
DoubleShot Coffee Fights Back Against Starbucks

Yesterday, we reported on DoubleShot Coffee, a small Tulsa coffee shop that had been sued by Starbucks for infringing on their Doubleshot trademark. Well, the outspoken owner of DoubleShot Coffee, Brian Franklin, is fighting back via his company blog:

Waiting for Comcast Install Screed

Waiting for Comcast Install Screed

You call up the cable company, schedule an appointment, take off time from work and they don’t show up. You’ve heard, or told, the story many a time. In fact, we receive this same complaint several times a month.

Quit AOL And Keep Your Email

Quit AOL And Keep Your Email

Now that AOL has dropped “America” from its title, you no longer even have the excuse of patriotism to stick with them.

Google Deletes Blog

Google Deletes Blog

Larry Loves Adidas

Larry Loves Adidas

Larry (right, with his “homegirl”) loves Adidas.

AP Journalists Plagiarise Blogger

AP Journalists Plagiarise Blogger

Journalists don’t respect bloggers. That’s okay, we don’t respect journalists much either. Although we will always admire a clever writer, an excellent observationalist, a sound investigator or a great reporter, the entire concept of the “journalist” — untouchable, clergy-like purveyors of knowledge and opinion in a modern world that would be lost without them — makes us want to headbutt splayed scissors. Journalists are the guys too inept and self-righteous to be good reporters, commentators or essayists.

Universal Idiots To Offer Download-To-Gouge Movie Service

Universal Idiots To Offer Download-To-Gouge Movie Service

Universal Pictures is launching a download-to-own service where you can legally download movies like King Kong on to your computer for the low, low price of thirty-five dollars.

Connecticut Blocks MySpace For The Children

Connecticut Blocks MySpace For The Children

Annoying internet fad provider is being asked to initiate measures so that parents can block the website from minors.

Craigslist Advertises Sex For Rent

Craigslist Advertises Sex For Rent

When Ben started editing for The Consumerist, part of his contract was that he had to service Gawker overlords like Joel Johnson and Nick Denton, but not Brownlee, who doesn’t go for that gay stuff. Everyone thought it was a fair arrangement: although a passable writer, Ben’s true talents have always been most evident in his carnal artistry, and what artist wouldn’t want to make a living doing what he loves? But then Gawker’s crackerjack legal monkeys looked over the contract, cited New York State prostitution laws and Ben found that the numerous vacancies he had been hired by Gawker to fill were reduced to only one… that of a lowly Consumerist editor. Sullen, Ben comforted himself the only way he knew how: injecting every Consumerist post with as many gay non sequiturs as possible.

Quantifying Bad Word Of Mouth

Quantifying Bad Word Of Mouth

We saw over at Church of the Customer Blog that some new research has attempted to quantify the effect of bad word of mouth. The statistics aren’t encouraging for companies inclined to approach the concept of customer satisfaction only in the aggregate.

Web Marketing Association Says PR Firms Suck On The Web

What a shock. The Web Marketing Association has concluded a a decade-long study of website development trends and ranked the industries that grok web presence the best. Guess who’s at the bottom of the list? PR agencies.

Get 5 Free .Info Domains From 1and1

Get 5 Free .Info Domains From 1and1

Get ’em here.

Google Settles $90M Adwords ‘Click Fraud’ Lawsuit

Hot on the heels of reader Charles Flint’s nightmare with Google’s Adwords program comes the announcement that Google will be paying out 90 million in refunds to advertisers who paid Google money for cases of click fraud.

Exciting New Internet Business Model: Ream Customers

Exciting New Internet Business Model: Ream Customers

A gaggle of sleazy telecoms have united their individual minds into a gelid hive mind aimed at bringing about an end to flat pricing on the Internet.

China Fights ICANN With New Domain Name System

China Fights ICANN With New Domain Name System

The Chinese — weary of America’s control and insistence on Roman characters for domain names — have decided to set-up their own competitor to ICANN for domain names.

Reading Consumerist Makes You Blind, More Fundable

Reading Consumerist Makes You Blind, More Fundable

We know our template sucks. It looks as if it was withdrawn from the chthonic bung hole of the smelliest goth web designer who ever laced skull barrettes through his or her armpit hair. In our defense, we’ve been saying it sucks ever since it was foisted upon us by the capricious whim of our Gawker overlords. Only now are they willing to admit it’s terrible. But in some ways, the site design has paid off for us: judging from the volume of the outraged response from our occularly-challenged readers in response to this piece, we have a lot more blind readers than the other Gawker sites, which is a target demographic Gawker has before now had problems reaching. But still, we know it’s ugly, and we know that it has had dire impact on the aesthetic self-respect of our sighted readers.

Dear AOL: Practically Everyone Says You Suck

Dear AOL: Practically Everyone Says You Suck

Sexy Grapefruit Domain Banned In Vietnam

Sexy Grapefruit Domain Banned In Vietnam

Over in Vietnam, various regulations prevent you from naming a .vn domain after a body part approximately 50% of people on Earth have. Recently however, this aggressive stance towards clean, wholesome domain names has backfired on the clean, wholesome Vietnamese grapefruit which, without its tonal accents, is a filthy homonym for a cock.