
Yap Browser: The Worst Browser Ever

Yap Browser: The Worst Browser Ever

When installed on your computer, it immediately hooks itself deep into the bowels of your registry like a tapeworm. If you try to buy something online, it’ll reroute you to a different site, or try to cash in on referral credit. It hijacks pages, logs keystrokes and, from the moment it is installed, calls out over the Internet to other spyware: “There’s a party over here and everyone’s invited!”

The Government: Reading Your Email to Fight Terrorism!

The Government: Reading Your Email to Fight Terrorism!

Every day, I wake up to bluebirds twittering outside my window, throw up the curtains to wash my face in buttery sunshine and sing a little song to myself, confident that this will be the last day that I can enjoy another one of life’s little rights to privacy.

AOL is Giving Up The Ghost

AOL is Giving Up The Ghost

Like the wounds of the ten children a year who plummet into holes in the ground filled with the jagged shards of discarded AOL cds, America Online is just hemorrhaging money and subscribers these days.

Antispam Spammer Gets Spammed Out of Business

Antispam Spammer Gets Spammed Out of Business

We pretty much knew this was going to end in tears when we first heard of antispam company Blue Security’s scheme to start spamming spammers. The idea was technically sound: market a software that automatically floods addresses associated with spammers with millions of emails, shutting down their servers and spam capabilities.

Email Users Incompetent At Spying Out Scams

Email Users Incompetent At Spying Out Scams

We saw this great post indicating exactly how clueless the average person is when trying to detect spam of phishing schemes in their in-box. The blogger launched a site called to see how savvy Internet users were across the board when trying to detect email fraud. Unfortunately, users of the site are failing the test in overwhelming rates.

You Don’t Own Anything With DRM

You Don’t Own Anything With DRM

One problem with DRM in general is that it is an industry concept that takes-as-read the consumerist fallacy that you don’t actually own things you buy, you just license them. Perhaps this is the natural evolution of consumerism now that products like media are, if not less tangible, at least a bit more ethereal. Still, DRM gives all the power to the companies… and companies prove time and time again that they can’t be trusted.

FCC & Homeland Security Begin Tapping VoIP

FCC & Homeland Security Begin Tapping VoIP

You know, say what you want about Orwellian dystopias — at least murky and nightmarish Big Brother states in the realm of fiction tend to front the thought police surveillance bill.

Typosquatters: Google, Yahoo, Hucksters Profit From Your Butter Fingers

Typosquatters: Google, Yahoo, Hucksters Profit From Your Butter Fingers

Don’t you hate it when you try to go to and accidentally replace the first vowel with a w? Or put a hyphen between best and buy? And you end up at one of those squatter advertisement sites, designed specifically to garner profits from the typos or ignorance of others?

Southwest Launches Corporate Blog, But Where’s The CS?

Southwest Launches Corporate Blog, But Where’s The CS?

Southwest Airlines have launched a pretty respectable example of a half-decent, minimally-manipulative, somewhat-entertaining corporate blog. If you know what we mean. This isn’t McDonald’s stupid “Horse Whsiperer” Corporate Responsibility nonsense. For example, we got a kick out of the entry about a bee hive that was found in the tail of a plane that was being repaired and the bee keeper who was brought in to deal with the problem.

Time Warner Cable Install A Sisyphean Ordeal

Time Warner Cable Install A Sisyphean Ordeal

This is pathetic. Time Warner Cable, you are a corpulent prude whore, an easy slut who won’t put out.

Qwest Modem More Expensive, Less Functional Than Ever Before!

Qwest Modem More Expensive, Less Functional Than Ever Before!

Isn’t the functionality of technology supposed to get cheaper over time? Apparently not — after all, every piece of hardware can be unbundled into component services that companies can charge you for.

Pinheads At AOL’s Tech Support

Pinheads At AOL’s Tech Support

Think emails critical of AOL are the only ones that are being caught in AOL’s spam guard “software glitch?” Think again. We found this account from an ISP about trying to deal with AOL’s incompetent customer service and tech support.

AOL Denies Censoring DearAOL

AOL Denies Censoring DearAOL

AOL has predictably denied blocking emails that mentioned Instead, they have described it under the handy bugbear of being a “software glitch” that affected “over 50 sites with no commonality.” A list of the sites affected was not released, so, you know, we’ll just have to take their word for it.

AOL Blocks DearAOL Emails

AOL Blocks DearAOL Emails

AOL is now apparently blocking emails that are critical of their company.

AT&T Tries To Seal Docs About Secret Spy Rooms

AT&T Tries To Seal Docs About Secret Spy Rooms

As you all know, AT&T is currently fighting a class action lawsuit leveled against it by the Electronic Frontiers Foundation, claiming that AT&T has been working with the Bush Administration to secretly spy on millions of Americans without warrants.

90% of US Account Holders Think Bank Security Sucks

You just know your entire industry is gang raping the pooch when statistics like these are coming out:

Verizon on Net Neutrality: “Trust Us.”

Verizon on Net Neutrality: “Trust Us.”

With the depressing defeat of the Net Neutrality bill before the House Telecom and Internet subcommittee yesterday, many Internet users are getting a bit nervous. Are we on the precipitous edge of one of those nefarious slippery slopes people are always talking about? Will common sense prevail? If it doesn’t, can we trust providers like Verizon and AT&T to not cripple the Internet?

Anonymizer Flips China The Bird

Anonymizer Flips China The Bird