
Study: Higher Minimum Wage Doesn't Increase Unemployment

Study: Higher Minimum Wage Doesn't Increase Unemployment

A new study shows that increased minimum wage does not increase unemployment. [More]

Confessions of a Used-Book Salesman

Confessions of a Used-Book Salesman

Michael can make around $1,000 a week trawling through used book and thrift stores and library sales with his trusty Dell PDA. He scans the barcode, looks up the price on Amazon, and if he sees that he can sell it online for more than he can buy it in the store, he purchases it. It’s an intense, lonely grind, and it makes him feel a little bit sleazy. [More]

Robots Are Stealing Your Jobs

Robots Are Stealing Your Jobs

When you shake your fist, screaming “They took our jobs!” You can stare at your computer rather than the day laborers standing outside Home Depot. [More]

The Real Underemployment Figure Is 22.5%

The Real Underemployment Figure Is 22.5%

Ever get the feeling that things are a lot worse than everyone is letting on? [More]

Apply Now For A Seasonal Job

Apply Now For A Seasonal Job

If you’re looking to pick up some extra cash this holiday season, around $10.60 an hour, the time to apply for a seasonal job is now. Stores are already putting out the Christmas Creep so managers are already thinking about staffing. Here’s a few things you can do to make yourself stand out from the competition, which is expected to be fiercer than ever: [More]

Presenting The Top 10 Jobs — Collect 'Em All

In compiling this list of the 100 most satisfying jobs, CNN Money curiously left off my daytime profession of print journalism. [More]

Everything You Need To Know About Personal Finance Fits Onto 5 Business Cards

Everything You Need To Know About Personal Finance Fits Onto 5 Business Cards

Trent has fit everything you ever needed to know about managing personal finance onto the backs of five business cards. Really! That’s it! [More]

Temp Jobs Up 22% While Overall Job Market Remains Flat

Temp Jobs Up 22% While Overall Job Market Remains Flat

It’s generally been considered a sign of good things on the horizon when you hear about an increase in the number of temp jobs. These non-committal hires are usually a sign of employers tip-toeing back into a period of stability or even growth. That’s why the latest Labor Department numbers have some prognosticators scratching their heads. [More]

Corps. Gobbling Up Cheap Debt Instead Of Hiring

Corps. Gobbling Up Cheap Debt Instead Of Hiring

You can’t get a loan but Microsoft sure can, and it’s taking advantage of uber-low interest rates to raise billions by selling bonds. Why? “Because they can,” writes NYT. They’re not alone, across the board companies are plumping up their cash reserves so they can take advantage when the economy turns around, but it’s unlikely to anytime soon if companies keep saving instead of creating jobs. What came first, the chicken or the nest egg? [More]

Make Cash As A Lab Rat

Make Cash As A Lab Rat

A guy who worked full time for three years just by signing up to be a human test subject for paid clinical research studies tells you how you can make good money doing it. [More]

Fired Domino's Worker Torches Two Of Its Stores

Fired Domino's Worker Torches Two Of Its Stores

A disgruntled ex-Domino’s Pizza employee was arrested after starting fires inside two of the chain’s stores. The blazes began when he came to the places after hours and lit piles of pizza boxes on fire. [More]

Court Says Man Can't Be Fired For "Stealing" 2 Cents Of Electricity From Work

Court Says Man Can't Be Fired For "Stealing" 2 Cents Of Electricity From Work

A court has ruled that the man who was fired after he charged his Segway at work for 1.5 hours was wrongfully terminated. His boss asked him to remove the unit from the power source and 12 days later he got sacked for “stealing electricity.” The amount of power he absconded with was estimated to be of 2 cents in value. [More]

Summer's Eve To Ladies: If You Want A Raise, You'd Better Wash Your Hoo Hoo

Summer's Eve To Ladies: If You Want A Raise, You'd Better Wash Your Hoo Hoo

Maybe you thought bizarre “fix your naughty bits!” ads for feminine hygiene only appeared back in your grandparents’ era, but no. This Summer’s Eve ad from Women’s Day magazine says that if you want a raise, one of the first things you can do is shower with “Summer’s Eve Feminine Wash,” although it might also be a good idea to bring some “cleansing cloths” with you “for a quick freshness pick-me-up” right before you ask the boss for more money. That’s all in tip #1; tip #7 says “Don’t let the conversation stray or get personal.” [More]

High-Paying Jobs You Can Get With Two-Year Degrees

High-Paying Jobs You Can Get With Two-Year Degrees

It’s always tantalizing to fantasize about a career change, but only so many people can be astronauts or Yankees outfielders, so it’s more reasonable to think about going back to school and getting a more reasonable job. [More]

48% Of Those Planning To Quit Once The Economy Improves Say
It's Because They No Longer Trust Their Bosses

48% Of Those Planning To Quit Once The Economy Improves Say It's Because They No Longer Trust Their Bosses

1/3 of working Americans say they’re going to try to find a new job once the recession is over, and 48% of that group cited losing trust in their employer as being the primary factory, according to a new study. [More]

Don't Tweet Steven Slater Jokes Or JetBlue Will Chastise

Don't Tweet Steven Slater Jokes Or JetBlue Will Chastise You

JetBlue Tweet-spanks comedian Andy Borowitz for making bad jokes about their cranky flight attendant. [More]

Illinois Sort Of Ends Pre-Employment Credit Checks, But Not

Illinois Sort Of Ends Pre-Employment Credit Checks, But Not Really

Some experts claim that there’s no connection between poor credit history and poor job performance. That doesn’t stop employers from evaluating applicants based on their credit reports. The governor of Illinois signed a law this week prohibiting employers from hiring on the basis of credit checks…but there are some pretty big exceptions. [More]

Dramatic Animated Recreation Of Flight Attendant Quitting,
Using Emergency Slide

Dramatic Animated Recreation Of Flight Attendant Quitting, Using Emergency Slide

Taiwan news media produced this thrilling animated replay of how JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater quit his job, complete with cursing on the PA, beer grab, emergency slide run, and embracing his lover. This looks like the making of the best Sims mod ever! [More]