The next time you ask Siri a question or look for something using Apple’s Spotlight feature, the web results you see will be from Google search, instead of Bing. [More]

Go Update Your iPhone Or iPad Right Now
If you use WiFi on your iPhone or iPad, and you probably do, you’ll want to head to the Updates section as soon as you can to update its software before you start your weekend. There are a number of security patches, the most important of which fixes a flaw in the WiFi chip that can let someone standing near you execute code on your phone. [More]

Everyone Is Freaking Out About iPhone’s New Video Screen Capture Feature
We’re all used to snapping a screen shot to document whatever is on the phone screen — a text from an ex so you can send it to your friends, a photo of a receipt for business expenses, whathaveyou. But now that the newest version of iOS allows users to capture video recordings of what’s happening on the screen, people are totally freaking out. [More]

Apple Makes Up With Amazon, Takes On Venmo
Today at its annual developers’ conference, Apple predictably promised a wide array of small and large hardware and software upgrades across its whole line of devices — TV, Watch, laptop and desktop computers, and phones and tablets. The full keynote got into the tech specs and details that largely interest developers more than consumers, but some of the highlights will directly interest Apple users. [More]

Apple Reportedly Prepping Completely Overhauled iPhone For 10th Anniversary
The iPhone will celebrate its tenth birthday this June, and just like a precocious pre-teen who decides it’s time to pay more attention to their hair and clothing, Apple is reportedly planning a complete revamp of its signature device — for those willing to pay extra. [More]

Will The Upcoming iOS Update Render iPhone 5, 5C Obsolete?
If you’re still married to your iPhone 5 or 5c, you might have heard worrisome reports that Apple’s next major phone update would be the end of software support for these devices, effectively rendering them obsolete. However, that may not be the case [More]

Apple Update Fixes Flaw That Caused 911 Cyberattack
Last fall, 911 emergency-response service centers in a dozen states were the victims of a massive cyberattack that resulted in hundreds, if not thousands, of iPhones repeatedly calling 911 without the knowledge or direction of owners. Nearly five months later, Apple say it has fixed the apparent flaw that made the attack possible. [More]

Why Can’t You Play ‘Super Mario Run’ Offline?
You may be excited to buy Super Mario Run to play on your iPhone or iPad come next week, but when you do, you’ll have to make sure you’ve got an internet connection first. [More]

Your Phone Sends All Your Call Records To Apple When iCloud Is Turned On
You’ve got a computer in your pocket that works as a camera, a video recorder, an internet connection, a game console, and everything else. And odds are good there’s some data on there that you want backed up safely, and that you use a cloud storage service to do just that. But your smartphone is, indeed, a phone — and your good old-fashioned calling records may be going places and getting stored in ways you do not intend. [More]

Watch Out For Fake Retailer Apps On Your iPhone This Holiday Season
It feels like pretty much every major chain retailer out there now has an accompanying app they want you to download to your phone. These are supposed to enhance your shopping experience, provide you with targeted discounts, and provide the retailer with a wealth of useful data. What they aren’t supposed to do, though, is steal your private information — but there are a whole lot of clones out there that do just that, and in the run-up to the holiday shopping season, they’re popping up like mad. [More]

Apple’s ‘TV’ (Not Just Apple TV) Wants To Be Your One-Stop Streaming Shop
Today at a major press event, Apple announced TV. Not Apple TV, which already exists; nor iTV, which would be in line with their decade-old scheme but is a trademark held by someone else for something else entirely. No, neither of those, which would be less confusing. Just… TV. [More]

T-Mobile To Its iPhone 6, 6 Plus, SE Customers: Don’t Install iOS 10 Just Yet
We’ve got good news and bad news for people using an iPhone 6, 6 Plus, or SE on the T-Mobile network. The good news is, if you haven’t already installed iOS 10, you can avoid some major connectivity issues hitting other customers. The bad news is, if you have already upgraded to the latest operating system, well, you may be experiencing some major connectivity issues. [More]

Use an iPhone? Install The New Security Update Right Now.
Apple’s pushing a major iOS security update today that iPhone users will want to download and install as soon as they can. [More]

Update Your iPhone Now To Fix Flaw That Can Let Hackers Steal Your Stuff With A Single Text
There remains a perception, among many owners of Apple devices and products, that they are immune from the malware, security flaws, and viruses that often hit the competition. Sadly, that’s not true. An iOS device or a Mac can be just as vulnerable to a flaw as any other — and right now, yours is. [More]

Apple Adds Organ Donor Registration To Health App
Most of us are probably fairly familiar with the idea of signing up to be (or not to be) an organ donor when renewing our driver’s license. Apple’s working to take the Department of Motor Vehicles out of the equation by pushing organ donor registration with its new operating system. [More]

Apple Will Finally Let iOS Users Delete Some Of Those “Junk Drawer” Apps
As it was foretold, so it has apparently come to pass: with the upcoming release of its new iOS 10, Apple will finally let people delete some of those default apps they never use, you know, the ones in your “Crap I Don’t Use” folder. [More]

Apple Makes Siri More Useful, Opens It Up To Developers
With Google making its voice-activated assistant becoming increasingly conversational, and Amazon’s Alexa learning how to gauge your emotional feedback, Apple is making its Siri virtual assistant more competitive by opening it up to developers of third-party apps. [More]