Whenever there is a report of a drug company jacking up the price of a prescription medication, the pharma industry is often quick to point out that there are non-profit charities ready and willing to help patients get these drugs at a more affordable rate. However, those charities may have very close ties to the drug maker that could not only help the company turn a profit, but avoid some tax obligations. In recent months, several large pharmaceutical companies have been subpoenaed as part of an ongoing federal investigation into these connections. [More]
it’s the thought that counts

White Tablecloth & Bottle Of Wine Turned Couple’s Taco Bell Meal Into Valentine’s Love Feast
Depending on your point of view, this is either the classiest Taco Bell meal ever, or a cheapo way of getting out of making a Valentine’s Day dinner reservation. [More]

USPS Delivers Christmas Gift 371 Days Late
A woman in Florida recently received a Christmas gift from her daughter in Arkansas, but she isn’t waiting until Dec. 25 to open it. Why? Because the Postal Service was supposed to have delivered in time for last Christmas. [More]

Turn Household Junk Into Do-It-Yourself Gifts
There’s no need for Black Friday when you’ve got a closet full of odds and ends just waiting for you to shape into homemade gifts for your friends and loved ones. With luck and skill, you can turn gift-giving into an expression of your artistry rather than just another entry on your credit card receipt. [More]

Walmart Still Short-Changing Customers On Gift Receipt Returns
Back in May, an investigation by CBS Sacramento found that a number of Walmart stores were short-changing customers with gift receipts when they tried to make returns or exchanges. And though the nation’s largest retailer said at the time that this was not store policy and it would “be communicating with our store associates to reinforce our practice,” it appears as if this message hasn’t gotten through. [More]