It’s both hilarious and depressing when I go onto Facebook and see that someone I know is expressing outrage — OUTRAGE!! — in response to a shocking news story they came across online on a little-known news site called The Onion. Just this morning, I awoke to find that several of my idiot friends on Facebook had shared this Daily Currant story as if it were true, and one continued to insist it was authentic even after others pointed out in the comments that it’s a satire site. In order to cut down on the humiliation suffered by its users, Facebook is now testing a “satire” tag… that people will probably still ignore. [More]
stranger than fiction

Man Caught Trying To Sneak 97 M-Fing Snakes On This M-Fing Plane
It’s been leading up to this all summer… First, there was the idiot caught with 18 monkeys under his shirt at an airport in Mexico. Then, animal smuggling got cute and cuddly when a woman in Thailand was snagged hiding a tiger cub in her suitcase. And now internet meme has become reality as one of the world’s most wanted wildlife smugglers gets arrested in Malaysia with nearly 100 endangered snakes in his luggage. [More]