7 Steps To Reach Executive Customer Service At Any Company

If you can’t find the executive customer service phone number for a company by searching on Consumerist, here’s how to figure it out yourself. All it takes are 7 easy steps!
1. Enter the company name in Google Finance.
2. Get their headquarters phone number from the “address” area.
3. Pick a person from the officers and directors list. CEO usually works.
4. Call the HQ.
5. Get to the operator and ask in a calm professional voice to be transferred to the office of the person from step 3.
6. Whoever picks up, voice your complaint to them in a concise and polite manner.
7. You have now likely entered executive customer service Valhalla.
Note: It is perfectly okay and great to reach a secretary. They will make it happen for you.
Executive customer service is a person or team attached to the executive offices of most major companies that, unlike some call center jockeys reading off binders, have the ability to solve nearly any problem. If the binder boys aren’t doing it for you, it might be time to give executive customer service a try.
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