One of the major knocks against Apple’s iPhone and iPad devices is that their operating systems would not support playback of video in Adobe’s popular Flash format. But earlier today, the makers of the Skyfire mobile browser released an app that will give these devices that much-desired functionality. [More]

Sears Apologizes For $69 iPad Mistake
Sears is still stinging after a third-party seller on stirred up a hornets’ nest of angry discount-seekers by advertising 16GB, WiFi iPad 2s for only $69. [More]

Woman Tracks Stolen iPad, Authorities Fail To Do Anything About It
The neat thing about high-falutin’ technology these days is that if you lose it, many times you can use software to track it. Which is all well and good, except when that’s all you can do — watch as it travels around without you. Such was the case for a woman who left her iPad on a plane seat. [More]

Apple No Longer Requires In-App Subscriptions To Be Best Available Deals
Apple has tinkered with its in-app subscription purchases policies, making things more flexible for publishers and possibly more difficult for consumers. Previously, Apple required publishers to charge their lowest prices for subscriptions purchased within apps, but now Apple has dropped pricing restrictions. [More]

Will The Hypothetical Amazon Tablet Slay The iPad?
The Amazon tablet doesn’t even exist yet and already some are saying it could be the one to take Apple’s iPad down a notch, in the form of actual competition. So how could something that hasn’t been announced take on the Goliath that is the iPad? [More]

Friskies Debuts Free iPad And Android Games For Your Cat
It’s a scientifically proven fact that cats love iPads, or at least love to smack things around that move. A few app developers have capitalized on this trend, making games specifically designed for cats. Some cats think that touchscreens are the greatest thing since feathers on a stick. Supposedly, touchscreens are tougher than claws, so the devices won’t be damaged. In a brilliant marketing move, Purina, maker of Friskies, ran with this idea and has created free Android Tablet and iPad games for felines.

If Best Buy Doesn't Respect Your Time, Take Your $600 Elsewhere
N. thought that because he called the nearest Best Buy store (about an hour and a half away from his home) to have an iPad set aside for him, there would actually be an iPad set aside for him. Well, maybe there was for about five minutes, but after he traveled an hour and a half to get to the store. He sent this great letter to the company’s Executive Resolution Team. [More]

Boy Wishes He Hadn't Sold His Kidney For An iPad 2
A 17-year-old boy in Shanghai is experiencing extreme buyer’s remorse after his health has begun to falter after selling his kidney to buy an iPad 2, reports the Global Times. [More]

HP Starts The Tablet Smack Talk, Claiming Theirs Will Beat iPad
We can just hear it now: “Your tablet is so stupid, it thought a quarterback was a refund!” Hewlett-Packard hasn’t released their TouchPad tablet computer yet, but already they’re smack-talking iPad and Android devices and claiming it’ll be the best one ever in the whole entire world. So there! [More]

AT&T Supplies iPhone AC Adapter With Refurbished iPads, Hopes You Won't Notice
Have you purchased a refurbished iPad from AT&T recently? Did it have the correct adapter?Adam made an interesting discovery when he bought one for his wife, noticing that the supplied adapter is the one for the iPhone. While it’s compatible, it charges the giant-sized iPod Touch that is the iPad more slowly, and isn’t powerful enough to keep the iPad going in photo frame mode. [More]

Fisticuffs Erupt When iPad 2 Goes On Sale In Beijing
Four people were sent to the hospital when the crowd outside Beijing’s number one Apple store turned violent as they stormed to get their hands on the new iPad 2 when it went on sale there this weekend, reports AFP. [More]

Hearst Becomes Latest To Sell Magazine App Subscriptions Through Apple's New System
Hearst, publisher of such magazines as O, The Oprah Magazine and Esquire, is the latest big boy print player to set up space inside Apple’s new virtual newsstand, which hocks subscriptions to magazine iPad apps. [More]

Chinese iPad Workers Forced To Sign "No Suicide" Pledge
A new investigation by two NGO’s into working conditions at two major Chinese factories run by Foxconn responsible for pumping out iPads might make you angrier than a bird trying to destroy a bunch of green pigs, reports The Guardian. Among their findings was that after a rash of suicides at the factories, workers were forced to sign pledges promising not to commit suicide and to instead “treasure their lives.” [More]

iOS 4.3.3 Update Tweaks Controversial User Location Tracking
Calling it a “bug,” Apple has responded to the backlash surrounding the revelation that iOS devices have been keeping track of their owner’s movements via a hidden file full of timestamped map locations by releasing a new software update designed to minimize the extent of the tracking. It does not, however, get rid of it. [More]

Turn Off In-App Purchasing On Your iPhone To Keep Your Kids From Smurfing You Into The Poor House
In the wake of that 8-year-old who racked up $1,400 in Smurfs Village purchases on her parents’ iPad, Apple recently instituted a policy that requires a user’s App Store password for making in-app purchases. But we’ve gotten some e-mails from parents who want to be able to share that password with their kids — for the purposes of downloading free content — while still preventing their children from amassing millions of useless Smurf berries. [More]

Time, Sports Illustrated & Fortune Offer Free iPad Access For New Subscribers
Most magazines are now available in digital formats, but very few offer simultaneous print and digital subscriptions for one price. Now a few of Time Inc.’s bigger print products have made a deal with Apple that would give some subscribers access to the iPad version of Time, Sports Illustrated and Fortune magazines for no extra cost. [More]

Sen. Franken Demands Answers From Apple About iPhone Tracking
Yesterday, it was revealed that Apple iPhones and 3G-enabled iPads have been, unbeknownst to their users, recording their locations with corresponding time stamps in a file named “consolidated.db.” This discovery did not please Al Franken, the U.S. Senator from Minnesota, who has fired off a letter to Apple bigwig Steve Jobs. [More]