
Read Egg Carton Codes

Read Egg Carton Codes

For those who are visual learners, this graphic breaks down how to read an egg carton’s codes. Useful for telling if your eggs were part of the 228 million recalled for salmonella, for instance. [More]

Disable Facebook Places From Letting Others Tag Your Location

Disable Facebook Places From Letting Others Tag Your Location

“Facebook Places” is a new Facebook feature with Foursquare check-in-like functionality, but by default it lets other people tag you as being at a location without requiring your consent even if you’re not there. This could lead to friends tagging you as being inside a peepshow, or an ex-girlfriend tagging you as being with another girl so your new girlfriend gets pissed off. The sitcom storyline possibilities are endless! Here’s how to turn it off: [More]

Use "Remember The Milk" To Organize Your Bills

Use "Remember The Milk" To Organize Your Bills

Keeping track of what bills need to be paid when and how much can be a hassle. Here’s how you can use the long-time fave productivity and to-do list management tool “Remember The Milk” to simplify it. [More]

Install Flash On iPhone 4, 3GS

Install Flash On iPhone 4, 3GS

Now that the government says it’s okay to jailbreak your iPhone, you can follow these instructions and install the Flash on your iPhone 4 that Apple engineers forgot to, without fear that the ninjas are gonna getcha. [More]

It's Never Too Late To Haggle, Even At Target

It's Never Too Late To Haggle, Even At Target

Kyle just emailed us a recap of his successful haggling adventure at Target this past weekend. If you’re afraid to try haggling at a big chain store, check out his story for an example of how to make it pleasant for all parties involved; the goal is to approach it as a negotiation where everyone wins, not as a zero-sum competition. [More]

What's Your Net Worth?

What's Your Net Worth?

You can’t get where you’re going if you don’t know where you are. In order to accomplish your long-term financial goals, like saving up for travel, a home, or starting your own business, you should sit down and assess your net worth. [More]

Don't End Up In Jail For Debt

Don't End Up In Jail For Debt

Friend of the show Caveat Emptor has advice on how to not get thrown in jail for your debts. (Yes, this is happening in America). [More]

Before Suing A Company In Small Claims, Look Up The
"Registered Agent"

Before Suing A Company In Small Claims, Look Up The "Registered Agent"

Suing a company in small claims court is fun and easy and oftentimes the company won’t even try to fight back. One thing you want to make sure to remember though is to look up the company’s “registered agent” in the state where you are filing. If you don’t serve this person with notice of the case, it could result in a dismissal. [More]

Five Things To Do Before Losing Your Wallet

Five Things To Do Before Losing Your Wallet

Look, it’s going to happen eventually. Whether it’s pickpockets or carelessness, you’re going to lose your wallet. When you do, you’ll be glad you took these five steps to make recovery simple and painless. [More]

Make Ice Cream From Bananas

Make Ice Cream From Bananas

This recipe will show you how to make “ice cream” from bananas, a cool and cheap summer treat. The milk is optional. Repeat: optional. [Cooklikeyourgrandmother] [More]

Hey You In The Kitchen: You're Doing It Wrong

Hey You In The Kitchen: You're Doing It Wrong

Are you holding on to some old kitchen myths? If so, this website will shock and astound you as it slap chops the truth into your face. For example, baking soda in the fridge isn’t an efficient way to prevent odors, aluminum cookware doesn’t cause Alzheimer’s, and mayonnaise–at least the commercial brands made in the U.S.–will actually help prevent spoilage in dishes like chicken salad. [More]

Use Your Shoe To Open A Bottle Of Wine

Use Your Shoe To Open A Bottle Of Wine

The next time you find yourself somewhere without a corkscrew, try the technique in this video before you buy one. If you’ve got a shoe and a wall, you might be able to tap the cork out with a few carefully controlled smacks. [More]

4 Tips For Getting A Human Customer Service Rep On The Phone

4 Tips For Getting A Human Customer Service Rep On The Phone

We’ve all been there — trapped in the labyrinth of a company’s automated operator, pressing numbers, saying and repeating the nature of your problem, hoping that someone, anyone, will eventually pick up. In an effort to help, the Houston Chronicle’s Frugal Confessions blog put together a helpful run-down of four things you can try. [More]

Create A Different Password For Every Site And Never Forget A Single One

Create A Different Password For Every Site And Never Forget A Single One

So many logins to keep track of. You can use a handful of strong passwords across all your accounts but if somehow one gets figured out, your entire networked life could be at risk. But by creating an easy-to-remember pass phrase that uses part of the website’s name it its construction, you have a unique strong password for every account you have without ever even writing any of them down. [More]

Run Android On A Windows Mobile Phone

Run Android On A Windows Mobile Phone

Over at the How-To Geek they’ve figured out how to get the Android OS to run on a Windows Mobile phone, and now they are sharing the information with one and all. [More]

Get Insurance Even If You're Uninsured And Have Pre-Existing Conditions

Get Insurance Even If You're Uninsured And Have Pre-Existing Conditions

Yesterday launched which, among many other resources, contains links to where you can apply for the new state high-risk pools which are for uninsured folk with pre-existing conditions. [More]

Coffee Shop Hackers: How To Starbucks-Proof Your Laptop

Coffee Shop Hackers: How To Starbucks-Proof Your Laptop

Starbucks is offering free wi-fi in all of their locations starting today, so Lifehacker has some instructions that will help you keep your laptop safe while using public wi-fi. (Not just at Starbucks, obviously.) [More]

Fun Summer Project: Get Your Tax Records In Order!

Fun Summer Project: Get Your Tax Records In Order!

Inc. magazine has published a list of tips on how to get your home business tax documentation in order right now, so next year’s tax filing will be trouble free. Sure, this isn’t the most exciting staycation idea ever, but on the other hand anything you can do at home you can do in your underwear with a six pack of beer. I should really become a motivational speaker. [More]