
How To Save Money Using A "Clean" Credit Card

How To Save Money Using A "Clean" Credit Card

If you’re the type of person who carries debt on your credit card from month to month, you should always have one “clean” credit card in your wallet, says Bob Sullivan of Red Tape Chronicles in his new book, Stop Getting Ripped Off: Why Consumers Get Screwed, and How You Can Always Get a Fair Deal. A “clean” credit card is one that you know can always get paid off in full if you use it, and you only whip it out for emergencies. For some consumers, this results in paying less interest and fewer penalties. In an excerpt he’s sharing with Consumerist readers, Bob explains how it works: [More]

Learn What Candy To Eat With This Flowchart

Learn What Candy To Eat With This Flowchart

The blog Eating The Road continues to churn out amazingly helpful flowcharts to guide you with pretty much everything you can put in your belly. The latest is the Candy Edition, and you probably won’t be surprised to see where candy corn and circus peanuts end up.

Others we’ve missed since we last checked in: the Beer Edition and the Freezer Aisle Edition.

Recycle Those Electronics The Right Way With These Tips

Recycle Those Electronics The Right Way With These Tips

The holiday influx of shiny new gadgets pushes your old devices out of your hands, creating a number of potential pitfalls, such as possible identity theft fueled by info on abandoned hard drives. [More]

Terrible Ideas For Secret Santa Gifts

Terrible Ideas For Secret Santa Gifts

I know, you’re on a tight budget this year, and office Secret Santa exchanges are tedious and awkward. But please don’t fill a hot dog bun with cat food and then top it off with ketchup, then wrap that up in gift wrap and call it your gift. Because someone already did that. Someone at a Sunday School. has a list of 13 of the worst Secret Santa gift ideas if you want to know what else has already been attempted. [More]

Dry Out A Wet Cellphone

Dry Out A Wet Cellphone

Tragedy! Your phone got wet and now it won’t turn on! What to do, what to do?! Well, there’s actually several things you can do to draw out the moisture and rescue your phone from a watery grave: [More]

Buy A New Car Without Getting Ripped Off

Buy A New Car Without Getting Ripped Off

There is a rare breed of individual who enjoys shopping for a new car. Likening it to one of our last remaining instances of socially acceptable bare-knuckle-boxing, Rob Gruhl is one such person. He shares his tips for not getting screwed at the dealership in this fun and lively and short presentation. [More]

Make Your Own Zhu Zhu The Fad Robot Hamster Toy

Make Your Own Zhu Zhu The Fad Robot Hamster Toy

If you have kids, you’re probably biting your nails down to the quick worrying how you’re going to find–much less pay for–this year’s super hot fad toy, Zhu Zhu the Robot Hamster. But don’t be so stupid! The thing about fad toys like Zhu Zhu is that they’re about 30% fun, 30% marketing, and 40% media hype. You can bypass all that nonsense and make your own in less than 20 minutes, and for a fraction of the cost. [More]

Another Example Of How To Go Cable-Free

Another Example Of How To Go Cable-Free

We’ve posted before about how to break your cable habit without giving up on TV altogether–it’s possible, but can’t happen without some work on your end. This week, the New York Times’ Nick Bilton explained how he and his wife have combined their existing devices with a few new ones to create a content stream that enables them to watch what they want without cable. [More]

How To Make Sure Your Next Plastic Surgery Is Safe

How To Make Sure Your Next Plastic Surgery Is Safe

If you’re dumb, you forget that plastic surgery is surgery with an extra word in front of it, a doctor tells CNN in their article on getting nip/tucked safely. As with any surgery, there’s no real way to make it completely safe, but here are five tips from their article that you should follow to improve your odds. In fact, they’re probably good tips for any kind of surgical procedure. [More]

What Makes A Person Good Scam Bait?

What Makes A Person Good Scam Bait?

We all like to think we’re basically scam-proof, and that our reason and skepticism will protect us from even the most talented hustlers. More likely, we just haven’t encountered those hustlers yet. [More]

7 Steps To Reach Executive Customer Service At Any Company

7 Steps To Reach Executive Customer Service At Any Company

If you can’t find the executive customer service phone number for a company by searching on Consumerist, here’s how to figure it out yourself. All it takes are 7 easy steps! [More]

Let This Flowchart Tell You Which Chain Restaurant To Visit Next

Let This Flowchart Tell You Which Chain Restaurant To Visit Next

Sometimes it’s hard to decide on a chain restaurant when you’re going out to eat. Luckily, the blog Eating The Road has produced a handy flowchart. What I like best about it is it asks the important questions, things like “Are you Drunk? Do you want to be? Are you high?” And most important, “Do you mind flair?” [More]

Warning Signs That Your Mechanic Is Scamming You

Warning Signs That Your Mechanic Is Scamming You

Mint has a great article on how to protect yourself from getting ripped off by a mechanic. First and foremost, read your car’s manual and learn what to ask for when you take it in. Just saying you need a tune up with a modern car flags you as an easy mark.

Free Thanksgiving Tips Book Download

Free Thanksgiving Tips Book Download

Here’s a free Thanksgiving-themed PDF booklet from Money Management International, a non-profit that focuses on financial literacy. The booklet contains some guidelines on how to plan out the big event, how to save money on decor, and tips on shopping and saving money.

Gorge Like A Pro At All You Can Eat Buffets

Gorge Like A Pro At All You Can Eat Buffets

Eating The Road has posted THE definitive guide to maximizing your all-you-can eat buffet experience. From types of buffets, to pre-game preparations, to inter-diner tactics, to post-game, everything you need to know about pigging your friggin’ brains out like a pro is here. A sampling:

How To Eat A Chicken Wing

How To Eat A Chicken Wing

I find those boney chicken wings really aggravating but that is apparently only because I am dumb and don’t know how to eat one properly. Thankfully, I have the internet and this YouTube video.

When To Buy A Home And How To Avoid Screwing It Up

When To Buy A Home And How To Avoid Screwing It Up

Are you hitting that stage in life where you’re thinking of becoming a homeowner? Morningstar has published two home buying articles that together offer some good, concise advice to the prospective buyer, especially if you’re a first-timer.

6 Things Your Insurance Agent Doesn't Need To Hear

6 Things Your Insurance Agent Doesn't Need To Hear

MSN Money Central posted a list of five things not to tell your insurer.