FAA Continues To Investigate American Airlines, May Charge Individual Mechanics

FAA Continues To Investigate American Airlines, May Charge Individual Mechanics

The FAA has been investigating American Airlines for a while now over allegations that it wasn’t repairing its planes properly, and yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that the agency may widen its investigation, and even bring charges against individual employees who signed off on substandard repairs.

Chipotle Says Their Food Does Not Cause Underwear Blood

Chipotle Says Their Food Does Not Cause Underwear Blood

South Park managed to combine the late Billy Mays, the unfortunately still around Ghost Hunters, and the beloved Chipotle chain in their latest episode, with surprising results.

FBI Charges 100 People In Phishing Investigation

FBI Charges 100 People In Phishing Investigation

Since 2007, the FBI and authorities in Egypt have been running an investigation they’ve called “Operation Phish Phry,” sigh, and this week it paid off with 53 charges against U.S. defendants and 47 against people in Egypt. Three of the 53 in the U.S. have been arrested, and the FBI are looking for the other 50. To prove you’re not one of the remaining 50, please send the FBI your login credentials to your bank. Ha ha, we kid.

Hidden Cameras Catch LA Valets Breaking All Kinds Of Laws

Hidden Cameras Catch LA Valets Breaking All Kinds Of Laws

An excellent piece of investigative journalism by NBC Los Angeles catches valets all over the city putting up fake no parking signs, jamming meters, and using customers’ cars to shuttle valets around.

Consumer Columnist Sues Paper, Says Advertiser Criticism Squelched

Consumer Columnist Sues Paper, Says Advertiser Criticism Squelched

Consumer watchdog George Gombossy this morning filed a 1st Amendment lawsuit against his former employer, Tribune-owned Hartford Courant. There’s some gangbusters stuff in the filing, like the part where he says the new owners told him to “be nice” to one of their key advertisers:

Baristas Flash Their Hoohas At The Grab-n-Go, Get Charged With Prostitution

Baristas Flash Their Hoohas At The Grab-n-Go, Get Charged With Prostitution

We’re not at the “full body latte” stage just yet, but Grab-n-Go Espresso in Everett, Washington has apparently taken us right up to that edge with their espresso stands where baristas show skin while serving coffee. Now five Grab-n-Go baristas have been charged “with multiple counts of prostitution and violating the city’s adult entertainment ordinance.”

Why Can't Microsoft Help Get This Guy's Stolen Xbox Live Account Back?

Why Can't Microsoft Help Get This Guy's Stolen Xbox Live Account Back?

Erik has been patiently trying to get his stolen Xbox Live account back for a month and a half now, but all Microsoft has done to help is lie and fail to follow up on phone calls or emails. Oh, and there was that one point where they sent “how to get your account back” instructions to the person who had stolen the account, which sort of defeated the point.

Bank Of America Board Members Subpoenaed

Bank Of America Board Members Subpoenaed

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s office is gathering information in order to file fraud charges against some BoA executives over what they knew, and what they hid, when they acquired Merrill Lynch & Co. a year ago. Earlier this week, his office subpoenaed 5 board members to find out “what they knew regarding the mounting losses and bonus payments at Merrill before the deal closed on Jan. 1 and what role they played in deciding whether to disclose that information to shareholders,” according to the Associated Press.

Data Recovery Corp Invents Terms To Convince You Your Hard Drive Is Broken

Data Recovery Corp Invents Terms To Convince You Your Hard Drive Is Broken

Fox 11 News in LA went undercover with an intentionally damaged hard drive to find out whether online complaints about Data Recovery Corp, Inc. were true. Can you guess what the result was?

Cash4Gold Activates Magical Press Release Machine

Cash4Gold Activates Magical Press Release Machine

Since we posted our feature investigation into their business practices, Cash4Gold has been busy sending out one new press release per day.

The Article Cash4Gold Doesn't Want You To Read

The Article Cash4Gold Doesn't Want You To Read

By Ben Popken and Meg Marco

If you have any broken, ugly jewelry lying around in a drawer somewhere, you’ve probably taken notice of a company called Cash4Gold that promised to pay “top dollar” for your not-so-precious precious metals. If you’re like us, you might have even seen a post on by a former employee exposing Cash4Gold.

The whistleblower’s post appeared on ComplaintsBoard last November. We featured it this February, as part of our ongoing coverage of Cash4Gold, after the company raised its public profile with a multi-million dollar Super Bowl ad. The post was indeed written by an ex-employee, Michele Liberis, who is now being sued by the company for defamation. Recently, Cash4Gold added Consumerist and ComplaintsBoard as co-defendants in its lawsuits (PDF) against Liberis and another former employee, Vielka Nephew (PDF), in an attempt to force us to take the information down. Liberis and Nephew have chosen to stand up to Cash4Gold’s legal attack, and so have we.

FCC Launches Large Scale Investigation Of Cellular Industry

FCC Launches Large Scale Investigation Of Cellular Industry

Uh-oh, the FCC is getting serious about doing its job, which probably means more memos like the one Apple posted last week from companies like AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile. Yesterday the FCC announced three “Notices of Inquiry”—all unanimously voted for by a full, bi-partisan commission—that will look at different aspects of the cellular industry.

Apple, Google, And AT&T Respond To FCC's Google Voice Questions

Apple, Google, And AT&T Respond To FCC's Google Voice Questions

Apparently, Apple didn’t reject the Google Voice application for iPhone. They “[continue] to study it.” Yesterday, Apple, AT&T, and Google all turned in their responses to the FCC’s questions as part of the investigation into the bannination of Google Voice from the iPhone App Store.

Sleepy's Exec Says Bedbugs Come From People

Sleepy's Exec Says Bedbugs Come From People

Buried in the controversy surrounding the exit of consumer reporter George Gombossy from the Hartford Courant was his article that looks at complaints against mattress company Sleepy’s. We though this bit of wisdom from Sleepy’s COO was worth repeating:

Hiring Consultant Warns: "No Connection Between Credit History And Job Performance"

Hiring Consultant Warns: "No Connection Between Credit History And Job Performance"

Almost half of all employers use credit reports to judge job applicants, even though credit histories have no relation to job performance. Personal finance goofs are only relevant for jobs that deal directly with money—cashiers, account managers, and the like. For everyone else, negative credit reports keep otherwise capable people from securing a job to help avoid further financial problems. So why do so many companies still ask for credit reports?

FCC Asks Apple, AT&T To Explain Why They Rejected Google Voice App

FCC Asks Apple, AT&T To Explain Why They Rejected Google Voice App

Apple (and AT&T) may have finally pushed too far with this week’s rejection of the Google Voice App from the iPhone App Store, for no reason other than it “duplicated functionality” already offered—for a price—by AT&T. According to mocoNews, the FCC has asked Apple and AT&T to provide answers about how apps are approved, why they’re denied, and particularly how much say AT&T has over things iPhone-related.

Computer Techs Are Still Pervs

Computer Techs Are Still Pervs

Best Buy will face stiff competition if it ever tries to penetrate the UK market, as this hidden camera investigation into peeping tom computer repair shops reveals.

Network World Uncovers More Dirt On Zer01

Network World Uncovers More Dirt On Zer01

NetworkWorld published its findings on the suspicious histories of the men behind new cellphone company Zer01 just two days ago, but they clearly sent someone behind the scenes scrambling. This afternoon they reported that Zer01’s parent company “has stripped its Web site down to only basic information,” and that “new details have also come to light suggesting a past connection between two of the involved companies, despite claims to the contrary.”