
How To File A Complaint With The FTC

How To File A Complaint With The FTC

Here at Consumerist, we’re constantly writing about online frauds, scams and misleading deals. But for all our writing, we’re not a federal agency. That’s where the Federal Trade Commission comes in. The good folks over at the FTC have just put together a short video demonstrating how easy it is for you to file a complaint with them on their site or over the phone. [More]

Do A Total Background Check On Yourself

Do A Total Background Check On Yourself

Now you can know what Big Brother knows about you and get access to the same dirt everyone from your boss, landlord, insurance agent, to your favorite casino has on you. Here is a comprehenisve list of websites and phone numbers for most of the “specialty” consumer reports, like your employment, rental, and check writing history. Be sure to check them out and correct any errors, before a crisis hits. [More]

Email Sprint's Lawyers

Email Sprint's Lawyers

If for some reason you feel compelled to contact Sprint’s lawyers, here is their email address: [More]

10 Ways To Provoke An IRS Audit

10 Ways To Provoke An IRS Audit

Life can get a little humdrum sometimes, so why not shake things up with an IRS audit? You can’t just check off a box and get an audit, you’ve got to earn it. You’ve got to provoke them. Here’s 10 ways to get some IRS agents knocking on your door: [More]

24 Ways To Make Some Extra Money

24 Ways To Make Some Extra Money

If you’re between jobs, underemployed, or just have a lot of extra time on your hands now that you’ve give up expensive hobbies like smoking or shopping, here’s a list of 24 ways you can you earn some extra money. They’re not full time jobs, or sometimes even part-time jobs, but they’re a good starting point if you need some inspiration on how to bring in a little extra cash. [More]

Here's A Simple Flowchart To Help Thwart Phishing Attacks

Here's A Simple Flowchart To Help Thwart Phishing Attacks

I like flowcharts because they appeal to the part of me that wants to be a robot. I also like them because they make multi-step decision paths incredibly simple to follow, even if you don’t have a lot of insight into the big picture. This flowchart from will help even your PowerPoint-slideshow-forwarding relative (yes, that one) shoot down phishers as soon as they hit the In Box. [More]

Save Money And Energy By Insulating Your Hot Water Pipes

Save Money And Energy By Insulating Your Hot Water Pipes

Are you looking something exciting to do this weekend? Why not roll up your sleeves and insulate your hot water pipes? It might not be as entertaining as throwing your cat in the snow, but it does provide more energy savings and significantly fewer wet, angry cats. [Consumer Reports Home] [More]

How To Protect Your Receipts

How To Protect Your Receipts

There’s a slight problem with many receipts these days–they’re printed on thermal paper, and over time they fade. Some readers were discussing this in the Kodak warranty thread from earlier this week, and I thought it might be useful to highlight it here for other readers. [More]

Why Aren't You Haggling Yet?

Why Aren't You Haggling Yet?

Michael S. Rosenwald saved $15 on a pair of shoes at Macy’s, $3 on a steak at Giant, $6 on a DVD set at Best Buy, and $100 off his next Verizon bill (plus a 10% discount on future bills) during one week spent haggling. In this Washington Post article, he describes how it felt to switch from the habit of paying full retail to looking at a price tag as a “suggestion,” in the words of one expert he met with. The executives Rosenwald spoke with repeatedly said that bargaining is not standard practice, but that didn’t stop employees and managers from making deals in order to close the sale. [More]

How To Improve Your Chances On Dating Websites

How To Improve Your Chances On Dating Websites

The blog for recently looked at over 7,000 profile pictures of men and women on the dating site, and compared various poses with the number of new contacts made each month. If you’re using a dating site you might want to read through their findings and fine-tune your presentation. [More]

Check Out The Department Of Transportation's New Site For Airline Passengers

Check Out The Department Of Transportation's New Site For Airline Passengers

If you’ve got a complaint about an airline, or you want to find out more about whether your complaint is valid, oh boy is there a treat in store for you! Earlier this month, the DOT launched a redesigned consumer aviation website at The goal of the site is “to make it as easy as possible for consumers to find the information they need to make their air travel experience as smooth and hassle-free as possible.” [More]

Free "How To Be Invisible" Download In Exchange For Your Email Address

Free "How To Be Invisible" Download In Exchange For Your Email Address

J.J. Luna, a former security consultant turned author, released a guide ten years ago that showed readers how get rid of paper and digital trails. The subject matter is probably a little too paranoid for most of our readers, but it overlaps with issues we talk about all the time here, like identity theft and online security. He’s just released a revised version, so he’s giving away the 2000 edition in PDF format for free. Well, in exchange for your email address. [More]

Protect Yourself From Unexpected Fees At Medical Clinics

Protect Yourself From Unexpected Fees At Medical Clinics

An anonymous reader wrote to us to ask what he should do about unexpected bills from a medical clinic. He chose the clinic precisely because he can’t afford hospital bills in the hundreds of dollars, and was led to believe that there’d be no out-of-pocket cost. It turns out there was. [More]

How To Make Sure You Get Paid What You're Worth

How To Make Sure You Get Paid What You're Worth

Wired has put together a Wiki called a “Get Paid What You’re Worth” that lists seven strategies to help you maximize your salary. To start off, use a salary calculator or report to get a ballpark estimate of the going rate in your area, and remember that you have to learn to negotiate if you want to make more money. [More]

Contact The Sports Authority Customer Service Manager

Contact The Sports Authority Customer Service Manager

In response to our post, 9 Confessions Of A Former Sports Authority Manager, SA Customer Service Manager Mike Ashton, who works in the corporate office, contacted Consumerist to let us know that customers can call him first, at 800-666-8143 or 720-270-6267, or emailing, before using the other contact information in the old post. Here is the message he left: [More]

Experts Answer Credit Questions From Average Americans

Experts Answer Credit Questions From Average Americans

Henry Unger at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has put together a multi-part series of questions and answers from readers. The detailed answers are provided by Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Greater Atlanta, and the questions–which I’ve listed below–cover a broad spectrum of personal finance issues, including credit cards, mortgages, and credit reports. [More]

Tips For Making Brownbagging More Interesting

Tips For Making Brownbagging More Interesting

Here’s my tip: change the definition of “brownbagging” to something dirty. But if that’s not going to catch on, and you want to continue to think of it as “bringing my lunch to school/work,” then here are a couple of tips from Wise Bread on how to avoid lunchtime boredom. [More]

Pitch Your Ideas To Procter & Gamble (But They Don't Want Kitty Swiffers)

Pitch Your Ideas To Procter & Gamble (But They Don't Want Kitty Swiffers)

If you’ve been sitting on some great idea that will make life easier for the average consumer, you can try pitching it to Procter & Gamble, writes the New York Times. Swiffer, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, and Glad ForceFlex trash bags all originated outside of P&G, although in most cases these outside ideas come from other companies. Still, you can go to their Connect + Develop website to pitch your own products if you like–just don’t try putting swiffer booties on cats, because they’ve already rejected that idea. [More]