
Flight Attendant Weighs In On Angry Passengers, Job

Flight Attendant Weighs In On Angry Passengers, Job Stress

Steven Slater’s dramatic job walk-off slide-down on Monday wouldn’t have been anywhere near as cool if he hadn’t used that escape slide. Another flight attendant named Bobby Laurie, writing about the stress of the job for The Daily Beast, says popping the slide and stealing alcohol are “the two most taboo things in the industry.” He also says he’s fantasized about doing something similar after being forced to deal with angry or obnoxious passengers. [More]

Woman Quits Job By Outing Boss's Farmville Addiction To

Woman Quits Job By Outing Boss's Farmville Addiction To Staff

UPDATE: It appears that this was all a hoax perpetrated by the editors over at [More]

Jobless Claims Reach 3 Month High

Jobless Claims Reach 3 Month High

Jobless claims went up 19,000 to 479,000 at the end of last month, higher than expected, and the most since April. It signals that as the recovery sputters, employers are continuing to cut payrolls. [More]

Strip Clubs Banned From Advertising Jobs At UK Employment Offices

Strip Clubs Banned From Advertising Jobs At UK Employment Offices

Times are tough everywhere. Which means desperate people will consider taking jobs, like stripping or performing nude on a web cam, they wouldn’t otherwise have considered. But the government in the UK doesn’t want to encourage its citizens to find these types of sexy jobs and has banned a certain class of employers from advertising at tax-funded employment offices. [More]

Oracle, Apple, Capital One CEOs Rank Among Decade's Top Earners

Oracle, Apple, Capital One CEOs Rank Among Decade's Top Earners

Being POTUS makes you age prematurely, and Lady Gaga is stuck in a 360 deal that takes a cut of everything she does. Screw that, I wanna be CEO. The Wall Street Journal has listed the top paid CEOs of the last decade, which is topped by Oracle CEO Larry Ellison at $1.84 billion. Steve Jobs comes in fourth with $749 million, and Capital One’s Richard Fairbank is fifth at $569 million. The WSJ also notes that “four of the top 25 CEOs worked at financial companies, two on Wall Street.” [More]

Is "Internet Content Screener" The World's Worst Job?

Is "Internet Content Screener" The World's Worst Job?

Last week I thought I’d found the job I’d hate most of all (warning: it involves sewers, a shovel, and “fat mounds”), but then I read this New York Times profile of people who are employed as Internet content screeners, which appears to be the real world equivalent of web surfing in hell. [More]

Former Debt Collectors Tell All

Former Debt Collectors Tell All

CNN’s Money mag has published ten short confessionals from current and former debt collectors. A guy who’s been doing it for twenty years says that “being authoritative and abrasive was like a high,” and that it helped him provide for his two daughters. A woman who’s been in the business for ten years says she knows collectors who hold contests to see who can make the most people cry each day. Another ten-year veteran quit after a debtor he was harassing shot himself. Yeah, it’s a fun Monday morning read. [More]

Jobs Report Out: 125,000 Pink Slips, Unemployment Falls To 9.5%

Jobs Report Out: 125,000 Pink Slips, Unemployment Falls To 9.5%

The much-watched Department of Labor’s jobs report came out today, and while it ain’t pretty, it ain’t ugly enough to make you stay home from the dance either. [More]

Filibuster Scuttles Jobless Benefits Restoration For Third Time

Filibuster Scuttles Jobless Benefits Restoration For Third Time

Happy Fourth of July weekend! To help you celebrate Independence Day, which includes independence from the government dole, a Senate filibuster has successfully prevented unemployment benefits from being extended for 1.3 million out of work citizens. [More]

Online Calculator Helps You Figure Out Your Freelancer Rate

Online Calculator Helps You Figure Out Your Freelancer Rate

One of the hardest things about going freelance is figuring out what hourly rate to charge. Freelance Switch has an easy-to-use online calculator to helps you figure that out. [More]

This Job Isn't For You If You're Unemployed

This Job Isn't For You If You're Unemployed

From Casino Royale: Vesper Lynd: “Am I going to have a problem with you, Mr. Bond?”
James Bond: “No, don’t worry, you’re not my type.”
Vesper Lynd: “Smart?”
James Bond: “Single.”

10% Of Homeowners Just Missed A Mortgage Payment

10% Of Homeowners Just Missed A Mortgage Payment

The Mortgage Bankers Association says that if you just missed a morgage payment, you’re not alone — 10% of homeowners just did the same thing. [More]

Waitress Disses Customers On Facebook, Gets Fired

Waitress Disses Customers On Facebook, Gets Fired

Brixx Pizza in North Carolina takes social media pretty seriously, because it fired a waitress after she complained on her Facebook page about a stingy couple who occupied a table for three hours and only left a $5 tip. [More]

Summer Jobs Harder For Teens, College Kids To Find

Summer Jobs Harder For Teens, College Kids To Find

Good news for adults! Employment has jumped as employers have added almost 290,000 jobs! However that sullen, entitled teenager serving you your fries at the drive-thru window might just be a little nicer this summer out of gratitude for having a job: a new report shows that unemployment among 16- to 24-year-olds has doubled from three years ago, to 20 percent. [More]

If The Economy Added 290,000 New Jobs, Why Did The Unemployment Rate Go Up?

If The Economy Added 290,000 New Jobs, Why Did The Unemployment Rate Go Up?

You might have noticed a few headlines this morning about the good jobs news — 290,000 new jobs were added in March — coupled with the rather grim realization that the unemployment rate climbed to 9.9%. What’s up with that? [More]

Woman Allegedly Fired For Carrying Breast Cancer Gene

Woman Allegedly Fired For Carrying Breast Cancer Gene

A Connecticut woman is suing her ex-employer for firing her because she was genetically at a higher risk for developing breast cancer, according to her lawsuit. [More]

Want A Job? Head To North Dakota, Just Bring A Sleeping Bag

Want A Job? Head To North Dakota, Just Bring A Sleeping Bag

North Dakota is bucking the downsizing trend by overflowing with jobs — many of them in the oil industry — the New York Times reports. Problem is, the state doesn’t have adequate housing to keep up with would-be carpetbaggers. [More]

Kraft To Cadbury Workers: Leave Pension Plan Or Take Pay Freeze

Kraft To Cadbury Workers: Leave Pension Plan Or Take Pay Freeze

Mac-n-cheese king Kraft Foods, which acquired British chocolate maker Cadbury earlier this year, isn’t wasting any time when it comes to flexing some American-style corporate muscle. According to the Financial Times, Kraft has warned 3,600 Cadbury employees that they’ll face a three-year pay freeze if they don’t agree to “voluntarily” opt out of the company’s pension plan.

Separately, Kraft announced that CEO Irene Rosenfeld was getting a 40% pay hike this year, due in part to her “exceptional” management of the Cadbury deal. Rosenfeld’s 2009 take will be about $26 million.