
GoDaddy Goes Ho Bag Crazy

GoDaddy Goes Ho Bag Crazy

CCBill Professional In The Face of Non-Linear Sexual Cravings

CCBill Professional In The Face of Non-Linear Sexual Cravings

You know, honestly, we’re just posting this one for the second sentence…

Diggers Tell Netscape To Fuck Itself

Diggers Tell Netscape To Fuck Itself

Verizon Cancels Consumer Affairs’ Broadband For Downloading Too Much

Verizon Cancels Consumer Affairs’ Broadband For Downloading Too Much

Consumer Affairs recently got a terse cancellation note from Verizon Wireless’ Unlimited BroadbandAccess service:

Comcast: The Head Doesn’t Know What The Arms Are Doing

Comcast: The Head Doesn’t Know What The Arms Are Doing

Daily Show Explains Net Neutrality

“The point is that with net neutrality all internet packets – whether they come from a big company or a single citizen – are treated in the exact same way.”

HOWTO: Get Internet On The Cheap

HOWTO: Get Internet On The Cheap

How does $500 extra a year sound? And it doesn’t even require stuffing envelopes.

WiFi or Die, Perhaps the Latter, Barnes & Noble & Starbucks

WiFi or Die, Perhaps the Latter, Barnes & Noble & Starbucks

We’re crouching on the floor of a Barnes & Noble in Park Slope, an enfranchised enclave of Brooklyn. The walls of our apartment began to throb and press against our skull, so we escaped, in search of caffeine, wi-fi and a/c. In a perch between the archival scrapbooking section and the leather journals, the sun beats a low hum across our arm and slow cooks our laptop. We glance enviously at the Starbucks tables.

Daily Show Ties Ted Stevens’ Tubes

Have no fear people, this crazy old politico isn’t in a position where his uninformed opinions might do harm, he’s only a member of the Senate commerce committee currently deciding on Net Neutrality.

180solutions’ Serves Up MySpace Spyware

180solutions’ Serves Up MySpace Spyware

Just when we think that MySpace couldn’t sink any lower in our esteems unless a gigantic bottomless pit opened up beneath the corporate headquarters and the tentacles of Cthulhu him/her/itself coiled around it to drag it into the chthonic pit… MySpace starts infecting users with spyware.

AOL Broadband Goes Free

AOL Broadband Goes Free

What happens when that booty becomes too shriveled and diseased to shake for cash? Honey, you gotta start giving it away.

Lisa from Comcast Sparkles!

Lisa from Comcast Sparkles!

Lisa the Comcast CSR rocks. Hey, we don’t doubt it, despite the terrible company to which she is umbilically affixed. Girls named Lisa tend to rock. But this time, Lisa doesn’t merely rock by dint of her party-girl name, but by saving one of our readers a few bucks when he needs it most.

The Internet Is Made of Tubes

The Internet Is Made of Tubes

No matter what you think of the Net Neutrality hub-bub — an insidious plot by clueless telecoms petulantly whining because their role on the web has been denigrated to that of mere pipes, or just the free-market at work — I think we can call agree that Senator Ted Stevens’ explanation of how the internet works stops just short of making it analogous to a stopped-up men’s room toilet:

Comcast, The Bedazzler

Comcast hopes that you will be distracted by these new ads and forget about how much their customer support sucks. What they should really do is capitalize on the sleeping tech fiasco. Do a campaign about how Comcast techs are your buddy. They’re so friendly, you want to hang out with them and play Halo2 and smoke weed and pass out on the sofa together. That tech shouldn’t have been fired, he should have been made company spokesman. Four spots here, found via Adfreak, with hipster mermen, hipster loggers whose jobs have been taken by robots, hipster Das Boot (sucks), and hipster Japanese game show. Whether being cross-bred with sheep and eating skittles or attending officially PRB sanctioned concerts, hipsters are the roxor. Takes Broken iPod, Runs Takes Broken iPod, Runs

With the meaty heel of a palm resounding against the center of your forehead with a leathery slap, this might strike many of you as particularly astounding advice, but we think it needs to be said: please, please do not mail your $400 iPod to some random Internet stranger proclaiming himself to be an iPod Mechanic. Especially if there isn’t even a phone number on the website.

Electric Coffee Abacus Calculates The Price of An Orgy

Electric Coffee Abacus Calculates The Price of An Orgy Now Font Size Is A Business Model! Now Font Size Is A Business Model!

Jaws Of Comcast

Just when you thought it was safe to connect your computer to the internet, Comcast customer service rears its crappy head again.