Jeremy’s iPad 2 has been backordered, and he has to wait another month or so to receive it. That’s okay, though. They sent along his Smart Cover in advance, and he’s found at least as many uses for the cover as he would have had for the iPad. Kind of. [More]

Apple Whisks Defective iPad Away, Leaving Me Without One
The problem with having the latest, shiniest, newest gadgets is that when something goes wrong and that shiny gadget sells out, there aren’t any others to exchange it for. That seems to be what happened to Nicholas, who bought an iPad 2 at Target, and shipped it off to Apple after had screen problems after only a few hours of use. [More]

Networks Demand To Be Taken Off Time Warner Cable's iPad Streaming App
Some content providers didn’t see it as an honor to be included in Time Warner Cable’s TV-streaming iPad App. In fact, some, such as Fox, saw it as unauthorized use of their content and sent the company cease and desist letters. [More]

iPad 1 Is On Clearance Sale At Verizon, But Where'd They All Go?
The debut of the iPad 2 means that you can get some sweet, sweet deals on the original iPad if you know where to look. D. knew where to look, which was a local Verizon Wireless store. Not the first place most people would go for iPads. Including, from what D. observed, the store’s own staff. When D. brought to store employees’ attention that their iPads in stock were marked down to $299, they suddenly didn’t have any more stock. Then they did. Then they didn’t. [More]

Target Sells Your Reserved iPad, Then Promises Imaginary Discount
It seemed reasonable enough to Mark: his local Target gave out more tickets to purchase 16 GB iPads than they had iPads, and he was the last person to reserve a ticket. The store had plenty of 64 GB models left, though, but Mark didn’t want to pay that much and tried to leverage the situation into a discount on one of those. Some employees agreed that the company should make this happen, and others claimed that it wasn’t physically possible. Mark began a quest to get his promised discount, but it looks like he’ll be running Flash on his iPad before that ever happens. [More]

Time Warner Cable iPad App Is Great For TV On The Go… But Only In Your House
TV lovers, rejoice! The future of legal, licensed television watching is here, and it’s….incredibly locked down! Time Warner has introduced a beautiful new iPad app that lets you log in with your Time Warner Cable username and password and watch TV anywhere on your iPad. Well…as long as “anywhere” is “in your house, or on the wireless network of another Time Warner Cable customer, as long as you yourself have a cable package from Time Warner at home.” So much for mobile. [More]

Apple Announces iPad 2
Apple guru Steve Jobs received a standing ovation at the company’s latest press conference. As expected, the company announced the new generation of its popular tablet computer, the iPad. [More]

Why Competitors Can't Match Apple's Price On iPad
Since Apple released the iPad last year, competitors from various corners of the tech world have trotted out alternatives. But infrastructure and savvy business moves have kept the iPad in control of the market. [More]

Apple Store Employee: Stop Asking Me About The Next iPhone
Over at Popular Mechanics, they spoke to an anonymous Apple Store employee to get the inside scoop on what it’s like working at the iPhone emporium. And the main thing he seems to want people to know is that he knows absolutely nothing about what the company is doing next. [More]

Man Suing Walmart Claims They Sold Him A Fake iPad And Refused To Refund His Money
A man in Georgia is suing Walmart, claiming a store sold him a fake iPad. As the reporter from WSBTV says, “iPad? More like a Lie Pad!” Zing! [More]

8-Year-Old Girl Racks Up $1,400 Bill Playing "Smurfs Village" iPad Game
A 2nd-grader managed to rack up a $1,400 bill for her parents over break while playing the “Smurfs Village”, a Farmville-esque iPad game, reports the Washington Post. Like many of these app-based games, the game is free but you can purchase in-app upgrades, with real money, to speed your progress. In this case, you can get a “bucket of snowflakes” for $19 or a “wagon of smurfberries” for $99. Needless to say, her mother became quite blue in the face. [More]

Apple Working On A Stylus To Make The iPad Even More Pad-Like
If you’ve ever been tempted to whip out your pen and just scribble all over your iPad, first of all, don’t do that, and second, you’ll be happy to know that Apple is developing a stylus for its tablet so you can draw, sketch and jot down notes to your heart’s desire. [More]

The Daily: Will Murdoch's Fancy New iPad Newspaper Save Publishing?
Probably not. But it does have lots of widgets and video modules. [More]

Lawsuit: AT&T Overcharged iPhone & iPad Users "Like A Rigged Gas Pump"
For any iPhone or iPad users who might have suspected that AT&T wasn’t accurately measuring their data usage, a new lawsuit claims you might be right. [More]

Comcast May Not Have Rights To Stream TV To Tablets
Comcast is working furiously to get its programming onto iPads and other tablet computers, even cutting deals with hardware providers like Samsung. But there’s just one little problem: the company may not have the rights to stream shows without first negotiating with the companies that own them. [More]

Magazines Failing On iPad, Just Like In Real Life
So much for hopes that tablets would become the savior of the flopping magazine industry. Every magazine that reports its sales on the iPad has signaled an end-of-year decline, according to WWD Media, which drew numbers from the Audit Bureau of Circulations. [More]

Free iPad Apps To Ease Your Travels
When you’re on the road in unfamiliar surroundings, wouldn’t it be nice to have a little travel elf at your side to point you in the right direction and help you get the most out of your sojourn? If you’ve got an iPad, you own the next best thing to a travel elf, and it won’t even object when you shove it into your suitcase. [More]