It looks like it’s not just our waistlines that are getting larger from consuming a ton of High Fructose Corn Syrup. A new study shows that pancreatic cancer cells find fructose much easier to metabolize than glucose, making it easier for the cancer cells to grow, divide and multiply. [More]

Just Because That Dr. Pepper Has Retro Packaging Doesn't Mean It's Got Real Sugar In It
A few weeks back, we wrote about how Dr. Pepper is celebrating its 125th birthday with retro packaging and a real-sugar formula. However, a number of Consumerist readers have written in to complain that they purchased what they thought was real-sugar Dr. Pepper, only to find out it was the same old HFCS-containing soda in old packaging. [More]

Dr. Pepper Temporarily Ditches HFCS To Celebrate 125th Birthday
If you’re a real sugar fan and you spot a really old looking can of Dr. Pepper at your grocery store in the next few weeks, you might want to stock up. To celebrate its 125th anniversary, the soda brand is going retro with its can designs — and its sweetener. [More]

Make Your Own Ketchup, No HFCS Necessary
If you’d rather not have your ketchup sweetened by sketchy high-fructose corn syrup, you may want to consider making your own. [More]

Why Did Hunt's Ketchup Go HFCS Free?
Recently ConAgra, the maker of Hunt’s Ketchup, decided to reformulate the brand to exclude high fructose corn syrup. But was it for health reasons, or marketing ones? Or both? [More]

Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Considered A Natural Ingredient?
We get a lot of readers writing in to ask us whether or not a product containing High Fructose Corn Syrup can be labeled as “natural” or “all natural.” The latest was from Kirby, who questioned whether HFCS-containing “All Natural” sodas are indeed “all natural.” And, at least according to the FDA, the answer is “yes.” [More]

Science Says High-Fructose Corn Syrup Is Pretty Much The Worst Thing Ever
Those spoilsport researchers at Princeton are off spreading the word that sweet, delicious high-fructose corn syrup is as bad for your diet as Taylor Swift music is for your soul. The substance, found in soda, cookies, salad dressing and pretty much everything else that tastes good, is worse for you than fat or sucrose. [More]

Kosher Coke Is Once Again Here For Passover
Passover might not be starting until next week, but Coca Cola has already begun distributing 2-liter bottles of its kosher formula, which replaces high fructose corn syrup with sugar, to stores around the country. I know because I’ve got some chilling in the fridge. [More]

Researchers Urge Government To Levy Tax On Pizza
While the current Soda Tax trend looks doomed to fail in New York state and Philadelphia, researchers are already making a suggestion for the target of the next sin tax — pizza. [More]

Study Shows High Fructose Corn Syrup May Cause Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease
A University of California study on human subjects seems to indicate what food activists have long believed: high fructose corn syrup has special qualities which cause humans to pork up like animals in a feed lot. Oh, and it also may help cause life-threatening chronic diseases. The study was small, but frightening. [More]

Is Cheap Food To Blame For Our Expensive Health Care?
Michael Pollan thinks so. He’s got an op-ed in the NYT where he examines the relationship between or expensive health care and our cheap fast food.

Mercury: High-Fructose Corn Syrup's Secret Ingredient?
First, we learn of a possible sugar shortage, now an article by Mother Jones finds that part of the production procedure for high-fructose corn syrup might involve contaminating it with mercury. Basically, today is the best day ever for the president of NutraSweet.

Starbucks Continues To Try To Sell Food That Doesn't Suck
Calling their food the “Achilles’ heel of the company” Starbucks has announced that they are reworking 90% of their baked goods to remove high fructose corn syrup and/or artificial flavors and dyes, says Reuters.

Are The Most Common Fast Food Ingredients Actually Food?
Sure, many of us read Fast Food Nation and had nightmares for weeks afterward. Or, I did. William Harris analyzed fast food menus and broke down the most popular ingredients for a How Stuff Works article. Only one item on the list is something that I would acknowledge as “food.”

Do Consumers Really Care About High Fructose Corn Syrup?
We’ve been getting reports from readers that Pepsi and Mountain Dew Throwback are showing up in stores. Heartening news since Passover Coke season is over. “The second ingredient (after water) is ‘Sugar’ not the dreaded HFCS. Oh, and it is delicious,” Wyatt in Minnesota told us.

Kosher Coke Continues Its Popularity Among Sugar Lovers
Now that Pepsi has gotten the message that some people just prefer sugar-sweetened-soda, we’re wondering why Coke doesn’t offer it’s Kosher for Passover version all year round. It’s certainly popular with Coca-Cola aficionados of all religious persuasions.

Passover Is Coming, And It's Your Chance To Buy Real Sugar Products
Passover is a holiday that has special meaning to everyone, regardless of faith, because it’s the time of year when some food and drink companies release products sweetened with real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). If you want to stock up on real sugar Coca-cola or u-bet chocolate syrup (which I’ve never heard of, but John Hodgman seems to like), or if you just want to see whether you can really taste a difference between HFCS and cane or beet sugar, now’s your chance.

Snapple To Switch To Real Sugar Instead Of HFCS
The beverage makers are jumping off HFCS like rats off a sinking ship these days. Snapple has announced that it will will eliminate HFCS from its recipes. In at least once case this will actually result in fewer calories.