There are some experiences that experiences that are difficult to explain to those who haven’t had firsthand knowledge — being pregnant, how it feels to fly in a dream, or eating a taco from Jack in the Box, something Americans do 554 million times every year. This, despite the fact that the deep-fried, American-cheese filled tortillas have been called, “stale, greasy, spicy, crunchy, saucy, and just plain strange,” among other things. [More]
jack in the box

Jack In The Box Is Testing “Brunchfast” Menu In Southern California
As it was foretold, so it has come to pass: after filing a trademark application for the term “brunchfast” earlier this summer, Jack in the Box is now testing a new menu with that name in Southern California. [More]

Jack In The Box Takes Garlic Fries Chain-Wide, Probably Not Copying McDonald’s
We’re a little bit fixated on the Gilroy Garlic Fries at McDonald’s, since developing fresh local specialties may be the way forward for the mass fast food retailer. Well, that, and we’re very fond of garlic, fries, and parmesan cheese. Yet while McDonald’s will probably never take the Gilroy fries national, another chain that covers most of the country is introducing its own garlic fries. [More]

Jack In The Box Wants To Make ‘Brunchfast’ Happen
What is “brunchfast”? The marketers over at Jack in the Box, the company that recently trademarked the term, could probably tell us, but they aren’t talking. Is it serving typical brunch foods incredibly early in the day? Is it a second breakfast eaten later in the day, but not on the weekend so it would be weird to call it brunch? A fast-food company is trying to invent a new meal, but won’t explain what it is until its marketing campaign launches. [More]

Very Angry Man Rams Car Into Jack In The Box Restaurant Twice
It was clear that the man who drove into a Jack In The Box restaurant in Koreatown, Los Angeles, didn’t do it by accident. He backed up and rammed into the building a second time. There were around 20 to 25 customers in the store at the time, and no one was injured. The restaurant can be repaired, and the drive-thru is open. [More]

Prank Caller Strikes Minnesota Burger King, Workers Break All Windows
Back in February prank callers preyed on fast food restaurants like Jack in the Box, Burger King, and Wendy’s, instructing workers to break every window and door or face certain disaster. The prank hit again in Minnesota over the weekend, when employees of a Burger King smashed the store’s windows, following directions from what they thought was a fire department official. [More]

Jack In The Box Promotes New Burger By Giving Away A Million Of Them
If you’re introducing a new fast-food product, the best way to get it into the public’s hands is to give it to them for free in a massive taste test. That’s the logic that Jack In The Box is using in their promotion for the Double Jack, in which they’re giving away a million burgers to anyone who’s interested. [More]

Arizona Wendy’s, Jack In The Box Hit By Prank Calls Instructing Workers To Break Restaurants’ Windows
If you work at a restaurant, or any other business with windows, take note: don’t listen to anyone who calls and tells you to break every window and door you can lay your hands on. We already heard about Burger King workers in California who fell prey to that prank recently, and now it seems the staff at both an Arizona Wendy’s and a Jack in the Box have played Simon Says, demolition version, as well. [More]

7 Things We Learned About Food Safety Oversight From A Foodborne Illness Expert
Foodborne illness outbreaks have dominated the news in recent months: E. coli and norovirus at Chipotle, listeria in prepackaged Dole salad mixes, and salmonella in cucumbers. These outbreaks have sickened — and in some cases killed — consumers, and one food safety expert says that inadequate safety oversight is at least partly to blame. [More]

Map Shows Americans Which Major Burger Chain Is Nearest
Now that we know where all the bars are (hey, Wisconsin), where’s an American supposed to get a burger after a few beers? It’s back to the maps, with this handy illustration of which of the seven major burger chains is closest, depending on where you live. Mmm, crunching numbers. [via] [More]

Which Other Restaurants Have Dough Conditioner Azodicarbonamide On The Menu?
Last week Subway announced that it would stop using azodicarbonamide, an ingredient known as a dough conditioner that’s also a chemical found in yoga mats, shoe rubber and other synthetic leather. It’s recognized as a safe ingredient in the U.S., but is banned in Europe and Australia as a food additive. But of course, Subway isn’t the only fast food restaurant to use it. So where else can you find azodicarbonamide? [More]

Jack In The Box Debuts “Bacon Insider” Burger With Bacon/Beef Frankenpatty, 6 Strips Of Bacon
Did someone mention bacon? Oh that’s right, I did, three times in the headline. I had to, because the Jack in the Box chain has apparently left its finger on the bacon button and refused to let up. Its new “Bacon Insider” burger not only has bacon+beef patty, but layers six slices of bacon on top and adds a bacon mayo. [More]

An Extra Packet Of Ranch Dressing Isn’t Worth Attacking Someone Over At Jack In The Box
Full disclosure: I love ranch dressing with an unholy fire summoned deep from within my Midwestern soul. I will dip pizza into ranch dressing with more enjoyment than I reserve for most special occasions. But that being said, at least I know that it’s not worth getting into fisticuffs when my ranch dressing intentions are thwarted, which can’t be said for one Jack in the Box customer. [More]

Jack In The Box Serves Up Burger With Grilled Cheese Sandwich For Bun, 3 Years Late
A burger with grilled cheeses for buns was once a little-known, very-unhealthy regional specialty in the South and Midwest. Friendly’s took it nationwide in 2010, making us hungry and just a little confused. You can’t get the Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt anymore, but Jack in the Box has brought the concept back to mass-market glory. [More]

This Burger Map Of The U.S. Is Both Fascinating And Flawed
People love burgers. People love Twitter (maybe love is too strong a word; perhaps “tolerate”). People also like interesting maps. So why not combine the three into a map of the U.S. showing which burger joints are the subject of the most Tweets in towns around the nation? [More]

Jack In The Box Introduces Breakfast Sandwich Between Two Waffles
Sure, McDonald’s hasn’t gone into 24-hour breakfast mode yet, but that doesn’t mean that you have to suffer without new and exciting breakfast food mashups. Jack In The Box introduced some new items this week, and among them is a breakfast sausage, ham, and bacon sandwich with waffles for buns. Waffles. For Buns. [More]

Jack in the Box Employee Provides Great Service, Frightening Company Loyalty
I believe that it doesn’t really matter what you do for a living, as long as it fulfills you, and you try your best to be good at it. (But then, I blog for a living, so what do I know?) Kevin had an experience at a Texas Jack in the Box that combined “Above and Beyond” customer service with unusual dedication to a company.