
5 Secrets To Get Better Verizon Wireless Customer Service

5 Secrets To Get Better Verizon Wireless Customer Service

Here’s 5 things you might not know about Verizon Wireless that could also help you be more successful when dealing with customer service and customer service issues: [More]

How To EECB Sirius XM Radio

How To EECB Sirius XM Radio

If you have an issue with your Sirius XM Radio service or a billing problem, and vanilla customer service behind the 1-800 number just can’t seem to get it right, no matter how hard you try, you might try emailing the people running the company. Here are their email addresses: [More]

30 Ways You Can Spot Fake Online Reviews

30 Ways You Can Spot Fake Online Reviews

Last week we showed you a few ways to spot fake online reviews and asked you to submit yours. We got some really great stuff! Here’s the tips and techniques savvy Consumerist readers use to ferret out the shills, sockpuppets and charlatans when cruising online reviews of products and services. Get yer learn on! [More]

How To Find A Good Local Bank

How To Find A Good Local Bank

So you’re tired of banking at one of the big, faceless national chains and want to keep your money local? You can try one of the recent sites devoted to the local bank movement, like or, or you can follow this Kiplinger columnist’s lead and do it yourself with a little online research. [More]

Spot Fake Online Reviews

Spot Fake Online Reviews

Here are some warning signs that an online review is being left by a shill, or shills: [More]

iPhone Won't Make Calls Or Send Texts? Try Disabling 3G

iPhone Won't Make Calls Or Send Texts? Try Disabling 3G

The wunderiPhone can be more like a shiny brick of strife, especially for urban dwellers who want to do futuristic activities like make and receive calls and text messages. That’s because all your fellow connectivity addicts have saturated AT&T’s network. I know people who have had to, on repeated occasions, on a clear night in Manhattan, resort to payphones because of this. But wait, there’s a solution! [More]

EECB Gets United Healthcare To Cough Up $1,100

EECB Gets United Healthcare To Cough Up $1,100

Reader Monica used a trick she learned on Consumerist and got her health insurance company to pay her more than 11 big fat Benjamins. [More]

Make Your Disposable Razor Blade Last For 20 Months

Make Your Disposable Razor Blade Last For 20 Months

Disposable razor blades can cost $4 a pop and last only a few weeks, but Terry has been going for 20 months on the same cartridge. And yes, he still has a face. How does he do it? [More]

How To Find Affordable Therapy

How To Find Affordable Therapy

I know of two great ways to deal with issues in one’s life: drinking heavily, or seeing a therapist. I’ve tried both, and I have to say that the therapy route is more efficient, because if done correctly it can help you figure out why you do what you do, so that you can properly enjoy your liquor without all the tears.
The problem is that therapy sounds expensive, but there are actually affordable options out there if you know where to look. Here are some tips.

How To Take Care Of Your Dishwasher, Washing Machine, And

How To Take Care Of Your Dishwasher, Washing Machine, And Oven

My friends broke the high-efficiency (H.E.) washing machine in their new apartment last year because they were using too much soap. Alina Tugend at the New York Times says it’s a common problem–one repairman told her that “most people use 10 to 15 times the amount of soap they need.” [More]

Beat The "Four Square" Dealership Ripoff

Beat The "Four Square" Dealership Ripoff

Former used car salesman Alan Slone grew a little Jimminy Cricket in his ear and decided to spill his guts on a classic dealership technique used to addle your mind and empty your wallet. It’s called “The Four Square” and the object of the game is to make you lose. Here’s how it works, and how to beat it. [More]

Insider's Guide To DIY Comcast Troubleshooting

Insider's Guide To DIY Comcast Troubleshooting

Why waste another sick day waiting for a tech to never show up when you can troubleshoot it yourself? Tossed over the transom by some anonymous insider, here’s a how to on solving many problems with your Comcast internet, TV, or digital voice, like a big boy. [More]

How To Polish A Scratched iPhone

How To Polish A Scratched iPhone

Replacing an iPhone is expensive, which is why this guy decided to buy a heavily used and damaged one and clean it up himself. You might find the screen replacement side too daunting, but the procedure for turning a dull, scratched case into a glossy smooth one is something pretty much anyone can do. [More]

VIDEO: How To Fold Your T-Shirt In A Flash

VIDEO: How To Fold Your T-Shirt In A Flash

We haven’t yet mastered the technique shown in this video, but once we do, we figure this will save us a few hours of time at the laundromat over the course of a year. [More]

Reduce Your Chances Of Laptop Theft By Turning Off

Reduce Your Chances Of Laptop Theft By Turning Off Wi-Fi

A security company says that one easy way to find recently closed laptops hidden in cars or bags is to search for Wi-Fi radios, because some laptops can take half an hour or more before going into sleep mode. You need a specialized scanner to do sniff out Wi-Fi radios, but says you can get one for about $50. The security company, Credant Technologies, says a group of lottery scammers in Jamaica were using stolen laptops that they found in this way. The solution: disable your Wi-Fi before you close the lid on your laptop. [More]

Cut The Cable And Watch All Your TV And Movies

Cut The Cable And Watch All Your TV And Movies Online

Cutting cable can save you upwards of $500 a year, and Lifehacker shows you how to do it while still getting to watch all your favorite shows and movies online. [More]

Buy A Georgetown Law Degree On Craigslist

Buy A Georgetown Law Degree On Craigslist

Mom and Dad always wanted you to be a lawyer but who wants to dump all that money down the tubes and read those boring books? Well, no longer! Some burnout is selling his law degree from a fancy university on Craigslist! [More]