodak filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last and continues to fight for relevance. You may be surprised to learn that one of the business lines they’ve kept has been film manufacturing for still photography and movies. Not enough, though, because Kodak is about to lay off the 61 workers who make acetate film base in the company’s Rochester, N.Y. home. [More]
Kodak Gets Out Of The Digital Camera Business
Kodak, the company whose name was once synonymous with photography, announced today that it will phase out its digital cameras, pocket video cameras and digital picture frames during the first half of this year, as it fights to crawl out from under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. [More]
Kodak Wants To Wipe Its Name Off Of Academy Awards Venue
It’s generally seen as bad form for a bankrupt company like Kodak to have its name plastered on a theater as a title sponsor. Kodak, which filed for Chapter 11 protection last month, has realized it would have a lot more cash to burn if it could wriggle out of a $75 million, 20-year commitment to slap its name on the Kodak Theatre, which hosts the Academy awards. [More]

Kodak Files For Bankruptcy Protection
As predicted earlier this month, struggling photography pioneer Eastman Kodak has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection while it attempts to raise cash by selling off some of its more than 1,000 patents. [More]

Report: Kodak Prepping To File For Chapter 11
The new year isn’t getting off to a good start for the photo folks at Eastman Kodak Co., which is reportedly preparing to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection if it can’t unload a pile of its patents on buyers in the next few weeks. [More]

If I Hadn't Checked, CVS Would Have Charged $228 For A $28 Generic
Had David’s wife not probed closely, she could have ended up paying $228 for generic Fosamax that could have been easily gotten for $24. He’s sharing the story as a cautionary tale so that other people who are getting their maintenance prescriptions covered by their employer’s insurance don’t end up overpaying for generics. [More]

Kodak Wants Your Old Cameras, Electronics
If you’ve got a drawer full of old camera equipment, you can turn it into money by selling it to Kodak, which has introduced a trade-in program in which it’s seeking digital and film cameras and accessories, digital video cameras, digital picture frames and printers. [More]

10 Companies That Were Once Great But Now Kinda Suck
There was a time when many of us got our videos at Blockbuster after shopping for a Sony Discman at Sears, all while talking on our Motorola phone. All of these companies have had their glory days, but now they’re on the U.S. News & World Report’s list of 10 Companies That Have Lost Their Edge. [More]

Kodak Demonstrates Its Awesome Camera Technology With Stock Photo
It’s common practice for companies to license stock photography to use in promotional materials, but one of our readers thinks it’s somewhat strange that a camera company would go this route, when the one thing you’re trying to sell to consumers is the ability to capture great images. [More]

Without Proof Of Purchase, Your Warranty Options May Be Limited
Rob’s digital photo frame stopped working a few days ago, so he contacted Kodak to see whether they could help him. He writes that he knew it was at least one month out of warranty because the warranty is for one year, and he’d been given it as a gift a year ago on Christmas. Still, he was hoping Kodak would cut him a deal or do some sort of above-and-beyond thing.
Instead, he found out that as far as Kodak was concerned, it had been out of warranty for over two years

Kodak: Your Camera Has A Beach Mode, So Don't Take It To The Beach
Brandy’s Kodak digital camera comes with several pre-set modes, one of which is “beach.” However, when her camera stopped working after a trip to the beach, she reports that Kodak’s mystifying response to her service request was that just because a digital camera has a setting for taking photos at the beach, that doesn’t mean that you should actually take it to the beach.

Kodak Gallery Holds Photos Hostage, Then Deletes Them
A lot of people out there on the Interwebs apparently didn’t read our article about Kodak Gallery, and their photos were deleted from Gallery starting two weeks ago if they didn’t either pay up or make a photo print purchase. Many customers were fully aware of the deadline, but since Kodak provided no easy way to export full-size photos from the galleries, they were forced to download thousands of files one. at. a. time.

Kodak Gallery Improves Its Photo Storage Policies, Becomes A Valid Option Again
We recently trashed Kodak Gallery, and rightly so, for providing the least value of any online photo storage/printing service. Now we take that back, because with a simple change to their terms, they’ve suddenly become a viable choice again—provided you meet a couple of conditions.

Contact Info For Eastman Kodak Company
An anonymous tipster provides the following contact info for the Kodak executive team.