It’s a rough day for users of, well, basically the entire internet: A major vulnerability in a huge web services company has been disclosed, and it means your personal data may have leaked into public view from a whole lot of places. [More]

Change This New Setting If You Want To Keep Facebook Video From Being Really Annoying
Facebook just announced several tweaks to the way video will start performing on its service soon. However, in the name of enhancing “customer experience,” Facebook is adding one change that is likely to drive a significant number of users slightly crazy: Not only auto-playing videos, but making sure to do it with sound blaring. [More]

Friendly Reminder: The FBI Will Never Show Up Unannounced And Demand Money
If someone comes knocking on your door, claiming to be an FBI agent and demanding money, call the actual police — because you’re being conned by someone impersonating a federal agent. Just ask the operators of a money wiring service in Seattle, who were robbed of $130,000. [More]

Amazon Can Charge Any Subscription To Any Card You Have On File If Your Primary Card Expires
A Consumerist reader recently went to run some errands and found the charge to her debit card was declined due to insufficient funds. She was puzzled — that account should have had at least $100 in it. So why were her funds insufficient? Because her Amazon Prime subscription had renewed on that card that day — even though she’d never once set up Prime to bill to it. [More]

Use an iPhone? Install The New Security Update Right Now.
Apple’s pushing a major iOS security update today that iPhone users will want to download and install as soon as they can. [More]

Hey You! Consumerist Is Looking For A Weekend Writer
As you may have noticed, we don’t do much updating on weekends. It’s not because we don’t want to. Maybe you could help us correct this lapse in coverage. We’re currently looking for a freelance writer to cover weekends on Consumerist to keep the good stuff flowing seven days a week. [More]

Do You Take Dietary Supplements? Consumer Reports Wants To Hear About It
Our sister-publication, Consumer Reports, needs your stories for a report on dietary supplements (including herbal remedies, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and multi-ingredient supplements for various uses). Have you recently had an especially beneficial experience with a supplement? Have you suffered a serious health problem after taking a supplement in the last three years? If so, was that linked to its interaction with a prescription drug? Please email your story and contact information to so you can be contacted by a Consumer Reports editor. [More]

Nothing To Do This Summer? Be Our Intern
Consumer Reports, parent company of The Consumerist, has kicked off intern recruitment! We are currently seeing 21 interns across a wide range of disciplines to join us for a 12-week PAID summer internship. Applicants must be enrolled in an educational program or have graduated no earlier than May 2012. To review all openings and apply, click right here. [More]

Vote For Consumerist In The Webby Awards!
The nominees have been announced for the 15th Annual Webby Awards and we’re happy to say that Consumerist was nominated in the Blog-Business category! There are a ton of other categories to vote on but this link will take you right to our category page, Blog – Business. Thanks again to all of you for your support (and even if you vote for someone else, we won’t hate you). [More]

How Does The Gawker Privacy Leak Concern Consumerist Users?
If you’ve got an account on or any of its sister sites (Kotaku, Gizmodo, Deadspin and Jezebel among others), you’ll probably want to change your passwords because anonymous hackers have swiped usernames, email addresses and passwords and made them available via a torrent file. And by change your password, we potentially mean all of them. Now. [More]

Save Water, Urinate in the Shower
A new ad campaign in Brazil urges citizens to pee in the shower as a way to conserve water. “Xixi no banho” translates to “Pee in the bath.” I don’t speak Portugese or I’d give you a play-by-play on what is going on this largely inscrutable PSA.

Attention: We are currently experiencing a problem with the anonymous commenting system. We are aware of the issue and it has been reported to tech. Thanks for your patience and we apologize for the inconvenience. The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. Thank you.
Consumerist Comments Beta Test Begins Later Today
Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed that Consumerist has been without reader comments for the last 12 months. We’re pleased to announce that today we are launching a beta test of the new system and will hopefully be rolling it out to all readers in the coming weeks. [More]